
来源:互联网 发布:wps office软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 04:37






    private Poller poller;   //poller对象    private IPollEvents handler;   //用于执行事件回调的handler



    //在将一个IO对象加入到一个IO线程的时候,要注意确定当前IO对象之前没有加入到任何IO线程或者已经从别的IO线程上面退下来了    //将当前这个IO对象加入到IO线程上面去,说白了主要是获取这个IO线程的poller对象    public void plug(IOThread io_thread_) {        assert (io_thread_ != null);        assert (poller == null);        poller = io_thread_.get_poller ();      //获取这个线程的poller对象    }


    //在poller里面移除channel    public final void rm_fd(SelectableChannel handle) {        poller.rm_fd(handle);    }    //给这个channel注册读取的事件    public final void set_pollin (SelectableChannel handle_) {        poller.set_pollin (handle_);    }    //在这个channel上面注册写事件    public final void set_pollout (SelectableChannel handle_) {        poller.set_pollout (handle_);    }    //注册链接事件    public final void set_pollconnect(SelectableChannel handle) {        poller.set_pollconnect(handle);    }    //注册accept事件    public final void set_pollaccept(SelectableChannel handle) {        poller.set_pollaccept(handle);    }    //取消读取事件的注册    public final void reset_pollin(SelectableChannel handle) {        poller.reset_pollin (handle);    }    //取消写事件的注册    public final void reset_pollout(SelectableChannel handle) {        poller.reset_pollout (handle);    }



    private static final int GREETING_SIZE = 12;   //问候msg的大小,12个字节  (10字节的头,1字节的版本,1字节的socket类型)        //  True iff we are registered with an I/O poller.    private boolean io_enabled;   //如果是true的话,表示当前已经注册到了poller上面去        private SocketChannel handle;   //真正底层用于通信的socketChannel    private ByteBuffer inbuf;  //接收数据的buf    private int insize;   //记录接收的数据的大小    private DecoderBase decoder;  //decoder    private Transfer outbuf;   //outbuf    private int outsize;   //outbuf的大小    private EncoderBase encoder;  //encoder    //  When true, we are still trying to determine whether    //  the peer is using versioned protocol, and if so, which    //  version.  When false, normal message flow has started.    private boolean handshaking;  //是否是在握手中,当值为false的时候代表握手已经完成了        //  The receive buffer holding the greeting message    //  that we are receiving from the peer.    private final ByteBuffer greeting;  //用于接收问候msg的buf    //  The send buffer holding the greeting message    //  that we are sending to the peer.    private final ByteBuffer greeting_output_buffer;  //用于发送问候msg的buf        private SessionBase session;    //所属的session    private Options options;  //选项配置    // String representation of endpoint    private String endpoint;   //这里一般是地址信息    private boolean plugged;   //是否已经加入了    private boolean terminating;  //是否已经停止了        // Socket    private SocketBase socket;  //所属的socket        private IOObject io_object;    //拥有的IO对象



    //构造函数,第一个参数是底层的channel,    public StreamEngine (SocketChannel fd_, final Options options_, final String endpoint_)     {        handle = fd_;        inbuf = null;        insize = 0;        io_enabled = false;        outbuf = null;        outsize = 0;        handshaking = true;  //初始化为ture,表示还没有完成握手        session = null;        options = options_;        plugged = false;        terminating = false;        endpoint = endpoint_;        socket = null;        greeting = ByteBuffer.allocate (GREETING_SIZE);  //创建用于接收问候msg的buf        greeting_output_buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate (GREETING_SIZE);   //创建用于发送握手信息的buf        encoder = null;        decoder = null;        try {            Utils.unblock_socket (handle);  //将底层的channel设置为非阻塞的            if (options.sndbuf != 0) {  //设置底层的socket的发送缓冲大小                handle.socket().setSendBufferSize((int)options.sndbuf);            }            if (options.rcvbuf != 0) {  //设置底层的socket的接收缓冲大小                handle.socket().setReceiveBufferSize((int)options.rcvbuf);            }        } catch (IOException e) {            throw new ZError.IOException(e);        }    }


