Horspool algorithm

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The Boyer-Moore algorithm uses two heuristics in order to determine the shift distance of the pattern in case of a mismatch: the bad-character and the good-suffix heuristics. Since the good-suffix heuristics is rather complicated to implement there is a need for a simple algorithm that is based merely on the bad-character heuristics. Due to an idea of Horspool [Hor 80], instead of the "bad character" that caused the mismatch, in each case the rightmost character of the current text window is used for determining the shift distance.


0123456789...abcabdaacbabcaab       bcaab      0123456789...abcabdaacbabcaab          bcaab     (a)   Boyer-Moore (b)   Horspool   

In this example, t0, ..., t4  =  a b c a b is the current text window that is compared with the pattern. Its suffix a b has matched, but the comparison c-a causes a mismatch. The bad-character heuristics of the Boyer-Moore algorithm (a) uses the "bad" text character c to determine the shift distance. The Horspool algorithm (b) uses the rightmost character b of the current text window. The pattern can be shifted until the rightmost occurrence of b in the pattern matches the text character b, where the occurence at the last position of the pattern does not count.

Like the Boyer-Moore algorithm, the Horspool algorithm assumes its best case if every time in the first comparison a text symbol is found that does not occur at all in the pattern. Then the algorithm performs just O(n/m) comparisons.



The function occ required for the bad-character heuristics is computed slightly different as in the Boyer-Moore algorithm. For every alphabet symbol a, the function value occ(pa) is equal to the rightmost position of a in p0 ... pm-2, or -1, if a does not occur at all. Observe that the last symbol pm-1 of the pattern is not taken into account.


  • occ(text, x) = 2
  • occ(text, t) = 0
  • occ(next, t) = -1

The occurrence function for a certain pattern p is stored in an array occ that is indexed by the alphabet symbols. For every symbol a element A the entry occ[a] holds the corresponding function value occ(pa).

Given a pattern p, the following function horspoolInitocc computes the occurrence function.

void horspoolInitocc(){    int j;    char a;    for (a=0; a<alphabetsize; a++)        occ[a]=-1;    for (j=0; j<m-1; j++)    {        a=p[j];        occ[a]=j;    }}

Searching algorithm 

As in the Boyer-Moore algorithm, the pattern is compared from right to left with the text. After a complete match or in case of a mismatch, the pattern is shifted according to the precomputed function occ.

void horspoolSearch(){    int i=0, j;    while (i<=n-m)    {        j=m-1;        while (j>=0 && p[j]==t[i+j]) j--;        if (j<0) report(i);        i+=m-1;        i-=occ[t[i]];    }}


   [Hor 80]R.N. Horspool: Practical Fast Searching in Strings. Software - Practice and Experience 10, 501-506 (1980)  [1]http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/~lecroq/string/  [2]http://www.inf.fh-flensburg.de/lang/algorithmen/pattern/stringmatchingclasses/HorspoolStringMatcher.java   Horspool algorithm as a Java class source file
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