Apache CXF解析Map,HashMap

来源:互联网 发布:apache rewrite https 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 13:49
项目中WebService框架用的是Apache CXF,但是在使用中发现Apache CXF不支持解析Map和HashMap,而且SOAP报文(XML)和JavaBean的转化是通过JAXB实现的,没办法,自己写了个Map到XML的适配器,来实现两者的转化。

import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Map;import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter;/** * simple introduction Map适配器,完成Java中map与XML中对应节点的转换 *  * <p> * detailed comment * @author zWX184091 2013-8-15 * @see * @since 1.0 */public class MapAdapter extends XmlAdapter<MapConvertor, HashMap<String, String>>{    /**     * XML to JAVA     *      * @param map     * @return HashMap<String, String>     * @throws Exception     */    @Override    public HashMap<String, String> unmarshal(MapConvertor map) throws Exception    {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        HashMap<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>();        // 遍历MapConvertor,将XML节点内容写入JavaBean Map对象        for (MapConvertor.MapEntry e : map.getEntry())        {            result.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());        }        return result;    }    /**     * JAVA to XML     *      * @param map     * @return MapConvertor     * @throws Exception     */    @Override    public MapConvertor marshal(HashMap<String, String> map) throws Exception    {        // 创建MapConvertor对象,盛放XML节点内容        MapConvertor convertor = new MapConvertor();        // 遍历map,将JavaBean中数据写入XML节点        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet())        {            // 创建空的MapEntry对象(该mapEntry应该放在循环内,防止重复使用同一个java对象引用)            MapConvertor.MapEntry mapEntry = new MapConvertor.MapEntry();            mapEntry.setKey(entry.getKey());            mapEntry.setValue(entry.getValue());            convertor.addEntry(mapEntry);        }        return convertor;    }}

import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;import java.util.Map.Entry;import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;/** * simple introduction Map转换器 *  * <p> * detailed comment * @author zWX184091 2013-7-31 * @see * @since 1.0 */@XmlType(name = "MapConvertor")@XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD)public class MapConvertor{    // SOAP报文结构是一个Map的List    private List<MapEntry> entry = new ArrayList<MapEntry>();    public void addEntry(MapEntry entry)    {        this.entry.add(entry);    }    public List<MapEntry> getEntry()    {        return entry;    }    public void setEntry(List<MapEntry> entry)    {        this.entry = entry;    }    public static class MapEntry    {        private String key;        private String value;        public MapEntry()        {            super();        }        public MapEntry(String key, String value)        {            super();            this.key = key;            this.value = value;        }        public MapEntry(Entry<String, String> entry)        {            super();            this.key = entry.getKey();            this.value = entry.getValue();        }        public String getKey()        {            return key;        }        public String getValue()        {            return value;        }        public void setKey(String key)        {            this.key = key;        }        public void setValue(String value)        {            this.value = value;        }    }}

public class SigParam{    // SOAP报文结构是一个Map的集合(List)    private List<HashMap<String, String>> entry;    public SigParam(List<HashMap<String, String>> entry)    {        super();        this.entry = entry;    }    public SigParam()    {        super();    }    @XmlElement(name = "string2stringMap")    @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(MapAdapter.class)    public List<HashMap<String, String>> getEntry()    {        return entry;    }    public void setEntry(List<HashMap<String, String>> entry)    {        this.entry = entry;    }}

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ser="http://service.ws.userinterface.sa.security.com/">   <soapenv:Header>      <userId>WHITE_GROUP_ADD_001</userId>      <password>000</password>   </soapenv:Header>   <soapenv:Body>      <ser:execute>         <arg0>            <records>               <string2stringMap>                  <entry>                     <key>groupName</key>                     <value>Hello_ggood</value>                  </entry>                  <entry>                     <key>adName</key>                     <value>最后一次测试</value>                  </entry>                  <entry>                     <key>time</key>                     <value>0909</value>                  </entry>               </string2stringMap>            </records>            <taskCode>WHITE_GROUP_ADD_001</taskCode>         </arg0>      </ser:execute>   </soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>

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