vim中NERDTree 的安装和使用

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网店的等级 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 06:44




1. .vimrc下载


    VIM中 :h NERDTree 看详细说明
2. .vimrc配置

                map <F1> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
                map <C-F1> :NERDTreeFind<CR>
                let NERDTreeChDirMode=2 "选中root即设置为当前目录
                let NERDTreeQuitOnOpen=1 "打开文件时关闭树
                let NERDTreeShowBookmarks=1 "显示书签
                let NERDTreeMinimalUI=1 "不显示帮助面板
                let NERDTreeDirArrows=1 "目录箭头 1 显示箭头 0传统+-|号
1. 常用命令
    NERDTreeToggle “打开 关闭树
        NERDTree [<start-directory> | <bookmark>] “这个配合标签用起来很爽
        NERDTreeFind “在树中找到当前文件
        Bookmark <name> “mark个书签
        BookmarkToRoot <bookmark> “打开书签并设置为root,用pwd查看当前工作目录
        ClearBookmarks [<bookmarks>] “清除书签
2. 常用快捷(在NERDTree面板下)
        o…….Open files, directories and bookmarks………………..|NERDTree-o|
        go……Open selected file, but leave cursor in the NERDTree…..|NERDTree-go|
        t…….Open selected node/bookmark in a new tab……………..|NERDTree-t|
        T…….Same as ‘t’ but keep the focus on the current tab……..|NERDTree-T|
        i…….Open selected file in a split window…………………|NERDTree-i|
        gi……Same as i, but leave the cursor on the NERDTree……….|NERDTree-gi|
        s…….Open selected file in a new vsplit…………………..|NERDTree-s|
        gs……Same as s, but leave the cursor on the NERDTree……….|NERDTree-gs|
        O…….Recursively open the selected directory………………|NERDTree-O|
        x…….Close the current nodes parent………………………|NERDTree-x|
        X…….Recursively close all children of the current node…….|NERDTree-X|
        e…….Edit the current dif……………………………….|NERDTree-e|
        D…….Delete the current bookmark ………………………..|NERDTree-D|
        P…….Jump to the root node………………………………|NERDTree-P|
        p…….Jump to current nodes parent………………………..|NERDTree-p|
        K…….Jump up inside directories at the current tree depth…..|NERDTree-K|
        J…….Jump down inside directories at the current tree depth…|NERDTree-J|
        <C-J>…Jump down to the next sibling of the current directory…|NERDTree-C-J|
        <C-K>…Jump up to the previous sibling of the current directory.|NERDTree-C-K|
        C…….Change the tree root to the selected dir……………..|NERDTree-C|
        u…….Move the tree root up one directory………………….|NERDTree-u|
        U…….Same as ‘u’ except the old root node is left open……..|NERDTree-U|
        r…….Recursively refresh the current directory…………….|NERDTree-r|
        R…….Recursively refresh the current root…………………|NERDTree-R|
        m…….Display the NERD tree menu………………………….|NERDTree-m|
        cd……Change the CWD to the dir of the selected node………..|NERDTree-cd|
        I…….Toggle whether hidden files displayed………………..|NERDTree-I|
        f…….Toggle whether the file filters are used……………..|NERDTree-f|
        F…….Toggle whether files are displayed…………………..|NERDTree-F|
        B…….Toggle whether the bookmark table is displayed………..|NERDTree-B|
        q…….Close the NERDTree window…………………………..|NERDTree-q|
        A…….Zoom (maximize/minimize) the NERDTree window………….|NERDTree-A|
        ?…….Toggle the display of the quick help…………………|NERDTree-?|
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