【Hackerrank】Find the merge point of two joined linked lists

来源:互联网 发布:喵叔的实验室 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 12:31

You’re given the pointer to the head nodes of two linked lists that merge together at some node. Find the node at which this merger happens. The two head nodes will be different and neither will be NULL.

Input Format
You have to complete the int FindMergeNode(Node* headA, Node* headB) method which takes two arguments - the heads of the linked lists. You should NOT read any input from stdin/console.

Output Format
Find the node at which both lists merge and return the data of that node. Do NOT print anything to stdout/console.

Sample Input

1 --> 2 --> 3 --> NULL      ^      |1-----                           1 --> 2 --> 3 --> NULL            ^            |      1-----                           

Sample Output


1. As shown in the Input, 2 is the merge point.
2. Similarly 3 is merging point

c++ code :

#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstdlib>#include<cmath>using namespace std;struct Node{int data;Node* next;};/*   Find merge point of two linked lists   Node is defined as   struct Node   {       int data;       Node* next;   }*/#include <stack>int FindMergeNode(Node *headA, Node *headB){    // Complete this function    // Do not write the main method.     stack<Node *> sta, stb;    if(headA == NULL || headB == NULL)        return 0;    Node *cur = headA;    while(cur != NULL)    {        sta.push(cur);        cur = cur->next;    }    cur = headB;    while(cur != NULL)    {        stb.push(cur);        cur = cur->next;    }    int last = 0;    while(!sta.empty() && !stb.empty())    {        Node *pa = sta.top();        Node *pb = stb.top();        sta.pop();        stb.pop();        if(pa->data != pb->data)        {            break;        }        else last = pa->data;    }    return last;}int main(){Node *A, *B, *C, *D,*E,*F,*G;A = new Node();B= new Node();  C= new Node(); D = new Node(); E = new Node(); F= new Node();G = new Node();A->data = 2; B->data = 4; C->data = 3; D->data = 5; E->data = 7; F->data = 6;G->data = 11;// case 1 = A->next = B; B->next = C; C->next = D; D->next = E; E->next = NULL;F->next = G; G->next = C;cout<<FindMergeNode(A,F)<<"\n";//case 2.A->next = B; B->next = C; C->next = E;  E->next = NULL;F->next = G; G->next = D;D->next = C;cout<<FindMergeNode(A,F)<<"\n";//case 3:A->next = B; B->next = E; E->next = NULL;F->next = G; G->next = D;D->next = C; C->next = E;cout<<FindMergeNode(A,F)<<"\n";}

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