
来源:互联网 发布:中国网络电视 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 15:30
/** * 保存到 Preferences 的cookie * @author michael yang * */public class PreferencesCookieStore implements CookieStore {    private static final String COOKIE_PREFS = "CookiePrefsFile";    private static final String COOKIE_NAME_STORE = "names";    private static final String COOKIE_NAME_PREFIX = "cookie_";    private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Cookie> cookies;    private final SharedPreferences cookiePrefs;    /**     * Construct a persistent cookie store.     */    public PreferencesCookieStore(Context context) {        cookiePrefs = context.getSharedPreferences(COOKIE_PREFS, 0);        cookies = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Cookie>();         // 构造方法,在初始化的时候如果以前已经有过的话,先把之前存在的加入进来        String storedCookieNames = cookiePrefs.getString(COOKIE_NAME_STORE, null);        if(storedCookieNames != null) {        //这里逗号分割,加入的时候注意是不是逗号一个个append        String[] cookieNames = TextUtils.split(storedCookieNames, ",");            for(String name : cookieNames) {            //加上统一前缀,获取value---编码后的cookie                String encodedCookie = cookiePrefs.getString(COOKIE_NAME_PREFIX + name, null);                if(encodedCookie != null) {                    Cookie decodedCookie = decodeCookie(encodedCookie);//解码,获得真正的cookie                    if(decodedCookie != null) {                        cookies.put(name, decodedCookie);//之前所有的cookie                    }                }            }             // 根据当前时间来清除过期的cookie            clearExpired(new Date());        }    }    @Override    public void addCookie(Cookie cookie) {        String name = cookie.getName();         // Save cookie into local store, or remove if expired        if(!cookie.isExpired(new Date())) {            cookies.put(name, cookie);        } else {            cookies.remove(name);        }         // Save cookie into persistent store        SharedPreferences.Editor prefsWriter = cookiePrefs.edit();         prefsWriter.putString(COOKIE_NAME_STORE, TextUtils.join(",", cookies.keySet()));        prefsWriter.putString(COOKIE_NAME_PREFIX + name, encodeCookie(new SerializableCookie(cookie)));        prefsWriter.commit();    }    @Override    public void clear() {        // Clear cookies from local store        cookies.clear();        // Clear cookies from persistent store        SharedPreferences.Editor prefsWriter = cookiePrefs.edit();        for(String name : cookies.keySet()) {            prefsWriter.remove(COOKIE_NAME_PREFIX + name);        }        prefsWriter.remove(COOKIE_NAME_STORE);        prefsWriter.commit();    }    @Override    public boolean clearExpired(Date date) {        boolean clearedAny = false;        SharedPreferences.Editor prefsWriter = cookiePrefs.edit();         for(ConcurrentHashMap.Entry<String, Cookie> entry : cookies.entrySet()) {            String name = entry.getKey();            Cookie cookie = entry.getValue();            if(cookie.isExpired(date)) {                // 清除cookies                cookies.remove(name);                 // Clear cookies from persistent store                prefsWriter.remove(COOKIE_NAME_PREFIX + name);                 // We've cleared at least one                clearedAny = true;            }        }         // Update names in persistent store        if(clearedAny) {            prefsWriter.putString(COOKIE_NAME_STORE, TextUtils.join(",", cookies.keySet()));        }        prefsWriter.commit();         return clearedAny;    }    @Override    public List<Cookie> getCookies() {        return new ArrayList<Cookie>(cookies.values());    }    protected String encodeCookie(SerializableCookie cookie) {        ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();        try {            ObjectOutputStream outputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(os);            outputStream.writeObject(cookie);        } catch (Exception e) {            return null;        }         return byteArrayToHexString(os.toByteArray());    }    protected Cookie decodeCookie(String cookieStr) {        byte[] bytes = hexStringToByteArray(cookieStr);        ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);        Cookie cookie = null;        try {           ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is);           cookie = ((SerializableCookie)ois.readObject()).getCookie();        } catch (Exception e) {           e.printStackTrace();        }        return cookie;    }    // Using some super basic byte array <-> hex conversions so we don't have    // to rely on any large Base64 libraries. Can be overridden if you like!protected String byteArrayToHexString(byte[] b) {        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(b.length * 2);        for (byte element : b) {            int v = element & 0xff;            if(v < 16) {                sb.append('0');            }            sb.append(Integer.toHexString(v));        }        return sb.toString().toUpperCase();    }    protected byte[] hexStringToByteArray(String s) {        int len = s.length();        byte[] data = new byte[len / 2];        for(int i=0; i<len; i+=2) {            data[i / 2] = (byte) ((Character.digit(s.charAt(i), 16) << 4) + Character.digit(s.charAt(i+1), 16));        }        return data;    }            public class SerializableCookie implements Serializable {        private static final long serialVersionUID = 6374381828722046732L;        private transient final Cookie cookie;        private transient BasicClientCookie clientCookie;        public SerializableCookie(Cookie cookie) {            this.cookie = cookie;        }        public Cookie getCookie() {            Cookie bestCookie = cookie;            if(clientCookie != null) {                bestCookie = clientCookie;            }            return bestCookie;        }        private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {            out.writeObject(cookie.getName());            out.writeObject(cookie.getValue());            out.writeObject(cookie.getComment());            out.writeObject(cookie.getDomain());            out.writeObject(cookie.getExpiryDate());            out.writeObject(cookie.getPath());            out.writeInt(cookie.getVersion());            out.writeBoolean(cookie.isSecure());        }        private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {            String name = (String)in.readObject();            String value = (String)in.readObject();            clientCookie = new BasicClientCookie(name, value);            clientCookie.setComment((String)in.readObject());            clientCookie.setDomain((String)in.readObject());            clientCookie.setExpiryDate((Date)in.readObject());            clientCookie.setPath((String)in.readObject());            clientCookie.setVersion(in.readInt());            clientCookie.setSecure(in.readBoolean());        }    }}
