如何编程隐藏Revit 中的组Group?

来源:互联网 发布:青岛飞拉利和淘宝比 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 00:19

我在ADNDevBlog中写了一篇英文博客, 由于比较语言简单,直接在这里黏贴出来分享给大家。

我们无法直接用HideElements() 函数来隐藏一个组Group对象。但是可以分别隐藏组中的对象,达到对这个组进行隐藏的目的。

Through Revit UI command, we can hide group by picking it and click the hide command like other elements. Howerver I cannot hide group via API.

Here is the DevelopSharp code I used.
        public void hidegroup()
            Document doc = this.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
            Selection sel = this.ActiveUIDocument.Selection;           
            Reference ref1 = sel.PickObject(ObjectType.Element,"Please pick a group");
            Element elem = doc.GetElement(ref1);
            IList<ElementId> lists = new List<ElementId>();
            Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc);
            trans.Commit ();

Launch the command, pick any group,  error occurs. The error message is :
Revit failed to execute hidegroup.
A problem has been detected.

Then how can we hide a group? Any tricks?



Groups cannot be hidden or overridde like ordinary elements. In order to hide a group, we need to hide the element set in that group by HideElements() method. The good aspect is that we can hide part of a group.

Here is the code to hide the whole group.

public void hidegroup()
    Document doc = this.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

    Selection sel = this.ActiveUIDocument.Selection;   

    Reference ref1 = sel.PickObject(ObjectType.Element,"Please pick a group");

    Element elem = doc.GetElement(ref1);

    IList<ElementId> lists = new List<ElementId>();

    Group g = elem as Group;

    IList<ElementId> ids = g.GetMemberIds();

    Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc);



    trans.Commit ();



原文链接: http://blog.csdn.net/joexiongjin/article/details/17915301

作者:  叶雄进

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