ora-07445 oracle通过日志查错

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝冬季女装 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 22:41












ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [run_some_SQL()+268] [SIGBUS] [Invalid address alignment] [] [] []

ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [10] [2122262800] [261978112] [] [] []


l         错误发生在函数run_some_sql()

l         进程收到的信号是SIGBUS

l         一些其他相关信息。


l         没有给出导致错误的函数名称

l         进程收到的信息是signal 10

l         一些在本次错误中无用的信息


1,  alert.log文件,这个文件至少可以查出ora-07445错误发生前后的其他相关错误,确认init.ora文件信息也包含在里边。

2,  自实例上次启动以来所有的ora-07445ora-00600错误及其跟踪文件。


Trace file文件中信息的相关说明

    *** 2002-05-08 23:35:18.224    <---timestamp
*** SESSION ID:(194.14075) 2002-05-08 23:35:18.202

Exception signal: 10 (SIGBUS), code: 1 (Invalid address alignment), addr: 0x41e7, PC: kjrfnd()+44

*** 2002-05-08 23:35:19.404

ksedmp: internal or fatal error

ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kjrfnd()+44] [SIGBUS] [Invalid

address alignment] [16871] [] []     <----the errror

Current SQL statement for this session:   <---the current SQL statement


----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----

  object      line  object

  handle    number  name

e560c680        35  anonymous block

e560c680       290  anonymous block

----- Call Stack Trace -----           <----Stack trace starts here

calling              call      entry                argument values in hex

location            type   point                 (? means dubious value)

-------------------- -------- -------------------- ----------------------------

ksedmp()+168           CALL             ksedst()+0            540 ? 0 ? FFBE4F98 ?

                                                                                          FFBE4A3C ? FFBE4A20 ? 0 ?

ssexhd()+380            CALL             ksedmp()+0           3 ? 0 ? 1 ? FFBE56B8 ? 1 ?

                                                                                          6 ?

sigacthandler()+40   PTR_CALL   00000000              A ? FFBE5F10 ? 19FE000 ?

                                                                                          19FE000 ? 0 ? 0 ?

kjrfnd()+44                  PTR_CALL 00000000               A ? FFBE5F10 ? FFBE5C58 ?

kjrref()+176                 CALL             kjrfnd()+0            4177 ? F6A7F020 ? 0 ? 41DF ?

kjuocl()+732                CALL             kjrref()+0             FFBE63AC ? 19FA400 ?

kjusuc()+1260            CALL             kjuocl()+0            FFBE6218 ? EB5FB9A8 ?

                                                                                          EB5FB9A8 ? 5 ? 5 ? 0 ?

ksipget()+832             CALL             kjusuc()+0           19FA400 ? FFBE63AC ? 0 ?

                                                                                           E2A2ED40 ? 19FA400 ? 8 ?

ksqcmi()+3356            CALL             ksipget()+0          10020 ? FFBE6648 ? EE15430C ?

                                                                                           0 ? 0 ? 0 ?

ksqgtl()+944               CALL              ksqcmi()+0          FFBE65A8 ? 1 ? EDEB4C90 ?

                                                                                           EE1542D4 ? 1 ? 0 ?

<... lots of stuff deleted here ...>

sou2o()+20                  CALL             opidrv()+0           3C ? FFBEF784 ? 19F8000 ?

                                                                                            2F6C6F67 ? 0 ? 0 ?

main()+160                   CALL             sou2o()+0            FFBEFA80 ? 3C ? 4 ?

                                                                                            FFBEFA70 ? 1746CF4 ?

                                                                                            1A06318 ?

_start()+220                 CALL             main()+0               0 ? FFBEFC2C ? 1A1D478 ?

                                                                                           19F8000 ? 0 ? 0 ?

                                                            <----Stack trace ends here
----- Argument/Register Address Dump -----


如果客户可以随意的重现ora-07445错误,那么诊断并解决问题的时间将会被缩短。重现错误的第一步当然是找出造成错误的current sql。

文档Note 154170.1中主要描述了怎么查找当前错误的执行语句。但我们需要注意的是,当前问题可能是由于前面几个相关的其他语句执行时的上下文环境决定是否能出问题,所以有可能找到当前语句但无法重现问题。


l         是不是只有在当前参数时系统才会报错

l         是否在每天的固定时间点出错

l         出错跟哪些系统操作有主要关联,比如数据库的备份或者其他高消耗操作

l         是在特定的应用程序和用户下出错还是所有的程序和用户都出错

l         第一次报错是什么时间,当时对系统做了什么改变

l         系统出错时有没有伴随其他的错误产生





在trace file中查找错误出现时的语句主要分两个步骤:首先找到错误发生时的执行语句,然后需要找到语句中绑定变量的值。

Step 1:Find the SQL

在跟踪文件中查找字符串“Current cursor”(一般在cursor dump段的起始部分),使用current cursor后面的数字定位出错时系统的执行语句。


如果找到的这个数字n不为0,接着往下查找,定位到字符串“cursor n”其中n为刚找到的数字。从10.2版本后,你可能需要定位到字符串“cursor #n”,这里cursor name后面跟随的语句就是我们需要的sql。

