使用KineticJS HTML5画布修改曲线锚点

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝页头名字怎么居中 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 01:40


<!DOCTYPE HTML><html>  <head>    <style>      body {        margin: 0px;        padding: 0px;      }    </style>    <script src="http://d3lp1msu2r81bx.cloudfront.net/kjs/js/lib/kinetic-v4.7.4.min.js"></script>    <script defer="defer">      // globals      var curveLayer, lineLayer, anchorLayer, quad, bezier            function updateDottedLines() {        var q = quad;        var b = bezier;        var quadLine = lineLayer.get('#quadLine')[0];        var bezierLine = lineLayer.get('#bezierLine')[0];        quadLine.setPoints([q.start.attrs.x, q.start.attrs.y, q.control.attrs.x, q.control.attrs.y, q.end.attrs.x, q.end.attrs.y]);        bezierLine.setPoints([b.start.attrs.x, b.start.attrs.y, b.control1.attrs.x, b.control1.attrs.y, b.control2.attrs.x, b.control2.attrs.y, b.end.attrs.x, b.end.attrs.y]);        lineLayer.draw();      }      function buildAnchor(x, y) {        var anchor = new Kinetic.Circle({          x: x,          y: y,          radius: 20,          stroke: '#666',          fill: '#ddd',          strokeWidth: 2,          draggable: true        });        // add hover styling        anchor.on('mouseover', function() {          document.body.style.cursor = 'pointer';          this.setStrokeWidth(4);          anchorLayer.draw();        });        anchor.on('mouseout', function() {          document.body.style.cursor = 'default';          this.setStrokeWidth(2);          anchorLayer.draw();                  });        anchor.on('dragend', function() {          drawCurves();          updateDottedLines();        });        anchorLayer.add(anchor);        return anchor;      }      function drawCurves() {        var context = curveLayer.getContext();        context.clear();        // draw quad        context.beginPath();        context.moveTo(quad.start.attrs.x, quad.start.attrs.y);        context.quadraticCurveTo(quad.control.attrs.x, quad.control.attrs.y, quad.end.attrs.x, quad.end.attrs.y);        context.setAttr('strokeStyle', 'red');        context.setAttr('lineWidth', 4);        context.stroke();        // draw bezier        context.beginPath();        context.moveTo(bezier.start.attrs.x, bezier.start.attrs.y);        context.bezierCurveTo(bezier.control1.attrs.x, bezier.control1.attrs.y, bezier.control2.attrs.x, bezier.control2.attrs.y, bezier.end.attrs.x, bezier.end.attrs.y);        context.setAttr('strokeStyle', 'blue');        context.setAttr('lineWidth', 4);        context.stroke();      }      window.onload = function() {        var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({          container: 'container',          width: 578,          height: 200        });        anchorLayer = new Kinetic.Layer();        lineLayer = new Kinetic.Layer;        // curveLayer just contains a canvas which is drawn        // onto with the existing canvas API        curveLayer = new Kinetic.Layer();        var quadLine = new Kinetic.Line({          dashArray: [10, 10, 0, 10],          strokeWidth: 3,          stroke: 'black',          lineCap: 'round',          id: 'quadLine',          opacity: 0.3,          points: [0, 0]        });        var bezierLine = new Kinetic.Line({          dashArray: [10, 10, 0, 10],          strokeWidth: 3,          stroke: 'black',          lineCap: 'round',          id: 'bezierLine',          opacity: 0.3,          points: [0, 0]        });        // add dotted line connectors        lineLayer.add(quadLine);        lineLayer.add(bezierLine);        quad = {          start: buildAnchor(60, 30),          control: buildAnchor(240, 110),          end: buildAnchor(80, 160)        };        bezier = {          start: buildAnchor(280, 20),          control1: buildAnchor(530, 40),          control2: buildAnchor(480, 150),          end: buildAnchor(300, 150)        };        // keep curves insync with the lines        anchorLayer.on('beforeDraw', function() {          drawCurves();          updateDottedLines();        });            stage.add(curveLayer);        stage.add(lineLayer);        stage.add(anchorLayer);        drawCurves();        updateDottedLines();      };    </script>  </head>  <body onmousedown="return false;">    <div id="container"></div>  </body></html>

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