来源:互联网 发布:关键词优化骗局 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 17:12
//// Read and write initialization files under wince, support ANSI and UNICODE.// Use refer to Microsoft's initialization file format and API specification.// Email: fanghtao # __PROFILE_H__#define __PROFILE_H__#include <windows.h>#ifdef __cplusplusextern "C" {#endif#define DIM(_x)  ( sizeof(_x) / sizeof(_x[0]) )UINTWINAPIGetPrivateProfileIntA2(   LPCSTR lpAppName,   LPCSTR lpKeyName,   INT nDefault,   LPCSTR lpFileName   );UINTWINAPIGetPrivateProfileIntW2(   LPCWSTR lpAppName,   LPCWSTR lpKeyName,   INT nDefault,   LPCWSTR lpFileName   );#ifdef UNICODE#define GetPrivateProfileInt  GetPrivateProfileIntW2#else#define GetPrivateProfileInt  GetPrivateProfileIntA2#endif // !UNICODEDWORDWINAPIGetPrivateProfileStringA2(  LPCSTR lpAppName,  LPCSTR lpKeyName,  LPCSTR lpDefault,  LPSTR lpReturnedString,  DWORD nSize,  LPCSTR lpFileName  );DWORDWINAPIGetPrivateProfileStringW2(  LPCWSTR lpAppName,  LPCWSTR lpKeyName,  LPCWSTR lpDefault,  LPWSTR lpReturnedString,  DWORD nSize,  LPCWSTR lpFileName  );#ifdef UNICODE#define GetPrivateProfileString  GetPrivateProfileStringW2#else#define GetPrivateProfileString  GetPrivateProfileStringA2#endif // !UNICODEBOOLWINAPIWritePrivateProfileStringA2(LPCSTR lpAppName,LPCSTR lpKeyName,LPCSTR lpString,LPCSTR lpFileName);BOOLWINAPIWritePrivateProfileStringW2(LPCWSTR lpAppName,LPCWSTR lpKeyName,LPCWSTR lpString,LPCWSTR lpFileName);#ifdef UNICODE#define WritePrivateProfileString  WritePrivateProfileStringW2#else#define WritePrivateProfileString  WritePrivateProfileStringA2#endif // !UNICODE#ifdef __cplusplus};#endif#endif // __PROFILE_H__

//// Read and write initialization files under wince, support ANSI and UNICODE.// Use refer to Microsoft's initialization file format and API specification.// Email: fanghtao # "profile.h"enum _encode{ANSI = 0,UNCODE,};class CProfile{private:FILE *fp;long file_encode;long param_encode;char szreadbuf[1024];char szparambuf[1024];void *pfilename;void *psection;void *pkey;void *pstring;void *pstrbuf;long str_size;long str_len;int Read(void *szbuf, int bufsize);int Write(int section, int key, int end);public:int Create(const void *filename, int encode);int Open(const void *filename, int encode);int Close();int Truncate(const void *filename, int filesize);int SetParam(void *section, void *key, void *string);int ReadString(void *szbuf, int bufsize);int WriteString();};//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////int CProfile::Create(const void *filename, int encode){if (!filename) return -1;if (encode == ANSI)fp = fopen((PCSTR)filename, "wb");else  // UNICODEfp = _wfopen((PCWSTR)filename, L"wb");if (!fp) return -1;pfilename = (void*)filename;param_encode = encode;file_encode = ANSI;return 0;}int CProfile::Open(const void *filename, int encode){unsigned char szcode[4] = {0};if (!filename) return -1;if (encode == ANSI)fp = fopen((PCSTR)filename, "rb+");else  // UNICODEfp = _wfopen((PCWSTR)filename, L"rb+");if (!fp) return -1;fread(szcode, 1, sizeof(szcode), fp);if (szcode[0] == 0xff && szcode[1] == 0xfe){fseek(fp, 2, SEEK_SET);file_encode = UNCODE;}else {fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);file_encode = ANSI;}pfilename = (void*)filename;param_encode = encode;return 0;}int CProfile::Close(){if (fp){fclose(fp);fp = NULL;}return 0;}int CProfile::Truncate(const void *filename, int filesize){TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH];HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;if (param_encode == ANSI)MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)filename, -1, szPath, DIM(szPath));else  // UNICODEwcscpy(szPath, (LPCWSTR)filename);Close();hFile = CreateFile(szPath, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) return -1;SetFilePointer(hFile, filesize, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);SetEndOfFile(hFile);CloseHandle(hFile);return 0;}int CProfile::SetParam(void *section, void *key, void *string){if (param_encode == file_encode){psection = section;pkey = key;pstring = string;if (!pstring) {pstrbuf = szparambuf;if (param_encode == ANSI)str_size = sizeof(szparambuf);elsestr_size = sizeof(szparambuf)/sizeof(TCHAR);}}else if (param_encode == ANSI)  // ANSI->UNICODE{TCHAR *pBuf = (TCHAR*)szparambuf;int size = sizeof(szparambuf) / sizeof(TCHAR);int len = 0;if (section) {len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)section, -1, pBuf, size);psection = pBuf;pBuf += len;size -= len;} else psection = NULL;if (key) {len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)key, -1, pBuf, size);pkey = pBuf;pBuf += len;size -= len;} else pkey = NULL;if (string) {len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)string, -1, pBuf, size);pstring = pBuf;pBuf += len;size -= len;} else pstring = NULL;if (!pstring) {pstrbuf = pBuf;str_size = size;}}else  // UNICODE->ANSI{char *pBuf = szparambuf;int size = sizeof(szparambuf);int len = 0;if (section) {len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCWSTR)section, -1, pBuf, size, NULL, NULL);psection = pBuf;pBuf += len;size -= len;} else psection = NULL;if (key) {len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCWSTR)key, -1, pBuf, size, NULL, NULL);pkey = pBuf;pBuf += len;size -= len;} else pkey = NULL;if (string) {len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCWSTR)string, -1, pBuf, size, NULL, NULL);pstring = pBuf;pBuf += len;size -= len;} else pstring = NULL;if (!pstring) {pstrbuf = pBuf;str_size = size;}}return 0;}int CProfile::Read(void *szbuf, int bufsize){if (str_len == 0) return 0;if (param_encode == file_encode){if (param_encode == ANSI)memcpy(szbuf, pstrbuf, sizeof(char)*str_size);else  // UNICODEmemcpy(szbuf, pstrbuf, sizeof(TCHAR)*str_size);}else if (param_encode == ANSI)  // UNICODE->ANSI{WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCWSTR)pstrbuf, str_size, (LPSTR)szbuf, bufsize, NULL, NULL);}else  // ANSI->UNICODE{MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)pstrbuf, str_size, (LPWSTR)szbuf, bufsize);}return str_len;}int CProfile::ReadString(void *szbuf, int bufsize){int match = 0;int size = (bufsize < str_size) ? bufsize : str_size;int len = 0;if (!fp || !pstrbuf) return 0;str_size = 0;str_len = 0;if (file_encode == ANSI){char *pstr = (char*)pstrbuf;char *pbuf = NULL;char *pos = NULL;while (!feof(fp)){pbuf = fgets(szreadbuf, sizeof(szreadbuf), fp);if (!pbuf) break;if (pbuf[0] == ';') continue;  // comment lineelse if (pbuf[0] == '['){if (pos = strchr(++pbuf, ']'))  // section line{if (match) break;pos[0] = '\0';if (!psection)  // return all section names{len = (int)(pos - pbuf) + 1;len = (len < (size-2)) ? len : (size-2);strncpy(pstr, pbuf, len);str_len += len;pstr += len;size -= len;str_size = str_len + 1;pstr[0] = '\0';if (size == 2) {str_size = str_len + 2;pstr[1] = '\0';break;}}else if (0 == strcmp(pbuf, (char*)psection))  // match section{match = 1;}}}else if (match)  // key lines of match section{if (pos = strchr(pbuf, '=')){while (pbuf[0] == ' ') pbuf++;len = (int)(pos - pbuf);while (len > 0 && pbuf[len-1] == ' ') len--;pbuf[len] = '\0';if (!pkey)  // return all key names of match section{len = len + 1;len = (len < (size-2)) ? len : (size-2);strncpy(pstr, pbuf, len);str_len += len;pstr += len;size -= len;str_size = str_len + 1;pstr[0] = '\0';if (size == 2) {str_size = str_len + 2;pstr[1] = '\0';break;}}else if (0 == strcmp(pbuf, (char*)pkey))  // match key{pos++;while (pos[0] == ' ') pos++;len = (int)strlen(pos);while ( (len > 0) &&(pos[len-1] == ' ' || pos[len-1] == '\r' || pos[len-1] == '\n') )len--;len = (len < (size-1)) ? len : (size-1);strncpy(pstr, pos, len);pstr[len] = '\0';str_size = len + 1;str_len = len;break;}}}}}else  // UNICODE{TCHAR *pstr = (TCHAR*)pstrbuf;TCHAR *pbuf = NULL;TCHAR *pos = NULL;while (!feof(fp)){pbuf = fgetws((TCHAR*)szreadbuf, sizeof(szreadbuf)/sizeof(TCHAR), fp);if (!pbuf) break;if (pbuf[0] == ';') continue;  // comment lineelse if (pbuf[0] == '['){if (pos = wcschr(++pbuf, ']'))  // section line{if (match) break;pos[0] = '\0';if (!psection)  // return all section names{len = (int)(pos - pbuf) + 1;len = (len < (size-2)) ? len : (size-2);wcsncpy(pstr, pbuf, len);str_len += len;pstr += len;size -= len;str_size = str_len + 1;pstr[0] = '\0';if (size == 2) {str_size = str_len + 2;pstr[1] = '\0';break;}}else if (0 == wcscmp(pbuf, (TCHAR*)psection))  // match section{match = 1;}}}else if (match)  // key lines of match section{if (pos = wcschr(pbuf, '=')){while (pbuf[0] == ' ') pbuf++;len = (int)(pos - pbuf);while (len > 0 && pbuf[len-1] == ' ') len--;pbuf[len] = '\0';if (!pkey)  // return all key names of match section{len = len + 1;len = (len < (size-2)) ? len : (size-2);wcsncpy(pstr, pbuf, len);str_len += len;pstr += len;size -= len;str_size = str_len + 1;pstr[0] = '\0';if (size == 2) {str_size = str_len + 2;pstr[1] = '\0';break;}}else if (0 == wcscmp(pbuf, (TCHAR*)pkey))  // match key{pos++;while (pos[0] == ' ') pos++;len = (int)wcslen(pos);while ( (len > 0) &&(pos[len-1] == ' ' || pos[len-1] == '\r' || pos[len-1] == '\n') )len--;len = (len < (size-1)) ? len : (size-1);wcsncpy(pstr, pos, len);pstr[len] = '\0';str_size = len + 1;str_len = len;break;}}}}}return Read(szbuf, bufsize);}int CProfile::Write(int section, int key, int end){char *pread = szreadbuf;int r_offset = end;int w_offset = 0;int r_len = 0;int w_len = 0;if (pkey && pstring)  // write string{char szwritebuf[1024] = {0};char *pwrite = szwritebuf;char *ptemp = "";char flag = 0;if (-1 != key)w_offset = key;else w_offset = end;if (file_encode == ANSI){char ctemp = '\n';fseek(fp, w_offset-sizeof(char), SEEK_SET);fread(&ctemp, sizeof(char), 1, fp);if (ctemp != '\n') ptemp = "\r\n";if (-1 != section)sprintf(pwrite, "%s%s=%s\r\n", ptemp, pkey, pstring);elsesprintf(pwrite, "%s[%s]\r\n%s=%s\r\n", ptemp, psection, pkey, pstring);w_len = (int)strlen(pwrite);}else  // UNICODE{TCHAR ctemp = '\n';fseek(fp, w_offset-sizeof(TCHAR), SEEK_SET);fread(&ctemp, sizeof(TCHAR), 1, fp);if (ctemp != '\n') ptemp = "\r\n";if (-1 != section)swprintf((TCHAR*)pwrite, L"%S%s=%s\r\n", ptemp, pkey, pstring);elseswprintf((TCHAR*)pwrite, L"%S[%s]\r\n%s=%s\r\n", ptemp, psection, pkey, pstring);w_len = (int)wcslen((TCHAR*)pwrite)*sizeof(TCHAR);}if (w_len < r_offset - w_offset) flag = 1;while (w_len){if (fseek(fp, r_offset, SEEK_SET)) return -1;r_len = (int)fread(pread, 1, sizeof(szreadbuf), fp);r_offset += r_len;if (fseek(fp, w_offset, SEEK_SET)) return -1;w_len = (int)fwrite(pwrite, 1, w_len, fp);w_offset += w_len;ptemp = pread;pread = pwrite;pwrite = ptemp;w_len = r_len;}if (flag) return Truncate(pfilename, w_offset);}else  // delete{if (!pkey && -1 != section) w_offset = section;  // delete sectionelse if (!pstring && -1 != key) w_offset = key;  // delete keyif (w_offset){do {if (fseek(fp, r_offset, SEEK_SET)) return -1;r_len = (int)fread(pread, 1, sizeof(szreadbuf), fp);r_offset += r_len;if (fseek(fp, w_offset, SEEK_SET)) return -1;w_len = (int)fwrite(pread, 1, r_len, fp);w_offset += w_len;} while (r_len);return Truncate(pfilename, w_offset);}}return 0;}int CProfile::WriteString(){int section_start = -1;int key_start = -1;int start = -1;int end = -1;int len = 0;if (!fp || !psection) return -1;if (file_encode == ANSI){char *pstr = (char*)pstring;char *pbuf = NULL;char *pos = NULL;while (!feof(fp)){start = ftell(fp);pbuf = fgets(szreadbuf, sizeof(szreadbuf), fp);if (!pbuf) break;if (pbuf[0] == ';') continue;  // comment lineelse if (pbuf[0] == '['){if (pos = strchr(++pbuf, ']'))  // section line{if (-1 != section_start) {end = start;break;}pos[0] = '\0';if (0 == strcmp(pbuf, (char*)psection))  // match section{section_start = start;}}}else if (-1 != section_start && pkey)  // key lines of match section{if (pos = strchr(pbuf, '=')){while (pbuf[0] == ' ') pbuf++;len = (int)(pos - pbuf);while (len > 0 && pbuf[len-1] == ' ') len--;pbuf[len] = '\0';if (0 == strcmp(pbuf, (char*)pkey))  // match key{key_start = start;end = ftell(fp);break;}}}}}else  // UNICODE{TCHAR *pstr = (TCHAR*)pstring;TCHAR *pbuf = NULL;TCHAR *pos = NULL;while (!feof(fp)){start = ftell(fp);pbuf = fgetws((TCHAR*)szreadbuf, sizeof(szreadbuf)/sizeof(TCHAR), fp);if (!pbuf) break;if (pbuf[0] == ';') continue;  // comment lineelse if (pbuf[0] == '['){if (pos = wcschr(++pbuf, ']'))  // section line{if (-1 != section_start) {end = start;break;}pos[0] = '\0';if (0 == wcscmp(pbuf, (TCHAR*)psection))  // match section{section_start = start;}}}else if (-1 != section_start && pkey)  // key lines of match section{if (pos = wcschr(pbuf, '=')){while (pbuf[0] == ' ') pbuf++;len = (int)(pos - pbuf);while (len > 0 && pbuf[len-1] == ' ') len--;pbuf[len] = '\0';if (0 == wcscmp(pbuf, (TCHAR*)pkey))  // match key{key_start = start;end = ftell(fp);break;}}}}}if (-1 == end) end = ftell(fp);return Write(section_start, key_start, end);}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////UINTWINAPIGetPrivateProfileIntA2(   LPCSTR lpAppName,   LPCSTR lpKeyName,   INT nDefault,   LPCSTR lpFileName   ){char szReturn[20] = {0};if (!lpAppName || !lpKeyName || !lpFileName){return nDefault;}GetPrivateProfileStringA2(lpAppName, lpKeyName, NULL, szReturn, DIM(szReturn), lpFileName);if (strlen(szReturn) > 0){return (UINT)_atoi64(szReturn);}else{return nDefault;}}UINTWINAPIGetPrivateProfileIntW2(   LPCWSTR lpAppName,   LPCWSTR lpKeyName,   INT nDefault,   LPCWSTR lpFileName   ){TCHAR szReturn[20] = {0};if (!lpAppName || !lpKeyName || !lpFileName){return nDefault;}GetPrivateProfileStringW2(lpAppName, lpKeyName, NULL, szReturn, DIM(szReturn), lpFileName);if (wcslen(szReturn) > 0){return (UINT)_wtoi64(szReturn);}else{return nDefault;}}DWORDWINAPIGetPrivateProfileStringA2(  LPCSTR lpAppName,  LPCSTR lpKeyName,  LPCSTR lpDefault,  LPSTR lpReturnedString,  DWORD nSize,  LPCSTR lpFileName  ){CProfile profile;DWORD dwLen = 0;if (!lpReturnedString || nSize < 1) return 0;if (nSize == 1){lpReturnedString[0] = '\0';return 0;}if (0 == profile.Open(lpFileName, ANSI)){profile.SetParam((LPSTR)lpAppName, (LPSTR)lpKeyName, NULL);dwLen = profile.ReadString(lpReturnedString, nSize);profile.Close();}if (dwLen == 0){if (!lpDefault) lpReturnedString[0] = '\0';else{dwLen = (DWORD)strlen(lpDefault);dwLen = (dwLen < (nSize-1)) ? dwLen : (nSize-1);strncpy(lpReturnedString, lpDefault, dwLen);lpReturnedString[dwLen] = '\0';}}return dwLen;}DWORDWINAPIGetPrivateProfileStringW2(  LPCWSTR lpAppName,  LPCWSTR lpKeyName,  LPCWSTR lpDefault,  LPWSTR lpReturnedString,  DWORD nSize,  LPCWSTR lpFileName  ){CProfile profile;DWORD dwLen = 0;if (!lpReturnedString || nSize < 1) return 0;if (nSize == 1){lpReturnedString[0] = '\0';return 0;}if (0 == profile.Open(lpFileName, UNCODE)){profile.SetParam((LPWSTR)lpAppName, (LPWSTR)lpKeyName, NULL);dwLen = profile.ReadString(lpReturnedString, nSize);profile.Close();}if (dwLen == 0){if (!lpDefault) lpReturnedString[0] = '\0';else{dwLen = (DWORD)wcslen(lpDefault);dwLen = (dwLen < (nSize-1)) ? dwLen : (nSize-1);wcsncpy(lpReturnedString, lpDefault, dwLen);lpReturnedString[dwLen] = '\0';}}return dwLen;}BOOLWINAPIWritePrivateProfileStringA2(LPCSTR lpAppName,LPCSTR lpKeyName,LPCSTR lpString,LPCSTR lpFileName){CProfile profile;if (!lpFileName || !lpAppName){return FALSE;}if (-1 == profile.Open(lpFileName, ANSI)){if (-1 == profile.Create(lpFileName, ANSI)){return FALSE;}}profile.SetParam((LPSTR)lpAppName, (LPSTR)lpKeyName, (LPSTR)lpString);if (profile.WriteString()){profile.Close();return FALSE;}else{profile.Close();return TRUE;}}BOOLWINAPIWritePrivateProfileStringW2(LPCWSTR lpAppName,LPCWSTR lpKeyName,LPCWSTR lpString,LPCWSTR lpFileName){CProfile profile;if (!lpFileName || !lpAppName){return FALSE;}if (-1 == profile.Open(lpFileName, UNCODE)){if (-1 == profile.Create(lpFileName, UNCODE)){return FALSE;}}profile.SetParam((LPWSTR)lpAppName, (LPWSTR)lpKeyName, (LPWSTR)lpString);if (profile.WriteString()){profile.Close();return FALSE;}else{profile.Close();return TRUE;}}


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