
来源:互联网 发布:国密算法介绍 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 13:22


对文件内容进行倒序的最容易的方法是调用C运行期函数_ strrev。与所有C字符串一样,字符串的最后一个字符必须是个0结束符。由于文本文件不以0为结束符,因此FileReverse必须给文件附加一个0。若要进行这样的附加操作,首先要调用GetFileSize函数:
// Get the size of the file (I assume the whole file can be mapped).DWORD dwFileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL);
// 文件末尾添加 0,作为字符串的结束符PSTR pchANSI = (PSTR) pvFile;pchANSI[dwFileSize / sizeof(CHAR)] = 0;
在文本文件中,每一行的结尾都是一个回车符(‘\ r’)后随一个换行符(‘\ n’)。但是,当调用_strrev对文件进行倒序时,这些字符也会被倒序。如果将已经倒序的文本文件加载到文本编辑器,那么出现的每一对“ \ n \ r”字符都必须重新改为它的原始顺序。这个倒序操作是由下面的循环代码进行的:
while (pchANSI != NULL) {// We have found an occurrence....*pchANSI++ = '\r';   // Change '\n' to '\r'.*pchANSI++ = '\n';   // Change '\r' to '\n'.pchANSI = strstr(pchANSI, "\n\r"); // Find the next occurrence.}
在文件被倒序后, FileReverse便进行清除操作,撤消文件映射对象的视图映象,关闭所有的内核对象句柄。此外,FileReverse必须删除附加给文件结尾处的0字符(记住_strrev并不对结尾的0字符进行倒序)。如果没有删除0字符,那么倒序的文件将会多出一个字符,如果再次调用FileRev函数,将无法使文件还原成它的原始样子。若要删除文件结尾处的0字符,必须后退一步,使用文件管理函数,而不是通过内存映射对文件进行操作。
// Remove trailing zero character added earlier.SetFilePointer(hFile, dwFileSize, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);SetEndOfFile(hFile);
注意:SetEndOfFile函数必须在撤消视图的映象并且关闭文件映射对象之后调用,否则,该函数将返回FALSE,GetLastError则返回ERRORUSERMAPPE DFILE。这个


BOOL CFileRevDlg::FileReverse(){bool bIsTextUnicode = FALSE;  // Assume text is Unicode// Open the file for reading and writing.HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(m_DirectoryPath + FILENAME , GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ ,0,NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){MessageBox(_T("File could not be opened."));return FALSE;}// Get the size of the file (I assume the whole file can be mapped).DWORD dwFileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL);// Create the file-mapping object. The file-mapping object is 1 character // bigger than the file size so that a zero character can be placed at the // end of the file to terminate the string (file). Because I don't yet know// if the file contains ANSI or Unicode characters, I assume worst case// and add the size of a WCHAR instead of CHAR.HANDLE hFileMap = CreateFileMapping(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, dwFileSize + sizeof(WCHAR), NULL);if (hFileMap == NULL) {MessageBox(_T("File map could not be opened."));CloseHandle(hFile);return FALSE;}// Get the address where the first byte of the file is mapped into memory.PVOID pvFile = MapViewOfFile(hFileMap, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0);if (pvFile == NULL) {MessageBox(_T("Could not map view of file."));CloseHandle(hFileMap);CloseHandle(hFile);return FALSE;}// Does the buffer contain ANSI or Unicode?int iUnicodeTestFlags = -1;   // Try all testsbIsTextUnicode = IsTextUnicode(pvFile, dwFileSize, &iUnicodeTestFlags);SetDlgItemText(IDC_TEXTTYPE,bIsTextUnicode ? TEXT("文件编码:Unicode") : TEXT("文件编码:ANSI"));if (!bIsTextUnicode) {// For all the file manipulations below, we explicitly use ANSI // functions because we are processing an ANSI file.// 文件末尾添加 0,作为字符串的结束符PSTR pchANSI = (PSTR) pvFile;pchANSI[dwFileSize / sizeof(CHAR)] = 0;// Reverse the contents of the file._strrev(pchANSI);// Convert all "\n\r" combinations back to "\r\n" to // preserve the normal end-of-line sequence.pchANSI = strstr(pchANSI, "\n\r"); // Find first "\r\n".while (pchANSI != NULL) {// We have found an occurrence....*pchANSI++ = '\r';   // Change '\n' to '\r'.*pchANSI++ = '\n';   // Change '\r' to '\n'.pchANSI = strstr(pchANSI, "\n\r"); // Find the next occurrence.}} else {// For all the file manipulations below, we explicitly use Unicode// functions because we are processing a Unicode file.// Put a zero character at the very end of the file.PWSTR pchUnicode = (PWSTR) pvFile;pchUnicode[dwFileSize / sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;if ((iUnicodeTestFlags & IS_TEXT_UNICODE_SIGNATURE) != 0) {// If the first character is the Unicode BOM (byte-order-mark),// 0xFEFF, keep this character at the beginning of the file.pchUnicode++;}// Reverse the contents of the file._wcsrev(pchUnicode);// Convert all "\n\r" combinations back to "\r\n" to // preserve the normal end-of-line sequence.pchUnicode = wcsstr(pchUnicode, L"\n\r"); // Find first '\n\r'.while (pchUnicode != NULL) {// We have found an occurrence....*pchUnicode++ = L'\r';   // Change '\n' to '\r'.*pchUnicode++ = L'\n';   // Change '\r' to '\n'.pchUnicode = wcsstr(pchUnicode, L"\n\r"); // Find the next occurrence.}}// Clean up everything before exiting.UnmapViewOfFile(pvFile);CloseHandle(hFileMap);// Remove trailing zero character added earlier.SetFilePointer(hFile, dwFileSize, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);SetEndOfFile(hFile);CloseHandle(hFile);return TRUE;}






