从证书生成,到QSslSocket 等类的应用

来源:互联网 发布:维纶触摸屏编程手册 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 01:23

鄙人因需要折腾了一下QSslSocket,以下知识均来自网络以及 Qt 官方文档。

Ssl 相关背景知识:



1. 信息内容加密




2. 数字签名




3. 证书










Qt 文档对QSslSocket 的简介(读者可以看英文原文,但实际应用中有些地方跟文档里描述的有点不一样


QSslSocket 在Qt4.3引进。 

        QSslSocket 类为服务端和客户端提供了SSL加密套接字. 

你可以使用 QSslSocket 建立的一个安全的,加密的 TCP  连接去传输加密数据.

它可以工作在服务器模式和客户端模式。以及它支持最新的SSL协议,包括 SSLv3 和 TLSvxx (到了Qt 5.2.0已经支持多个TLS版本).

QSslSocket 默认使用 SSLv3 ,你可以在握手之前调用 setProtocol() 去改变 SSL 协议.

         SSL 运行于已进入连接状态的TCP流之上. 使用 QSslSocket 有两种简单的方法建立安全连接.

1.通过直接 SSL 握手。

2.延迟 SSL 握手,延迟 SSL  握手发生在连接已经建立在非加密模式之后.

通常的方法是使用 QSslSocket 构造一个对象通过调用其 connectToHostEncrypted() 来开始一个安全连接.


QSslSocket *socket = new QSslSocket(this); connect(socket, SIGNAL(encrypted()), this, SLOT(ready())); socket->connectToHostEncrypted("imap.example.com", 993);


        socket->startClientEncryption();        socket->startServerEncryption();

        就像一个普通的 QTcpSocket, QSslSocket 进入 HostLookupState(主机查找), ConnectingState(连接中状态),最后是 ConnectedState(已连接状态),

如果连接成功,握手会自动开始,如果握手成功, encrypted() 信号会被发出,以指明这个套接字已经进入加密状态以供使用。

      注意,当connectToHostEncrypted()函数返回后(encrypted()信号发射之前),就可以马上向套接字写数据了,这些数据在会被保存在套接字的队列中,直到 encrypted()信号被发射.

    一个使用延迟SSL握手去加密一个存在的连接例子,这个例子是一个 SSL  server 加密一个新进入的连接. 假设你创建了一个 SSL server 作为QTcpServer 的子

类. 你要重载 QTcpServer:;incomingConnection() 和一些其它的东西,就像后面这个例子一样. 首先构造一个 QSslSocket 实例,并调用其 setSocketDescriptor()

去设置这个新的套接字的描述符为新传进来的套接字描述符.然后通过调用 starServerEncryption()  初始化 SSL 握手.

void SslServer::incomingConnection(int socketDescriptor) {     QSslSocket *serverSocket = new QSslSocket;     if (serverSocket->setSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor)) {         connect(serverSocket, SIGNAL(encrypted()), this, SLOT(ready()));         serverSocket->startServerEncryption();     } else {         delete serverSocket;     } }

     如果发生错误,QSslSocket 会发射 sslErrors() 信号. 在这个例子里,如果没有执行忽略错误的动作,一旦发生错误,这个连接会被丢弃(droped). 继续,如果要无视所发生的错误,你可以调用 ignoreSslErrors(),可以在以下情况去调用 ignoreSslErrors()

1. 错误发生后,在这个incomingConnection() 这个槽里,或连接 void    sslErrors ( const QList<QSslError> & errors ) 信号的槽里。

2.在构造 QSslSocket 之后,尝试连接之前的任何时刻。

这样会允许QSslSocket 忽视与对端建立认证时所遇到的错误. 在SSL握手期间忽视错误一定要谨慎。


3. 注意:如果你在连接前通过调用了带参的 void QSslSocket::ignoreSslErrors ( const QList<QSslError> & errors ), sslErrors()信号还是会被发射的.


        一旦加密后,你可以将QSslSocket 当做正常的 QTcpSocket 来使用。当 readyRead() 信号被发射时,你可以调用 read(), canReadLine() 和 readLine(),

或者 getChar() 从 QSslSocket 的内部缓冲区读取加密数据。 并且你可以调用 write() 或者 putChar() 向对端写数据. QSslSocket 会自动为你所写入的数据进行加密,并在

数据已经写入到对端时会发出 encryptedBytesWritten() 信号.


       为方便起见,QSslSocket 支持 QTcpSocket 的阻塞函数, waitForConnected(), waitForReadyRead(), waitForBytesWritten(), 和 waitForDisconnected(). 同时也提供 .

waitForEncrypted(), waitForEncrypted()在加密连接建立之前会阻塞当前的调用线程.


QSslSocket socket; socket.connectToHostEncrypted("http.example.com", 443); if (!socket.waitForEncrypted()) {     qDebug() << socket.errorString();     return false; } socket.write("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"); while (socket.waitForReadyRead())     qDebug() << socket.readAll().data();

QSslSocket 提供了一个延伸, 易用的处理加密用的密码,私钥,本地,对端,认证机构证书(CA certificattes)的 API,也提供了处理握手阶段所发生的错误的API.


1. 套接字的加密通信套件可以在握手前通过 setCiphers() 和 setDefaultCiphers().定制.

2. 套接字的本地证书和私钥可以在握手前通过 setLocalCertificate() 和 setPrivateKey()定制.

3. CA证书数据库可以被扩展和定制,可通过这些函数定制,addCaCertificate(), addCaCertificates(), setCaCertificates(), addDefaultCaCertificate(),addDefaultCaCertificates和 setDefaultCaCertificates().

关于密码和证书的更多信息,请参照 QSslCipher 和 QSslCertificate.

注: 要知道bytesWritten() 与 encryptedBytesWritten() 这两个信号之间的不同. 对于 QTcpSocket, bytesWritten() 信号在数据一写入TCP套接字时会马上被发射.对于 QSslSocket, bytesWritten() 会在数据正在加密时发射. 当数据加密后写入到TCP套接字时encryptedBytesWritten()会被发射.


