fnd_request.submit_request 的用法

来源:互联网 发布:知乎 驱动 微软认证 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 05:33

 --submit the request
 2      l_req_id_fee := fnd_request.submit_request('PO',--po模块
 3                                                 'REQIMPORT',
 4                                                 '',
 5                                                 '',
 6                                                 FALSE,
 7                                                 'POP_REQUEST',
 8                                                 to_char(SYSDATE, 'YYYYMMDD'),
 9                                                 'ALL',
10                                                 '',
11                                                 'N',
12                                                 'N');
14      if (l_req_id_fee is nullor (l_req_id_fee = 0then
15         raise l_submit_req;
16      else
17         --提交请求
18         COMMIT;
19         --更新状态(只有请求成功,状态才更改)
20         UPDATE hek_om_pop_headers_all
21         SET flow_status = 'reg_purchase'
22         --select * from hek_om_pop_headers_all
23         WHERE header_id IN (SELECT h.header_id
24                               FROM hek_om_pop_headers_v h
25                              WHERE h.flow_status = 'wait');
26         COMMIT;         
27      end if;
fnd_request.submit_request 的简单用法:


Application : Short name of the application associated with the concurrent request to be submitted. 
Program - Short name of the concurrent program (not the executable) for which the request should be submitted. 
Description - Description of the request that is displayed in the Concurrent Requests form (Optional.) 
Start_time - Time at which the request should start running, formatted as HH24:MI or HH24:MI:SS (Optional.) 
Sub_request - Set to TRUE if the request is submitted from another request and should be treated as a sub-request. 
Argument1...100 - Arguments for the concurrent request; up to 100 arguments are permitted. If submitted from Oracle Forms, you must specify all 100 arguments.

 Package 里面调用只需要传递需要的参数个数,因为它有默认值指示结束; 
 form 里面则不行,要写满 105 个,而且我们参数结束之后要用一个 chr(0) 来表示结束

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