[C++]C++小笔记之Simple File read and write-- ofstream and ifstream

来源:互联网 发布:在线授课软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 03:02


int n;cin >> n;

if user input a word instead of a number, four things will happen:

  1. the value of n remain unchanged;
  2. mismatch input is left in input queue;
  3. An error flag is set to the cin object;
  4. the call to the cin method, if converted to type bool, returns false.  if ( cin >> n) returns false;
在cin 读取出错的情况下,因为被设了error flag, 所以在继续读取更多的input之前,需要使用 cin.clear()方法reset flag.  clear()方法不仅会reset error flag; 它还可以reset EOF condition.

ofstream -- Simple File Write To a txt File.

与cout用法相同,当要写内容进入文件时, ofstream objects可以使用所有cout同名的函数。
  • must include a fstream header file;
  • fstream header file defines an ofstream class for handling output.
  • name one or more ofstream objects;
  • using namespace std OR use std:: prefix;
  • associate ofstream object with a specific file. One way to do so is to use open("test.txt") method; 
  • use close() method to close the file when finished write the file.
  • use ofstream object with << operator to outpu a variety of data types;

Create a file:
fout.open("test.txt"); // if no such file, it will be created; if have file, clear its contents.ORchar filename[50];cin >> filename;  //enter the filename that wants to writefout.open(filename);double wt=125.8;fout<<wt;               //write a number to txt filechar line[4] = "xyz";fout<< line <<endl;fout.close();

char automobile[50];int year;double a_price, d_price;ofstream outFile;outFile.open("carinfo.txt");cout << "Enter the make and model of the car: ";cin.getline(automobile, 50);cout << "Enter the model year: ";cin >> year;cout << "Enter the original asking price: ";cin >> a_price;d_price = 0.913 * a_price;cout << fixed;cout.precision(2);cout.setf(ios_base::showpoint);cout << "make and model: " << automobile << endl;cout << "year: " << year << endl;cout << "price: " << d_price << endl;outFile << fixed;outFile.precision(2);outFile.setf(ios_base::showpoint);outFile << "make and model: " << automobile << endl;outFile << "year: " << year << endl;outFile << "price: " << d_price << endl;outFile.close();

ifstream -- Simple File Read From a txt file.

与cin用法相同,当要写内容进入文件时, ifstream objects可以使用所有cin同名的函数。
  • must include a fstream header file;
  • fstream header file defines an ifstream class for handling input;
  • name one or more ifstream objects;
  • if stream use >> operator to read a variaty of data types;
  • ifstream object use get() function to read a individual character and use getline() fucntion to read a line of characters.
  • ifstream object use eof(), fail() functions to monitor for the success of an input attempt;
  • ifstream object itself, when used as a test condition is converted to boolean value true if last read attemp scceded and to false if otherwise.

char filename[50];ifstream readFile;cout << "Enter the name of the data file: ";cin.getline(filename, 50);readFile.open(filename);if (!readFile.is_open()) {cout << "Could not open file " << filename << endl;cout << "Program terminating.\n";return false;}char content[100];readFile >> content;while (readFile.good()) {cout << content;readFile>>content;}if (readFile.eof()) {cout << " Reached at the end of file." << endl;} else if (readFile.fail()) {cout<<"Input terminated by data mismatch" <<endl;} else {cout<<"Input terminated for unknown reason"<<endl;}

is_open("test.txt") function shows if a file can be opened succesfully.
fail() function returns true if read EOF or a type mis-match. e.g. 
readFile >> content;
bad() function returns false when something unexpected may go wrong.

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