实践环境: Fedora19 , Qt4.8.5 ,Qt5.2.0(Qt5.2.0,有变化,代码要改动一些),OpenSsl(Fedora 更新到什么版本就是什么版本了)



#ifndef SERVER_H#define SERVER_H#include "include/common/net_heads.h"#include <QTcpServer>#include <QSslSocket>#include <QSslCipher>#include <QMutex>#include <QMutexLocker>class ServerThread;class Server : public QTcpServer{    Q_OBJECTpublic:    Server(QObject *parent = 0);public slots:    void startService();    void stopService();signals:private slots:    void debugMsgThreadDestory();    void debugMsgThreadFinished();    void serverThreadDisconnected(int initSocketDescriptor);protected:    void incomingConnection(int socketDescriptor);private:    QList<ServerThread *> serverThreadList;    QMutex threadListLock;};#endif // SERVER_H

#include "server.h"#include "serverthread.h"#include <stdlib.h>#include "include/debug/debug.h"Server::Server(QObject *parent)    : QTcpServer(parent){    /*设置socket的默认ca数据库*/    QList<QSslCertificate> caCertList = QSslCertificate::fromPath("../certificates/cacert.pem");    QSslSocket::setDefaultCaCertificates(caCertList);}void Server::startService(){    listen(QHostAddress::Any,TCP_PORT);    PrintMsg("listening...");}void Server::stopService(){    close();}void Server::incomingConnection(int socketDescriptor){    ServerThread *thread = new ServerThread(socketDescriptor);    connect(thread, SIGNAL(socketDisconnected(int)), this, SLOT(serverThreadDisconnected(int)),Qt::QueuedConnection);    connect(thread,SIGNAL(finished()),this,SLOT(debugMsgThreadFinished()));    connect(thread,SIGNAL(destroyed()),this,SLOT(debugMsgThreadDestory()));    threadListLock.lock();    serverThreadList.append(thread);    threadListLock.unlock();    thread->start();}void Server::serverThreadDisconnected(int initSocketDescriptor){    QMutexLocker lock(&threadListLock);    Q_UNUSED(lock)    for(int i = 0; i < serverThreadList.count(); i++)    {          if(serverThreadList.at(i)->getInitSocketDescriptor() == initSocketDescriptor)        {            PrintMsg("serverThreadList.at(%d)->getSocketDescriptor() = %d",i,serverThreadList.at(i)->getSocketDescriptor());            serverThreadList.at(i)->wait();            delete serverThreadList.at(i);            serverThreadList.removeAt(i);            PrintMsg("serverThreadList.removeAt(%d) initSocketDescriptor = %d list count = %d",i,initSocketDescriptor,serverThreadList.count());            return;        }    }    return;}void Server::debugMsgThreadDestory(){    //PrintMsg("thread destory.");}void Server::debugMsgThreadFinished(){    //PrintMsg("thread finished.");}

#ifndef SERVERTHREAD_H#define SERVERTHREAD_H#include <QThread>#include <QSslSocket>#include <QSslCipher>#include <QTimer>class ServerThread : public QThread{    Q_OBJECTpublic:    ServerThread(int socketDescriptor, QObject *parent = 0);    ~ServerThread();    int getSocketDescriptor() const;    int getInitSocketDescriptor() const;protected:    void run();private slots:    void _run();    void datareceive();    void handleSocketEncrypted();    void handleSslModeChanged(QSslSocket::SslMode mode);    void handleSocketConnected();    void handleSocketDisconnected();    void handleSockStateChange(const QAbstractSocket::SocketState &socketState);    void handleSocketError(const QAbstractSocket::SocketError &socketError);    void handleSslErrorList(const QList<QSslError> &errorList);    void handlePeerVerifyError(const QSslError &error);    void handleSslError(const QSslError &error);private:    void requestDestroyed();signals:    void socketDisconnected(int initDescriptor);private:    int socketDescriptor;    QSslSocket *socket;    QTimer *runTimer;};#endif // SERVERTHREAD_H

