Makers at work:Folks Reinventing the World One Object or Idea at a Time

来源:互联网 发布:天正提示软件已过期 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 14:27




During the pastfew years, a remarkable phenomenon—the Maker Movement—has emerged. For two decades, humans have been immersed increatingnew things based on bits. The Internet has woven itself into the fabricofeverything we do. The radical evolution of how humans and computersinteract hasbeen profound, and as we get closer to a world where humansand machines areintrinsically linked, our minds—and innovative energy—has started to shift back to the physical world.


I’m 47. When I was in high school over 30 years ago, we had three “labs”—

shop class, homeeconomics, and a computer lab. Shop class was a function of

the industrialrevolution—an effort to teach teenagers how to use the tools

in our parents’ garages to make things. Home economics was an artifact of

history that putwomen as “makers in the home.” Andcomputer lab was a

hint of thefuture.


To reallyunderstand the future, it’s important to look at the past. Before the industrialrevolution, the world had an incredible maker culture. Not surprisingly, thephrase “cottage industry” camefrom makers who created things in their cottages, before the industrialrevolution led to the rise of the factory. The industrial revolution, in aquest for massively scaling production, led to the consolidation andcentralization of maker activities into factories. For 100 years, we operatedunder this model, using bizarre phrases like

“massproduction” and “masscustomization” to describe what was going on.


In the mid-1990s,the commercial Internet appeared on the scene. Suddenly,we had a “platform” (the Web) for creating endlesscustomization. Today, in2013, the “web” is different for everyone—we all havewhatever experience we want, because of the incredible flexibility of softwareto be customized, configured, tinkered with, changed, and distributed. We’ve learned just how cool and powerful bits really are.


But that’s the past. And while the trajectory we started with computers—and bits—will continue ferociously over thenext two decades, a new movement has resurfaced. Once again, humans are messingaround with physical stuff. It’s as though, asindividuals, we’ve rediscovered the beauty and joy ofplaying around with atoms.



  1. Erik Kettenburg, Founder, Digistump
  2. David Merrill, Cofounder, Sifteo
  3. Nathan Seidle, CEO, SparkFun Electronics
  4. Laen, Founder, OSH Park
  5. Zach Kaplan, Founder and CEO, Inventables
  6. Emile Petrone, Founder, Tindie
  7. bunnie Huang, Founder, bunnie studios
  8. Natan Linder, Founder, FormLabs
  9. Ben Heck, Host, The Ben Heck Show
  10. Becky Stern, Director of Wearable Electronics, Adafruit Industries
  11. Eric Stackpole, Cofounder, OpenROV
  12. Eben Upton, Founder, Raspberry Pi Foundation
  13. Catarina Mota, Founder,
  14. Ward Cunningham, Inventor, Wiki
  15. Jeri Ellsworth, Founder, Technical Illusions
  16. Sylvia Todd, Maker, Sylvia’s Super Awesome Maker Show!
  17. Dave Jones, Host, EEVBlog
  18. Bre Pettis, CEO, MakerBot
  19. Eric Migicovsky, CEO, Pebble Technology
  20. Ian Lesnet, Slashdot Troll, Dangerous Prototypes
  21. Massimo Banzi, Cofounder, Arduino

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