    //将当前engine加入到IO线程以及session,其实这里最主要的事情是将channel注册到poller上面去    public void plug (IOThread io_thread_,            SessionBase session_)  {        assert (!plugged);        plugged = true;  //标志位                //  Connect to session object.        assert (session == null);        assert (session_ != null);        session = session_;    //当前所属的session        socket = session.get_soket ();  //获取所属的scoekt,这个是ZMQ的socket        io_object = new IOObject(null);  //创建IO对象,        io_object.set_handler(this);  //设置IO对象的事件回调        //  Connect to I/O threads poller object.        io_object.plug (io_thread_);  // 将IO对象搞到这个IO线程上面去,其实最主要的就是获取这个IO线程的poller对象        io_object.add_fd (handle);   //将底层的channel加入        io_enabled = true; //表示已经加入了                //  Send the 'length' and 'flags' fields of the identity message.        //  The 'length' field is encoded in the long format.        //设置发送的问候msg的信息        greeting_output_buffer.put ((byte) 0xff);        greeting_output_buffer.putLong (options.identity_size + 1);        greeting_output_buffer.put ((byte) 0x7f);        io_object.set_pollin (handle);  //注册当前channel的读事件        //  When there's a raw custom encoder, we don't send 10 bytes frame        boolean custom = false;        try {            custom = options.encoder != null && options.encoder.getDeclaredField ("RAW_ENCODER") != null;        } catch (SecurityException e) {        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {        }                if (!custom) {            outsize = greeting_output_buffer.position ();            outbuf = new Transfer.ByteBufferTransfer ((ByteBuffer) greeting_output_buffer.flip ());  //设置需要发送的buf,将问候信息发送出去            io_object.set_pollout (handle);        }                        //  Flush all the data that may have been already received downstream.        in_event ();  //看是否有数据读取了    }


    //当底层的chanel有数据可以读取的时候的回调方法    public void in_event ()  {        if (handshaking)            if (!handshake ())                return;                assert (decoder != null);        boolean disconnection = false;        //  If there's no data to process in the buffer...        if (insize == 0) {  //如果inbuf里面没有数据需要处理            //  Retrieve the buffer and read as much data as possible.            //  Note that buffer can be arbitrarily large. However, we assume            //  the underlying TCP layer has fixed buffer size and thus the            //  number of bytes read will be always limited.            inbuf = decoder.get_buffer ();  //从解码器里面获取buf,用于写入读取的数据,因为在已经设置了底层socket的TCP接收缓冲区的大小            insize = read (inbuf);  //用于将发送过来的数据写到buf中去,并记录大小            inbuf.flip();  //这里准备从buf里面读取数据了            //  Check whether the peer has closed the connection.            if (insize == -1) {  //如果是-1的话,表示底层的socket连接已经出现了问题                insize = 0;                disconnection = true;            }        }        //  Push the data to the decoder.        int processed = decoder.process_buffer (inbuf, insize);  //解析这些读取到的数据        if (processed == -1) {            disconnection = true;        } else {            //  Stop polling for input if we got stuck.            if (processed < insize)  //如果处理的数据居然还没有读到的数据多,那么取消读取事件的注册                io_object.reset_pollin (handle);            //  Adjust the buffer.            insize -= processed;  //还剩下没有处理的数据的大小        }        //  Flush all messages the decoder may have produced.        session.flush ();  //将decoder解析出来的数据交给session        //  An input error has occurred. If the last decoded message        //  has already been accepted, we terminate the engine immediately.        //  Otherwise, we stop waiting for socket events and postpone        //  the termination until after the message is accepted.        if (disconnection) {   //表示已经断开了连接,那么需要处理一下            if (decoder.stalled ()) {                io_object.rm_fd (handle);                io_enabled = false;            } else                error ();        }    }        //表示可以写数据了    public void out_event ()   {        //  If write buffer is empty, try to read new data from the encoder.        if (outsize == 0) {  //需要写的数据量为0            //  Even when we stop polling as soon as there is no            //  data to send, the poller may invoke out_event one            //  more time due to 'speculative write' optimisation.            if (encoder == null) {                 assert (handshaking);                 return;            }                        outbuf = encoder.get_data (null);  //从encoder里面获取数据            outsize = outbuf.remaining();            //  If there is no data to send, stop polling for output.            if (outbuf.remaining() == 0) {   //如果确实没有数据要写,那么取消写事件的注册                io_object.reset_pollout (handle);                                // when we use custom encoder, we might want to close                if (encoder.is_error()) {                    error();                }                return;            }        }        //  If there are any data to write in write buffer, write as much as        //  possible to the socket. Note that amount of data to write can be        //  arbitratily large. However, we assume that underlying TCP layer has        //  limited transmission buffer and thus the actual number of bytes        //  written should be reasonably modest.        int nbytes = write (outbuf);  //写数据        //  IO error has occurred. We stop waiting for output events.        //  The engine is not terminated until we detect input error;        //  this is necessary to prevent losing incomming messages.        if (nbytes == -1) {  //如果-1,那么表示底层用到的socket其实已经出现了问题            io_object.reset_pollout (handle);  //取消写事件的注册            if (terminating)                terminate ();            return;        }        outsize -= nbytes;  //这里更新需要写的数据的数量        //  If we are still handshaking and there are no data        //  to send, stop polling for output.        if (handshaking)            if (outsize == 0)                io_object.reset_pollout (handle);                // when we use custom encoder, we might want to close after sending a response        if (outsize == 0) {            if (encoder != null && encoder.is_error ()) {                error();                return;            }            if (terminating)                terminate ();        }    }