#include "serverthread.h"#include "include/debug/debug.h"#include "getsslrelateinfo.h"#include "crccheck.h"#include "datatype.h"#include "datatransfer.h"ServerThread::ServerThread(int socketDescriptor, QObject *parent) : QThread(parent), socketDescriptor(socketDescriptor){    socket = new QSslSocket(this);    runTimer = new QTimer(this);    moveToThread(this);}ServerThread::~ServerThread(){}int ServerThread::getSocketDescriptor() const{    if(socket)        return socket->socketDescriptor();    return -1;}int ServerThread::getInitSocketDescriptor() const{    return socketDescriptor;}void ServerThread::run(){    if (!socket->setSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor)) {        PrintMsg("socket->setSocketDescriptor %s",socket->errorString().toAscii().data());        handleSocketDisconnected();        return;    } #if 1 /*如果不设定证书和私钥,连接会失败,并不像官方所说那样,可以按不加密方式使用*/    socket->setPrivateKey("../certificates/server.pem");    socket->setLocalCertificate("../certificates/server.crt");#else //for test, self signed certificates    socket->setPrivateKey("test_certificates/server.key");    socket->setLocalCertificate("test_certificates/server.csr");    //socket->setPrivateKey("test_certificates/serverlo.key");    //socket->setLocalCertificate("test_certificates/serverlo.csr");#endif    socket->setPeerVerifyMode(QSslSocket::VerifyPeer);    connect(socket,SIGNAL(readyRead()),this,SLOT(datareceive()));    connect(socket,SIGNAL(encrypted()),this,SLOT(handleSocketEncrypted()));    connect(socket,SIGNAL(modeChanged(QSslSocket::SslMode)),this,SLOT(handleSslModeChanged(QSslSocket::SslMode)));    connect(socket,SIGNAL(connected()),this,SLOT(handleSocketConnected()));    connect(socket,SIGNAL(disconnected()),this,SLOT(handleSocketDisconnected()));    connect(socket,SIGNAL(stateChanged(QAbstractSocket::SocketState)),this,SLOT(handleSockStateChange(QAbstractSocket::SocketState)));    connect(socket,SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)),this,SLOT(handleSocketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)));    connect(socket,SIGNAL(sslErrors(QList<QSslError>)),this,SLOT(handleSslErrorList(QList<QSslError>)),Qt::DirectConnection);    connect(socket,SIGNAL(peerVerifyError(QSslError)),this,SLOT(handlePeerVerifyError(QSslError)));    socket->startServerEncryption();    runTimer->setInterval(1000);    runTimer->setSingleShot(true);    connect(runTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(_run()));    runTimer->start();    PrintMsg("socket Mode: %d",socket->mode());    exec();}void ServerThread::_run(){    if(socket->isEncrypted())    {        QString str = QString("hello I am Server threadId: %1").arg(QThread::currentThreadId());        QByteArray block;        block.resize(str.length() + 1);        memcpy(block.data(),str.toLocal8Bit().data(),block.size());        socket->write(block);    }    runTimer->start();}void ServerThread::datareceive(){    while(socket->bytesAvailable() > 0 )    {        QByteArray datagram;        datagram.resize(socket->bytesAvailable());        socket->read(datagram.data(),datagram.size());        qDebug() << "thread:" << QThread::currentThreadId() << datagram;    }}void ServerThread::handleSocketEncrypted(){    PrintMsg("handleSocketEncrypted.");}void ServerThread::handleSslModeChanged(QSslSocket::SslMode mode){    PrintMsg("socket Mode Change: %d",mode);}void ServerThread::handleSocketConnected(){    PrintMsg("Socket Connected");}void ServerThread::handleSocketDisconnected(){    PrintMsg("Socket Disconnected");    runTimer->stop();    requestDestroyed();}void ServerThread::requestDestroyed(){    PrintMsg("requestDestroyed.bytesToWrite %lld",socket->bytesToWrite());    if(socket->isOpen())        socket->close();    quit();    emit socketDisconnected(socketDescriptor);}void ServerThread::handleSocketError(const QAbstractSocket::SocketError &socketError){    PrintMsg("================socket error=================");    switch(socketError)    {    case QAbstractSocket::ConnectionRefusedError:        PrintMsg("The connection was refused by the peer (or timed out).");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError:        PrintMsg("The remote host closed the connection. Note that the client socket (i.e., this socket) will be closed after the remote close notification has been sent.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::HostNotFoundError:        PrintMsg("The host address was not found.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::SocketAccessError:        PrintMsg("The socket operation failed because the application lacked the required privileges.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::SocketResourceError:        PrintMsg("The local system ran out of resources (e.g., too many sockets).");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::SocketTimeoutError:        PrintMsg("The socket operation timed out.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::DatagramTooLargeError:        PrintMsg("The datagram was larger than the operating system's limit (which can be as low as 8192 bytes).");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::NetworkError:        PrintMsg("An error occurred with the network (e.g., the network cable was accidentally plugged out).");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::AddressInUseError:        PrintMsg("The address specified to bind() is already in use and was set to be exclusive.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::SocketAddressNotAvailableError:        PrintMsg("The address specified to bind() does not belong to the host.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError:        PrintMsg("The requested socket operation is not supported by the local operating system (e.g., lack of IPv6 support).");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError:        PrintMsg("The socket is using a proxy, and the proxy requires authentication.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::SslHandshakeFailedError:        PrintMsg("The SSL/TLS handshake failed, so the connection was closed (only used in SslSocket)");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::UnfinishedSocketOperationError:        PrintMsg("Used by AbstractSocketEngine only, The last operation attempted has not finished yet (still in progress in the background).");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::ProxyConnectionRefusedError:        PrintMsg("Could not contact the proxy server because the connection to that server was denied");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::ProxyConnectionClosedError:        PrintMsg("The connection to the proxy server was closed unexpectedly (before the connection to the final peer was established)");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::ProxyConnectionTimeoutError:        PrintMsg("The connection to the proxy server timed out or the proxy server stopped responding in the authentication phase.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::ProxyNotFoundError:        PrintMsg("The proxy address set with setProxy() (or the application proxy) was not found.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::ProxyProtocolError:        PrintMsg("The connection negotiation with the proxy server because the response from the proxy server could not be understood.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::UnknownSocketError:        PrintMsg("An unidentified error occurred.");        break;    default:        PrintMsg("Not match any errors.");        break;    }}void ServerThread::handleSslErrorList(const QList<QSslError> &errorList){    PrintMsg("====================Ssl Error List==================");    for(int i = 0 ;i < errorList.count(); i++)    {        QSslError SslError = errorList.at(i);        handleSslError(SslError);    }}void ServerThread::handlePeerVerifyError(const QSslError &error){    handleSslError(error);}void ServerThread::handleSslError(const QSslError & error){    PrintMsg("====================Ssl Error==================");    PrintMsg("%s",error.errorString().toAscii().data());    switch(error.error())    {    case QSslError::NoError:        break;    case QSslError::UnableToGetIssuerCertificate:        break;    case QSslError::UnableToDecryptCertificateSignature:        break;    case QSslError::UnableToDecodeIssuerPublicKey:        break;    case QSslError::CertificateSignatureFailed:        break;    case QSslError::CertificateNotYetValid:        break;    case QSslError::CertificateExpired:        break;    case QSslError::InvalidNotBeforeField:        break;    case QSslError::InvalidNotAfterField:        break;    case QSslError::SelfSignedCertificate:        break;    case QSslError::SelfSignedCertificateInChain:        break;    case QSslError::UnableToGetLocalIssuerCertificate:        break;    case QSslError::UnableToVerifyFirstCertificate:        break;    case QSslError::CertificateRevoked:        break;    case QSslError::InvalidCaCertificate:        break;    case QSslError::PathLengthExceeded:        break;    case QSslError::InvalidPurpose:        break;    case QSslError::CertificateUntrusted:        break;    case QSslError::CertificateRejected:        break;    case QSslError::SubjectIssuerMismatch:        break;    case QSslError::AuthorityIssuerSerialNumberMismatch:        break;    case QSslError::NoPeerCertificate:        break;    case QSslError::HostNameMismatch:        break;    case QSslError::UnspecifiedError:        break;    case QSslError::NoSslSupport:        break;    default:        PrintMsg("no match any ssl error.");        break;    }}void ServerThread::handleSockStateChange(const QAbstractSocket::SocketState &socketState){    PrintMsg("=============Socket State==============");    switch(socketState)    {    case QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState:        PrintMsg("The socket is not connected");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::HostLookupState:        PrintMsg("The socket is performing a host name lookup");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState:        PrintMsg("The socket has started establishing a connection");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::BoundState:        PrintMsg("The socket is bound to an address and port (for servers).");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::ClosingState:        PrintMsg("The socket is about to close (data may still be waiting to be written).");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::ListeningState:        PrintMsg("ListeningState .For internal use only.");        break;    default:        PrintMsg("Not match any states.");        break;    }}


