
来源:互联网 发布:雅思高分知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 00:59



     m = menu('title','n1','n2',......,'nn') 函数显示以字符串变量‘title’为标题的菜单,选项为字符串变量:‘n1’,......,返回所输入的值到m


>>  m = menu('登录注册界面','登录','注册','取消','返回')m =     1>> m = menu('登录注册界面','登录','注册','取消','返回')m =     2>>  m = menu('登录注册界面','登录','注册','取消','返回')m =     3>>  m = menu('登录注册界面','登录','注册','取消','返回')m =     4


>> help menu menu   Generate a menu of choices for user input.    CHOICE = menu(HEADER, ITEM1, ITEM2, ... ) displays the HEADER    string followed in sequence by the menu-item strings: ITEM1, ITEM2,    ... ITEMn. Returns the number of the selected menu-item as CHOICE,    a scalar value. There is no limit to the number of menu items.     CHOICE = menu(HEADER, ITEMLIST) where ITEMLIST is a string, cell    array is also a valid syntax.     On most graphics terminals menu will display the menu-items as push    buttons in a figure window, otherwise they will be given as a numbered    list in the command window (see example, below).     Example:        K = menu('Choose a color','Red','Blue','Green')        %creates a figure with buttons labeled 'Red', 'Blue' and 'Green'        %The button clicked by the user is returned as K (i.e. K = 2         implies that the user selected Blue).     See also uicontrol, uimenu, guide.    Reference page in Help browser       doc menu

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