Bash Scripting: Why didn’t I start this earlier?

来源:互联网 发布:阿里巴巴集团网络 刘洋 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 23:58

英文:Bash Scripting: Why didn’t I start this earlier?


I’m a little embarrassed to admit this. I’ve been building software for fifteen years, and I’m only just now getting into bash scripting.


I had never seen myself as a “DevOps guy” or a “Systems Administrator”, so I knew just enough to build good, sturdy, secure servers with little flash and lots of functionality. No flare. No grace. I concentrated on software.

我从来没觉得自己是一个强力的“开发协调者”或者“系统管理员”, 我的知识只是刚好够用一些flash和大量的函数去建立一个漂亮,强健和安全的服务器。既不华丽,也不优雅地专注软件开发。

But in the last year or so, I’ve come to embrace “Unix as an IDE”. (Before that, I was a MacVim guy.) The tools are impressive and robust, and having a remotely hosted, SSH-driven development environment is just so convenient and enjoyable. As a result, I’ve logged nearly a thousand hours on my dev server via iTerm and an SSH connection in the last 6 months.

但在过去的一年左右,我开始信奉“unix 即ide”,(在那之前,我曾是一名macvim使用者)。这个工具实在令人敬佩,他很强健,有一个远程主机,以SSH驱动的开发环境非常方便,在上面开发简直是种享受。就因为这样,我通过终端和一个SSH连接在最近6个月内登录了将近1000小时。

Despite my growing comfort with the command line, I never really concentrated too much on automating my sysadmin tasks.No premature optimization, I thought. I did everything by hand. All the server builds, the maintenance and upkeep, all done one line at a time. I’ve even tried Chef and other related tools; I just didn’t like them.


But last week I ran into a problem: we had a huge increase in traffic and activity.We needed to scale significantly, andfast. I was used to building one server at a time,at my leisure, all by hand. (I’ve always felt a zen calm while building servers, so I enjoyed building them by hand.) But that wouldn’t cut it now. I needed 8 new app servers in the next few hours.


I bit the bullet and wrote the first real (ie, longer than 10 lines) bash script I’ve ever written — to automate my app server builds. While I had the server build procedure committed to memory, it still took me about 90 minutes to write the script and work out all the kinks. (I had a few issues with accidentally calling the script from the wrong path, and made some other similar newbie mistakes.)


But the payoff was the most exciting part. This 90-minute investment of my time ended up transforming what used to be a 30 minute, manual, and error-prone server build process into a perfect lean, mean, server building machine. Now it only takes me 5 minutes to build a server, and they’re all perfectly configured out of the box. All due to a crash course in bash scripting.


Part of me wishes it hadn’t taken me 15 years to get to this point, but the other part of me recognizes that everyone learns their lessons in a different order. Either way, I’m happy to have finally added bash to my toolbelt.


What do you guys do? How do you manage your server builds and automation? I’d love to see what the full spectrum looks like.








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