#include "include/common/net_heads.h"#include "include/debug/debug.h"#include "include/exception/common_exception.h"#include "server.h"#include <typeinfo>#include <QApplication>int main(int argc , char **argv){    QApplication app(argc,argv);    Server *server = new Server();    server->startService();    return app.exec();}


#ifndef NETWORKCLIENTTHREAD_H#define NETWORKCLIENTTHREAD_H#include "include/common/net_heads.h"#include <QtGui/QDialog>#include <QListWidget>#include <QTimer>#include <QNetworkConfigurationManager>#include <QHostAddress>#include <QSslSocket>#include <QSslCipher>#include <QSslConfiguration>#include <QSslKey>#include <QThread>class NetWorkClientThread : public QThread{    Q_OBJECTpublic:    NetWorkClientThread(QObject *parent = 0);    ~NetWorkClientThread();protected:    void run();public slots:    void connectToServer();    void discontToServer();    void handleSocketConnected();    void handleSocketDisconnected();    void dataReceived();    void sendData();    void handleSockStateChange(const QAbstractSocket::SocketState &socketState);    void handleSocketError(const QAbstractSocket::SocketError &socketError);    void handleSocketEncrypted();    void handleSslModeChanged(QSslSocket::SslMode mode);    void handleSslErrorList(const QList<QSslError> &errorList);    void handlePeerVerifyError(const QSslError &error);    void handleSslError(const QSslError &error);private:private slots:    void _run();private:    bool status;    int port;    QHostAddress *serverIP;    QSslSocket *socket;    QTimer *runTimer;};#endif // NETWORKCLIENTTHREAD_H