另外我们也可以通过查找字符串“Current SQL statement for this session”来定位我们需要查找的sql语句,通常情况下,这个语句出现在trace file文件的开始部分。


Step 2:find values of the bind variables

如果定位得到的sql语句中出现了绑定变量,那么我们将会在cursor name后面发现”bind *”之类的字符串,其中×为0到n-1的值,n为sql语句中绑定变量的个数。


Dty : databype 1 varchar2 or nvarchar2

            2 number

            8 long

            11 rowid

            12 date

            23 raw

            24 long raw

            96 char

            112 clob or nclob

            113 blob

            114 bfile

Mxl: the maximum lenth

Scl: the scale(for number columns)

Pre: the precision(for number columns)

Value: 绑定变量的值

    通过解析上面的内容,你可以得到绑定变量的类型及其数据值,也有一些情况(非常少),你在bind *后面找不到values字节,那么我们就不能通过这种方式得到绑定变量的值。


In the following we will work through some examples of how to extract the SQL statement from trace files.

IMPORTANT: Replacing bind variables with literals can result in the optimizer choosing a different query path and thus the problem may not reproduce!

Example 1:

You should now be able to find the datatype of the bind variable (including length, scale, and precision if applicable) and the value.

The cursor dump starts with:

******************** Cursor Dump ************************
Current cursor: 2, pgadep: 1
Cursor Dump:

so we are looking for cursor 2:

---------------------------------------- Cursor 2 (20139ad0): CURFETCH curiob: 2013bca4 curflg: 7 curpar: 20139ab0
curusr: 0 curses 587a250c cursor name: select text from view$ where rowid=:1 child pin: 50a5b650, child lock: 50a5a628,
parent lock: 50a5a844 xscflg: 20141466, parent handle: 4f348490, xscfl2: 400 nxt: 2.0x0000006c nxt: 1.0x000001d8 Cursor
frame allocation dump: frm: -------- Comment -------- Size Seg Off bhp size: 52/560 bind 0: dty=11 mxl=16(16) mal=00
scl=00 pre=00 oacflg=18 oacfl2=1 size=16 offset=0 bfp=2013e9f4 bln=16 avl=16 flg=05 value=0000138C.0046.0004 

The current SQL is:

select text from view$ where rowid=:1 

and the bind variable translates into:

:1 ~ bind 0 - ROWID (dty=11), value = 0000138C.0046.0004 

so we can eg. reconstruct the original SQL statement as:

SQL> variable a1 varchar2(20)SQL> exec :a1 := '0000138C.0046.0004';SQL> select text from view$ where rowid=:a1; 

Note that we construct the statement using a SQL*Plus bind variable in order to prevent the optimizer from choosing a different plan (not that it would make any difference for this particular example).

Example 2:
The cursor dump starts with:

******************** Cursor Dump ************************ Current cursor: 11, pgadep: 1 Cursor Dump: ---------------------------------------- 

ie. we should look for cursor 11:

---------------------------------------- Cursor 11 (202cb9f0): CURBOUND curiob: 202f8b04 curflg: dd curpar:
0 curusr: 0 curses 30047c7c cursor name: SELECT LOCKID FROM DBMS_LOCK_ALLOCATED WHERE NAME = :b1 FOR UPDATE child pin:
0, child lock: 300dc9b4, parent lock: 301730b8 xscflg: 1151421, parent handle: 3025b4dc bind 0: dty=1 mxl=32(00) mal=00 scl=00 pre=00 oacflg=01 No bind buffers allocated ---------------------------------------- 

The current SQL statement is then:


The bind variable :b1 is of type VARCHAR2(32) (dty=1, mxl=32), but no value has been assigned to it at the time of the dump ("No bind buffers allocated").

Example 3:

******************** Cursor Dump ************************ Current cursor: 2, pgadep: 0 Cursor Dump: ----------------------------------------
... ---------------------------------------- Cursor 2 (20140444): CURNULL curiob: 0 curflg: 44 curpar: 0 curusr: 0 curses 701dc94c ---------------------------------------- 

In this case there is no SQL being executed at the time of the dump.

Example 4:

******************** Cursor Dump ************************ Current cursor: 1, pgadep: 0 pgactx: ccf361c0
ctxcbk: 0 ctxqbc: 0 ctxrws: 0 Cursor Dump: ---------------------------------------- Cursor 1 (400d9478): CURBOUND curiob:
400e43d8 curflg: 4c curpar: 0 curusr: 0 curses d5348f80 cursor name: BEGIN myparser.convert('/tmp','workflow000_2.log',2);
END; child pin: d14a4d70, child lock: d1589968, parent lock: d14c64a0 xscflg: 100064, parent handle: d083f1c0, xscfl2: 4040408
nxt: 1.0x000000a8 Cursor frame allocation dump: frm: -------- Comment -------- Size Seg Off ---------------------------------------- 

No binds included, so the SQL statement is the PL/SQL block:

BEGIN myparser.convert('/tmp','workflow000_2.log',2); END; 
0 0