2013-11-11 Oracle 课堂测试 练习题 例:BULK COLLECT及return table

来源:互联网 发布:绿化工程造价软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 11:16
--1)  查询“计算机”专业学生在“2007-12-15”至“2008-1-8”时间段内借书的--学生编号、学生名称、图书编号、图书名称、借出日期;select s.stuid, s.stuname, b.bid, b.title, bo.t_time  from borrow bo  join student s on bo.stuid = s.stuid  join book b on bo.bid = b.bid where bo.t_time between to_date('2007-12-15', 'yyyy-mm-dd') and       to_date('2008-01-08', 'yyyy-mm-dd') and s.major = '计算机';--2)  用pl/sql匿名块实现,查询所有借过图书的学生编号、学生名称、专业;(提示:用游标)declare  cursor c_student is    select * from student;  cursor c_borrow is    select * from borrow;begin  dbms_output.put_line('学生编号  ' || '  学生姓名  ' || '  专业');  for v_student in c_student loop    for v_borrow in c_borrow loop      if v_student.stuid = v_borrow.stuid then        dbms_output.put_line(v_student.stuid || '        ' ||                             v_student.stuname || '        ' ||                             v_student.major);        exit;      end if;    end loop;  end loop;end;--3)  查询借过作者为“安意如”的图书的学生姓名、图书名称、借出日期、归还日期;select s.stuname, b.title, bo.t_time, bo.b_time  from borrow bo  join student s on bo.stuid = s.stuid  join book b on bo.bid = b.bid where b.author = '安意如';--4)   查询目前借书但未归还图书的学生名称及未还图书数量;--(要求: 未还图书数,用函数实现,并在sql语句中调用)create or replace type t_borrowlist_object as object(stuid varchar2(20),                                                     books number);create or replace type t_borrowlist_table as table of t_borrowlist_object;create or replace function f_borrowlist  return t_borrowlist_table is v_rs t_borrowlist_table;begin  select t_borrowlist_object(s.stuname, count(*)) BULK COLLECT    INTO v_rs    from borrow bo    join student s on bo.stuid = s.stuid    join book b on bo.bid = b.bid   where bo.b_time is null   group by s.stuname;  return v_rs;end;select * from table(f_borrowlist());--5)用一个存储过程完成还书功能,输入参数为学号和书号,把当前日期作为还书日期。create or replace function f_rebook(v_stuid student.stuid%type,                                    v_bid   book.bid%type) return varchar2 is  PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION;  v_flag     number;  v_borrowid borrow.borrowid%type;  v_rs       varchar2(200);begin  select count(*)    INTO v_flag    from borrow   where b_time is null     and stuid = v_stuid     and bid = v_bid;  if v_flag >= 1 then    select borrowid      INTO v_borrowid      from borrow     where b_time is null       and stuid = v_stuid       and bid = v_bid       and rownum <= 1;    v_rs := v_stuid || ' 号同学还 ' || v_bid || ' 图书 成功';    update borrow set b_time = sysdate where borrowid = v_borrowid;    commit;  else    v_rs := v_stuid || ' 号同学还 ' || v_bid || ' 图书 失败';  end if;  return v_rs;end;select * from borrow;select f_rebook('1001', 'B001') from dual;