#include "networkclientthread.h"#include "include/debug/debug.h"#include "getsslrelateinfo.h"#include "crccheck.h"#include "datatransfer.h"#include "datatype.h"#include <QTimer>NetWorkClientThread::NetWorkClientThread(QObject *parent) : QThread(parent){    status = false;    port = TCP_PORT;    serverIP = new QHostAddress();    runTimer = new QTimer(this);    connect(runTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(_run()));    moveToThread(this);}NetWorkClientThread::~NetWorkClientThread(){    delete serverIP;    delete socket;}void NetWorkClientThread::run(){    connectToServer();    runTimer->setInterval(5000);    runTimer->setSingleShot(true);    runTimer->start();    exec();}void NetWorkClientThread::_run(){    sendData();    //QTimer::singleShot(1000,this,SLOT(discontToServer()));    //runTimer->start();}//#define SERVERNAME "winkingzhu.xicp.net"void NetWorkClientThread::connectToServer(){    if(!status)    {        QString ip;#ifndef SERVERNAME        ip.append("localhost.localdomain");#else        ip = QString(SERVERNAME);#endif        socket = new QSslSocket(this);        if(!socket)            PrintMsg("memory not enough");#if 1        /**在设置了ignoreSslErrors(...)后,sslerror 信号还是会被发射的,只是连接不会被drop掉**/        QList<QSslError> expectedSslErrors;        QList<QSslCertificate> certList = QSslCertificate::fromPath("../certificates/server.crt");        QSslError error(QSslError::HostNameMismatch,certList.at(0));        expectedSslErrors.append(error);        socket->ignoreSslErrors(expectedSslErrors);        GetSslRelateInfo::getCertificateDetail(certList.at(0));#endif#if 0   /*查看ca证书数据库*/        PrintMsg("=====================DEFAULT CA DATA BASE============================");        QList<QSslCertificate > caCrtList = QSslSocket::defaultCaCertificates();        for(int i = 0; i < caCrtList.count(); i++)        {            GetSslRelateInfo::getCertificateDetail(caCrtList.at(i));        }        PrintMsg("=====================DEFAULT CA DATA BASE END============================");#endif#if 1  /*设置socket的ca数据库*/        QList<QSslCertificate> caCertList = QSslCertificate::fromPath("../certificates/cacert.pem");        socket->setCaCertificates(caCertList);        caCertList = socket->caCertificates();        PrintMsg("=====================SOCKET CA DATA BASE============================");        for(int i = 0; i < caCertList.count(); i++)        {            GetSslRelateInfo::getCertificateDetail(caCertList.at(i));        }        PrintMsg("=====================SOCKET CA DATA BASE END============================");#endif        socket->setPrivateKey("../certificates/client.pem");        socket->setLocalCertificate("../certificates/client.crt");        connect(socket,SIGNAL(encrypted()),this,SLOT(handleSocketEncrypted()));        connect(socket,SIGNAL(modeChanged(QSslSocket::SslMode)),this,SLOT(handleSslModeChanged(QSslSocket::SslMode)));        connect(socket,SIGNAL(sslErrors(QList<QSslError>)),this,SLOT(handleSslErrorList(QList<QSslError>)));        connect(socket,SIGNAL(peerVerifyError(QSslError)),this,SLOT(handlePeerVerifyError(QSslError)));        connect(socket,SIGNAL(connected()),this,SLOT(handleSocketConnected()));        connect(socket,SIGNAL(disconnected()),this,SLOT(handleSocketDisconnected()));        connect(socket,SIGNAL(readyRead()),this,SLOT(dataReceived()));        connect(socket,SIGNAL(stateChanged(QAbstractSocket::SocketState)),this,SLOT(handleSockStateChange(QAbstractSocket::SocketState)));        connect(socket,SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)),this,SLOT(handleSocketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)));#ifdef SERVERNAME        //socket->connectToHost(ip,port);        socket->connectToHostEncrypted(ip,port);#else        //socket->connectToHost(*serverIP,port);        socket->connectToHostEncrypted(ip,port);#endif        PrintMsg("socket Mode: %d",socket->mode());        status = true;        PrintMsg("connectToServer\n");    }}void NetWorkClientThread::discontToServer(){    if(socket)        socket->disconnectFromHost();    quit();}void NetWorkClientThread::handleSocketConnected(){    int length = 0;    QString msg = QString("I am in!");    if((length = socket->write(msg.toLatin1(),msg.length())) != msg.length())    {        return;    }}void NetWorkClientThread::sendData(){    if(!socket->isEncrypted())        return;    QString msg = QString("hello I am client %1").arg(QThread::currentThreadId());    socket->write(msg.toLatin1(),msg.length());}void NetWorkClientThread::handleSockStateChange(const QAbstractSocket::SocketState &socketState){    PrintMsg("=============Socket State==============");    switch(socketState)    {    case QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState:        PrintMsg("The socket is not connected");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::HostLookupState:        PrintMsg("The socket is performing a host name lookup");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState:        PrintMsg("The socket has started establishing a connection");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::BoundState:        PrintMsg("The socket is bound to an address and port (for servers).");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::ClosingState:        PrintMsg("The socket is about to close (data may still be waiting to be written).");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::ListeningState:        PrintMsg("ListeningState .For internal use only.");        break;    default:        PrintMsg("Not match any states.");        break;    }    PrintMsg("===========================");}void NetWorkClientThread::handleSocketEncrypted(){    PrintMsg("handleSocketEncrypted.");}void NetWorkClientThread::handleSslModeChanged(QSslSocket::SslMode mode){    PrintMsg("socket Mode Change: %d",mode);}void NetWorkClientThread::handleSslErrorList(const QList<QSslError> &errorList){    PrintMsg("====================Ssl Error List==================count %d",errorList.count());    for(int i = 0 ;i < errorList.count(); i++)    {        QSslError SslError = errorList.at(i);        handleSslError(SslError);    }}void NetWorkClientThread::handlePeerVerifyError(const QSslError &error){#if 1    handleSslError(error);#endif}void NetWorkClientThread::handleSslError(const QSslError &error){    PrintMsg("====================Ssl Error==================");    PrintMsg("%s",error.errorString().toAscii().data());    QSslCertificate cer = error.certificate();    if(cer.isNull())    {        PrintMsg("Error certificate is NULL! error code: %d",error.error());    }    else    {        PrintMsg("=====Error certificate infomation========error code: %d",error.error());        GetSslRelateInfo::getCertificateDetail(cer);        if(cer.isValid())        {            PrintMsg("Certificates is Valid.");        }        else        {            PrintMsg("Certificates is Not Valid.");        }    }    switch(error.error())    {    case QSslError::NoError:        break;    case QSslError::UnableToGetIssuerCertificate:        break;    case QSslError::UnableToDecryptCertificateSignature:        break;    case QSslError::UnableToDecodeIssuerPublicKey:        break;    case QSslError::CertificateSignatureFailed:        break;    case QSslError::CertificateNotYetValid:        break;    case QSslError::CertificateExpired:        break;    case QSslError::InvalidNotBeforeField:        break;    case QSslError::InvalidNotAfterField:        break;    case QSslError::SelfSignedCertificate:        break;    case QSslError::SelfSignedCertificateInChain:        break;    case QSslError::UnableToGetLocalIssuerCertificate:        break;    case QSslError::UnableToVerifyFirstCertificate:        break;    case QSslError::CertificateRevoked:        break;    case QSslError::InvalidCaCertificate:        break;    case QSslError::PathLengthExceeded:        break;    case QSslError::InvalidPurpose:        break;    case QSslError::CertificateUntrusted:        break;    case QSslError::CertificateRejected:        break;    case QSslError::SubjectIssuerMismatch:        break;    case QSslError::AuthorityIssuerSerialNumberMismatch:        break;    case QSslError::NoPeerCertificate:        break;    case QSslError::HostNameMismatch:        if(cer.subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::CommonName) == QString("GameServer"))        {            //socket->ignoreSslErrors();        }        //socket->ignoreSslErrors();        break;    case QSslError::UnspecifiedError:        break;    case QSslError::NoSslSupport:        break;    default:        PrintMsg("no match any ssl error.");        break;    }}void NetWorkClientThread::handleSocketError(const QAbstractSocket::SocketError &socketError){    PrintMsg("================socket error=================");    switch(socketError)    {    case QAbstractSocket::ConnectionRefusedError:        PrintMsg("The connection was refused by the peer (or timed out).");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError:        PrintMsg("The remote host closed the connection. Note that the client socket (i.e., this socket) will be closed after the remote close notification has been sent.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::HostNotFoundError:        PrintMsg("The host address was not found.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::SocketAccessError:        PrintMsg("The socket operation failed because the application lacked the required privileges.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::SocketResourceError:        PrintMsg("The local system ran out of resources (e.g., too many sockets).");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::SocketTimeoutError:        PrintMsg("The socket operation timed out.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::DatagramTooLargeError:        PrintMsg("The datagram was larger than the operating system's limit (which can be as low as 8192 bytes).");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::NetworkError:        PrintMsg("An error occurred with the network (e.g., the network cable was accidentally plugged out).");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::AddressInUseError:        PrintMsg("The address specified to bind() is already in use and was set to be exclusive.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::SocketAddressNotAvailableError:        PrintMsg("The address specified to bind() does not belong to the host.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError:        PrintMsg("The requested socket operation is not supported by the local operating system (e.g., lack of IPv6 support).");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError:        PrintMsg("The socket is using a proxy, and the proxy requires authentication.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::SslHandshakeFailedError:        PrintMsg("The SSL/TLS handshake failed, so the connection was closed (only used in SslSocket)");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::UnfinishedSocketOperationError:        PrintMsg("Used by AbstractSocketEngine only, The last operation attempted has not finished yet (still in progress in the background).");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::ProxyConnectionRefusedError:        PrintMsg("Could not contact the proxy server because the connection to that server was denied");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::ProxyConnectionClosedError:        PrintMsg("The connection to the proxy server was closed unexpectedly (before the connection to the final peer was established)");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::ProxyConnectionTimeoutError:        PrintMsg("The connection to the proxy server timed out or the proxy server stopped responding in the authentication phase.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::ProxyNotFoundError:        PrintMsg("The proxy address set with setProxy() (or the application proxy) was not found.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::ProxyProtocolError:        PrintMsg("The connection negotiation with the proxy server because the response from the proxy server could not be understood.");        break;    case QAbstractSocket::UnknownSocketError:        PrintMsg("An unidentified error occurred.");        break;    default:        PrintMsg("Not match any errors.");        break;    }}void NetWorkClientThread::handleSocketDisconnected(){    PrintMsg("disconnect");}void NetWorkClientThread::dataReceived(){    while(socket->bytesAvailable() > 0 )    {        QByteArray datagram;        datagram.resize(socket->bytesAvailable());        socket->read(datagram.data(),datagram.size());        qDebug() << datagram;    }}


