
来源:互联网 发布:java工程师的专业技能 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 23:30
connect medrec/medrec@local-- Create table 日志记录表create table T_LOG(  ID         NUMBER(8),  HOS_NAME   varchar2(30),  USER_NAME  varchar2(20),  OPER_DATE  date,  EVENT_TYPE varchar2(30),  CONTENT    varchar2(200))tablespace TSP_MEDREC  storage  (    initial 40K    next 40K    minextents 1    maxextents unlimited    pctincrease 0  );-- Add comments to the table comment on table T_LOG  is '修改日志记录表';-- Add comments to the columns comment on column T_LOG.ID  is '序列号';comment on column T_LOG.HOS_NAME  is '工作站名';comment on column T_LOG.USER_NAME  is '操作员';comment on column T_LOG.OPER_DATE  is '操作时间';comment on column T_LOG.EVENT_TYPE  is '事件类型';comment on column T_LOG.CONTENT  is '内容';-- Grant/Revoke object privileges grant select, insert, update, delete on T_LOG to public;--日志记录序号-- Create sequence create sequence T_LOG_IDminvalue 10000001maxvalue 99999999start with 10000001increment by 1nocachecycleorder;grant select on t_log_id to public;connect inpbill/inpbill@local--触发器例子,记录费用明细表的删除与修改数量CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER Audit_trig AFTER UPDATE OR DELETE ON inpbill.inp_bill_detailFOR EACH ROWDECLARE    Time_now DATE;    Terminal varchar2(20);    Content  varchar2(200);BEGIN    --get current time, and the terminal(终端) of the user:    Time_now := SYSDATE;            --Terminal := USERENV('TERMINAL');  --机器名称    Terminal := sys_context('USERENV','IP_ADDRESS');    --IP              --record new employee primary key    IF INSERTING THEN --记录对inp_bill_detail的插入操作       null;      --record primary key of the deleted row:    ELSIF DELETING THEN --记录对emp_tab的删除操作                 Content := :old.patient_id ||'-' || to_char(:old.visit_id) || '-' || to_char(:old.item_no) ||'-'||:old.item_name||'-'||to_char(:old.amount);                INSERT INTO MEDREC.T_LOG VALUES( MEDREC.T_LOG_ID.Nextval,Terminal,user,time_now,'DELETE',content );            ELSE --记录对emp_tab的修改操作                content := :old.patient_id ||'-' || to_char(:old.visit_id) || '-' || to_char(:old.item_no) ||                                         '-原:'||:old.item_name||'-'||to_char(:old.amount)||'-新:'||:new.item_name||'-'||to_char(:new.amount);                INSERT INTO MEDREC.T_LOG VALUES( MEDREC.T_LOG_ID.Nextval,Terminal,user,time_now,'DELETE',content );    END IF;  END;
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