android 4.0将SystemUI状态栏由顶部移到底部(二)

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝买绿茶 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 02:20


     protected int getStatusBarGravity() {

        return Gravity.TOP | Gravity.FILL_HORIZONTAL;


 这个函数,返回的是PhoneStatusBarView的Gravity, 所以现在只需把Gravity.TOP 改成BOTTOM 就OK了。但是,当我上拉的时候发现,原来的下拉列表出不来了,于是我将PhoneWindowManager中的所有Gravity.TOP 改成了BOTTOM。然后修改

boolean interceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)

       final int action = event.getAction();
        final int statusBarSize = mStatusBarView.getHeight();
        final int hitSize = statusBarSize*2;
        final int y = 480 - Math.abs((int)event.getRawY());

if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
            if (!mExpanded) {
                mViewDelta = statusBarSize - y;
            } else {
                mViewDelta = mAbsPos[1] + mTrackingView.getHeight() - y;
            if ((!mExpanded && y < hitSize) ||
                    (mExpanded && y > (mDisplayMetrics.heightPixels-hitSize))) {

                // We drop events at the edge of the screen to make the windowshade come
                // down by accident less, especially when pushing open a device with a keyboard
                // that rotates (like g1 and droid)
                int x = (int)event.getRawX();
                final int edgeBorder = mEdgeBorder;
                if (x >= edgeBorder && x < mDisplayMetrics.widthPixels - edgeBorder) {
                    prepareTracking(y, !mExpanded);// opening if we're not already fully visible

从代码中可以看出,当我在状态栏范围内按下的时候,它会根据我按下的点的坐标值,屏幕的高度,以及是否现在已经是滑动的状态来判断是否对滑动下拉菜单进行初始化,也就是那个  prepareTracking(y, !mExpanded);// opening if we're not already fully visible 方法, 通过LOG信息判断,上拉没有反应是因为y的值一直负的,于是修改Y值为
        final int y = 480 - Math.abs((int)event.getRawY());


void updateExpandedViewPos(int expandedPosition)中,修改如下

boolean visible = (mTrackingPosition + mTrackingView.getHeight()) > h;
            if (!visible) {
                // if the contents aren't visible, move the expanded view way off screen
                // because the window itself extends below the content view.
                mExpandedParams.y = -disph;

            // As long as this isn't just a repositioning that's not supposed to affect
            // the user's perception of what's showing, call to say that the visibility
            // has changed. (Otherwise, someone else will call to do that).
            if (expandedPosition != EXPANDED_LEAVE_ALONE) {
                if (SPEW) Slog.d(TAG, "updateExpandedViewPos visibilityChanged(" + visible + ")");


  boolean invisible = (mTrackingPosition + mTrackingView.getHeight()) ==0; //> h;
        mExpandedParams.y = mTrackingPosition;
            if (invisible) {
                // if the contents aren't visible, move the expanded view way off screen
                // because the window itself extends below the content view.
                mExpandedParams.y = -disph;
            // As long as this isn't just a repositioning that's not supposed to affect
            // the user's perception of what's showing, call to say that the visibility
            // has changed. (Otherwise, someone else will call to do that).
            if (expandedPosition != EXPANDED_LEAVE_ALONE) {
                if (SPEW) Slog.d(TAG, "updateExpandedViewPos visibilityChanged(" + invisible + ")");

int getExpandedHeight(int disph) {
        if (DEBUG) {
            Slog.d(TAG, "getExpandedHeight(" + disph + "): sbView="
                    + mStatusBarView.getHeight() + " closeView=" + mCloseView.getHeight());
        return disph - mStatusBarView.getHeight() - mCloseView.getHeight();


int getExpandedHeight(int disph) {
        if (DEBUG) {
            Slog.d(TAG, "getExpandedHeight(" + disph + "): sbView="
                    + mStatusBarView.getHeight() + " closeView=" + mCloseView.getHeight());
        return 480 - mStatusBarView.getHeight();//disph - mStatusBarView.getHeight() - mCloseView.getHeight();


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