#ifndef __DEBUG_H#define __DEBUG_H/*这个头文件按下面的需要,包含必要的头文件,比如QString*/#include "globalinclude.h"#define DEBUG_PROG#ifdef _WIN32/************Windows*****************//*获取当前文件,当函数,当前行作为QString*/#define POS_INF QString("File: %1 Func: %2 Line %3").arg(__FILE__).arg(__FUNCTION__).arg(__LINE__)#ifdef DEBUG_PROG#define PrintMsg(str,...) (qDebug("File: %s Func: %s Line: %d "str,__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,__VA_ARGS__))#else#define PrintMsg(str,...)#endif //DEBUG_PROG/************************************/#else/*************Linux*******************//*获取当前文件,当函数,当前行作为QString*/#define POS_INF QString("File: %1 Func: %2 Line %3").arg(__FILE__).arg(__func__).arg(__LINE__)#ifdef DEBUG_PROG//#define PrintMsg(str,arg...) (printf("File: %s Func: %s Line: %d "str,__FILE__,__func__,__LINE__,##arg))#define PrintMsg(str,arg...) (qDebug("File: %s Func: %s Line: %d "str,__FILE__,__func__,__LINE__,##arg))#else#define PrintMsg(str,arg...)#endif //DEBUG_PROG/**************************************/#endif //_WIN32 #endif //__DEBUG_


#include "include/common/connect_retry.h"#include "include/debug/debug.h"#include "include/exception/common_exception.h"#include <QApplication>#include "networkclientthread.h"#include <QList>int main(int argc , char **argv){    QApplication app(argc,argv);    QList <NetWorkClientThread *> list;    NetWorkClientThread *networkThread;    do    {        for(int i = 0; i < 1; i++)        {            networkThread = new NetWorkClientThread;            list.append(networkThread);            networkThread->start();        }        for(int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++)        {            list.at(i)->wait();        }        for(int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++)        {            delete list.at(i);        }        list.clear();    }    while(0);    return app.exec();}






# OpenSSL exampleconfiguration file.

# This is mostly beingused for generation of certificate requests.


# This definition stopsthe following lines choking if HOME isn't

# defined.

HOME = .



#oid_file =$ENV::HOME/.oid

oid_section = new_oids

# To use thisconfiguration file with the "-extfile" option of the

# "openssl x509"utility, name here the section containing the

# X.509v3 extensions touse:

# extensions =

# (Alternatively, use aconfiguration file that has only

# X.509v3 extensions inits main [= default] section.)

[ new_oids ]

# We can add new OIDsin here for use by 'ca', 'req' and 'ts'.

# Add a simple OID likethis:

# testoid1=

# Or use config filesubstitution like this:


# Policies used by theTSA examples.

tsa_policy1 =

tsa_policy2 =

tsa_policy3 =


[ ca ]

default_ca = CA_default# The default ca section


[ CA_default ]

dir = /etc/pki/CA #Where everything is kept

certs = $dir/certs #Where the issued certs are kept

crl_dir = $dir/crl #Where the issued crl are kept

database =$dir/index.txt # database index file.

#unique_subject = no #Set to 'no' to allow creation of

# several ctificateswith same subject.

new_certs_dir =$dir/newcerts # default place for new certs.

certificate =$dir/cacert.pem # The CA certificate

serial = $dir/serial #The current serial number

crlnumber =$dir/crlnumber # the current crl number

# must be commented outto leave a V1 CRL

crl = $dir/crl.pem #The current CRL

private_key =$dir/private/cakey.pem# The private key

RANDFILE =$dir/private/.rand # private random number file

x509_extensions =usr_cert # The extentions to add to the cert

# Comment out thefollowing two lines for the "traditional"

# (and highly broken)format.

name_opt = ca_default #Subject Name options

cert_opt = ca_default #Certificate field options

# Extension copyingoption: use with caution.

# copy_extensions =copy

# Extensions to add toa CRL. Note: Netscape communicator chokes on V2 CRLs

# so this is commentedout by default to leave a V1 CRL.

# crlnumber must alsobe commented out to leave a V1 CRL.

# crl_extensions =crl_ext

default_days = 365 #how long to certify for修改这个值,可改变默认给签多少天(也可以在签证时,指出有效时长)

default_crl_days= 30 #how long before next CRL

default_md = default #use public key default MD

preserve = no # keeppassed DN ordering

# A few difference wayof specifying how similar the request should look

# For type CA, thelisted attributes must be the same, and the optional

# and supplied fieldsare just that :-)

policy = policy_match

# For the CA policy

[ policy_match ]

countryName = match

stateOrProvinceName =match

organizationName =match

organizationalUnitName= optional

commonName = supplied

emailAddress = optional

# For the 'anything'policy

# At this point intime, you must list all acceptable 'object'

# types.

[ policy_anything ]

countryName = optional

stateOrProvinceName =optional

localityName = optional

organizationName =optional

organizationalUnitName= optional

commonName = supplied

emailAddress = optional


[ req ]

default_bits = 2048

default_md = sha1

default_keyfile =privkey.pem

distinguished_name =req_distinguished_name

attributes =req_attributes

x509_extensions = v3_ca# The extentions to add to the self signed cert

# Passwords for privatekeys if not present they will be prompted for

# input_password =secret

# output_password =secret

# This sets a mask forpermitted string types. There are several options.

# default:PrintableString, T61String, BMPString.

# pkix :PrintableString, BMPString (PKIX recommendation before 2004)

# utf8only: onlyUTF8Strings (PKIX recommendation after 2004).

# nombstr :PrintableString, T61String (no BMPStrings or UTF8Strings).

# MASK:XXXX a literalmask value.

# WARNING: ancientversions of Netscape crash on BMPStrings or UTF8Strings.

string_mask = utf8only

# req_extensions =v3_req # The extensions to add to a certificate request

[req_distinguished_name ]

countryName = CountryName (2 letter code)

countryName_default =CN

countryName_min = 2

countryName_max = 2

stateOrProvinceName =State or Province Name (full name)

#stateOrProvinceName_default= GuangDong

localityName = LocalityName (eg, city)

localityName_default =GuangZhou

0.organizationName =Organization Name (eg, company)

0.organizationName_default= XXX, Inc.

# we can do this but itis not needed normally :-)

#1.organizationName =Second Organization Name (eg, company)

#1.organizationName_default= World Wide Web Pty Ltd

organizationalUnitName= Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)


commonName = CommonName (eg, your name or your server\'s hostname)

commonName_max = 64

emailAddress = EmailAddress

emailAddress_max = 64

# SET-ex3 = SETextension number 3

[ req_attributes ]

challengePassword = Achallenge password

challengePassword_min =4

challengePassword_max =20

unstructuredName = Anoptional company name

[ usr_cert ]

# These extensions areadded when 'ca' signs a request.

# This goes againstPKIX guidelines but some CAs do it and some software

# requires this toavoid interpreting an end user certificate as a CA.


# Here are someexamples of the usage of nsCertType. If it is omitted

# the certificate canbe used for anything *except* object signing.

# This is OK for an SSLserver.

# nsCertType = server

# For an object signingcertificate this would be used.

# nsCertType = objsign

# For normal client usethis is typical

# nsCertType = client,email

# and for everythingincluding object signing:

# nsCertType = client,email, objsign

# This is typical inkeyUsage for a client certificate.

# keyUsage =nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment

# This will bedisplayed in Netscape's comment listbox.

nsComment = "OpenSSLGenerated Certificate"

# PKIX recommendationsharmless if included in all certificates.



# This stuff is forsubjectAltName and issuerAltname.

# Import the emailaddress.


# An alternative toproduce certificates that aren't

# deprecated accordingto PKIX.


# Copy subject details


#nsCaRevocationUrl =http://www.domain.dom/ca-crl.pem






# This is required forTSA certificates.

# extendedKeyUsage =critical,timeStamping

[ v3_req ]

# Extensions to add toa certificate request

basicConstraints =CA:FALSE

keyUsage =nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment

[ v3_ca ]

# Extensions for atypical CA

# PKIX recommendation.



# This is what PKIXrecommends but some broken software chokes on critical

# extensions.

#basicConstraints =critical,CA:true

# So we do thisinstead.

basicConstraints =CA:true

# Key usage: this istypical for a CA certificate. However since it will

# prevent it being usedas an test self-signed certificate it is best

# left out by default.

# keyUsage = cRLSign,keyCertSign

# Some might want thisalso

# nsCertType = sslCA,emailCA

# Include email addressin subject alt name: another PKIX recommendation


# Copy issuer details


# DER hex encoding ofan extension: beware experts only!

# obj=DER:02:03

# Where 'obj' is astandard or added object

# You can even overridea supported extension:

# basicConstraints=critical, DER:30:03:01:01:FF

[ crl_ext ]

# CRL extensions.

# Only issuerAltNameand authorityKeyIdentifier make any sense in a CRL.



[ proxy_cert_ext ]

# These extensionsshould be added when creating a proxy certificate

# This goes againstPKIX guidelines but some CAs do it and some software

# requires this toavoid interpreting an end user certificate as a CA.


# Here are someexamples of the usage of nsCertType. If it is omitted

# the certificate canbe used for anything *except* object signing.

# This is OK for an SSLserver.

# nsCertType = server

# For an object signingcertificate this would be used.

# nsCertType = objsign

# For normal client usethis is typical

# nsCertType = client,email

# and for everythingincluding object signing:

# nsCertType = client,email, objsign

# This is typical inkeyUsage for a client certificate.

# keyUsage =nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment

# This will bedisplayed in Netscape's comment listbox.

nsComment = "OpenSSLGenerated Certificate"

# PKIX recommendationsharmless if included in all certificates.



# This stuff is forsubjectAltName and issuerAltname.

# Import the emailaddress.


# An alternative toproduce certificates that aren't

# deprecated accordingto PKIX.


# Copy subject details


#nsCaRevocationUrl =http://www.domain.dom/ca-crl.pem






# This really needs tobe in place for it to be a proxy certificate.



[ tsa ]

default_tsa =tsa_config1 # the default TSA section

[ tsa_config1 ]

# These are used by theTSA reply generation only.

dir = ./demoCA # TSAroot directory

serial = $dir/tsaserial# The current serial number (mandatory)

crypto_device = builtin# OpenSSL engine to use for signing

signer_cert =$dir/tsacert.pem # The TSA signing certificate

# (optional)

certs = $dir/cacert.pem# Certificate chain to include in reply

# (optional)

signer_key =$dir/private/tsakey.pem # The TSA private key (optional)

default_policy =tsa_policy1 # Policy if request did not specify it

# (optional)

other_policies =tsa_policy2, tsa_policy3 # acceptable policies (optional)

digests = md5, sha1 #Acceptable message digests (mandatory)

accuracy = secs:1,millisecs:500, microsecs:100 # (optional)

clock_precision_digits= 0 # number of digits after dot. (optional)

ordering = yes # Isordering defined for timestamps?

# (optional, default:no)

tsa_name = yes # Mustthe TSA name be included in the reply?

# (optional, default:no)

ess_cert_id_chain = no# Must the ESS cert id chain be included?

# (optional, default:no)



[root@Winking-PC CA]#pwd


[root@Winking-PC CA]#mkdir {certs,newcerts,crl}

[root@Winking-PC CA]#ls

certs crl newcertsprivate /*如果没有这几个文件,可以自己创建*/

[root@Winking-PC CA]#echo 00 > serial; /*生成一个初始序列号*/

[root@Winking-PC CA]#touch index.txt /*创建index.txt文件*/

[root@Winking-PC CA]#echo 00 > crlnumber /*创建吊销证书号码文件*/

[root@Winking-PC CA]#ls

certs crl crlnumberindex.txt newcerts private serial


[root@Winking-PC CA]#openssl genrsa -out private/cakey.pem -des3 2048

Generating RSA privatekey, 2048 bit long modulus



e is 65537 (0x10001)

Enter pass phrase forprivate/cakey.pem: /*输入使用这个私钥时所要输入的密码"你的密码"*/

Verifying - Enter passphrase for private/cakey.pem:

[root@Winking-PC CA]#ls private/



[root@Winking-PC CA]#openssl req -new -x509 -key private/cakey.pem -days 14600 >cacert.pem

Enter pass phrase forprivate/cakey.pem:

You are about to beasked to enter information that will be incorporated

into your certificaterequest.

What you are about toenter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.

There are quite a fewfields but you can leave some blank

For some fields therewill be a default value,

If you enter '.', thefield will be left blank.


Country Name (2 lettercode) [CN]:CN

State or Province Name(full name) []:GuangDong

Locality Name (eg,city) [GuangZhou]:

Organization Name (eg,company) [XXX, Inc.]:

Organizational UnitName (eg, section) []:

Common Name (eg, yourname or your server's hostname) []:HOSTNAME

Email Address []:

[root@Winking-PC CA]#ls

cacert.pem certs crlcrlnumber index.txt newcerts private serial



[Winking@Winking-PCcertificates]$ openssl genrsa 1024 > server.pem

Generating RSA privatekey, 1024 bit long modulus



e is 65537 (0x10001)

[Winking@Winking-PCcertificates]$ ls



[Winking@Winking-PCcertificates]$ openssl req -new -key server.pem -out server.csr

You are about to beasked to enter information that will be incorporated

into your certificaterequest.

What you are about toenter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.

There are quite a fewfields but you can leave some blank

For some fields therewill be a default value,

If you enter '.', thefield will be left blank.


Country Name (2 lettercode) [CN]:CN

State or Province Name(full name) []:GuangDong

Locality Name (eg,city) [GuangZhou]:GuangZhou

Organization Name (eg,company) [XXX, Inc.]:XXX, Inc.

Organizational UnitName (eg, section) []: /*以上填写均要跟CA中心的一致*/

Common Name (eg, yourname or your server's hostname) []:USERHOSTNAME

Email Address []:

Please enter thefollowing 'extra' attributes

to be sent with yourcertificate request

A challenge password[]:

An optional companyname []:

[Winking@Winking-PCcertificates]$ ls

server.csr server.pem



[Winking@Winking-PCcertificates]$ sudo openssl ca -in server.csr -days 12775 -outserver.crt /*12775= 35*/

Using configurationfrom /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf

Enter pass phrase for/etc/pki/CA/private/cakey.pem:    <<在这里输入创建CA私钥的那个密码

Check that the requestmatches the signature

Signature ok

Certificate Details:

Serial Number: 0 (0x0)


Not Before: Jan 806:11:04 2014 GMT

Not After : Dec 3006:11:04 2048 GMT


countryName = CN

stateOrProvinceName =GuangDong

organizationName =XXX, Inc.

commonName = HOSTNAME

X509v3 extensions:

X509v3 BasicConstraints:


Netscape Comment:

OpenSSL GeneratedCertificate

X509v3 Subject KeyIdentifier:


X509v3 Authority KeyIdentifier:


Certificate is to becertified until Dec 30 06:11:04 2048 GMT (12775 days)

Sign the certificate?[y/n]:y

1 out of 1 certificaterequests certified, commit? [y/n]y

Write out database with1 new entries

Data Base Updated

[Winking@Winking-PCcertificates]$ ls

server.crt server.csrserver.pem



[root@Winking-PCnewcerts]# pwd


[root@Winking-PCnewcerts]# ls


[root@Winking-PCnewcerts]# openssl ca -revoke 00.pem

Using configurationfrom /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf

Enter pass phrase for/etc/pki/CA/private/cakey.pem:

Revoking Certificate00.

Data Base Updated

[root@Winking-PCnewcerts]# ls



[root@Winking-PC CA]#openssl ca -gencrl -out /etc/pki/CA/crl/crl.pem

Using configurationfrom /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf

Enter pass phrase for/etc/pki/CA/private/cakey.pem:

[root@Winking-PC CA]#ls crl/








0 0