Job application letters(英文求职信)

来源:互联网 发布:电脑软件停止工作 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 21:45

May    20 st  2007

P .O .Box  51

QingDao Agriculture University

QingDao China  266109

Dear  Sir:

Your advertisement for a network maintenance engineer in the January 10 student Daily interested me . Because the position that you described sounds exactly like the job I am seeking.

According to the advertisement ,your position requires Bachelor or above in computer science or equipment field and proficient in Window NT4.0 and LINLIX system. My major in college is just computer Science and Technology and my Bachelor Degree will be awarded in June.2008. I’m sure I’ll the right person you want. During my campus life I’m learned a stream of course related to computer, what’s worth mentioning is that I have joined the develop group of Network Center in our school when I was a sophomore. What I do in Network Center is just program some ‘.dll’ file for the teacher there. Something about DataBase program and Web program .Although I just a coder there , but I learned a lot and I known the really process of how to grogram a website with C# and ASP.NET. After a half year in Network Center. I joined the Software Laboratory where I first got to know the full flow of program a software. We developed a software --- Voice Recognize Technology based---named Cn-En Learning Software , what is used C#.Net on the Visual Studio .Net 2003. According to the two years learn and practice , I think I have the competence what is you need .

 I would appreciate your time in reviewing my resume and if there is any additional information your require ,please connect me , I would welcome an opportunity to me with you for an interview.



                                                           With many thanks

                                                            Zhang Chaoqing

热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 华为手机无线网信号差怎么办 华为麦芒6数据信号差怎么办 华为麦芒54g信号差怎么办 华为手机wifi信号差怎么办 华为手机导航信号弱怎么办 华为手机gps信号弱怎么办 麦芒5指纹消失了怎么办 华为应用锁密码忘了怎么办 华为麦芒5密码忘了怎么办 华为卡1无服务怎么办 经常卡1无服务怎么办 华为手机进水无服务怎么办 苹果手机进水后无服务怎么办 苹果6进水无服务怎么办 华为手机突然无服务怎么办 sim卡显示无服务怎么办 华为麦芒进水无限开关机怎么办 华为麦芒5进水黑屏怎么办 华为麦芒6进水了怎么办 4g手机开不开机怎么办 全屏钢化膜总是翘边怎么办 华为麦芒屏幕触屏失灵怎么办 华为麦芒5运行慢怎么办 手机屏保密码忘记了怎么办 麦芒5密码锁忘了怎么办 超薄手机壳松了怎么办 华为麦芒5声音小怎么办 笔记本外壳a面裂了怎么办 苹果手机外壳摔坏了怎么办 挂衣服肩膀出包怎么办 摩拜单车手机号注销了怎么办 摩拜单车手机号码换了怎么办 摩拜单车换手机号码打不开怎么办 摩拜单车丢了怎么办 摩拜单车忘锁了怎么办 透明手机壳粘指纹怎么办 tpu手机壳变黄了怎么办 0pp0手机声音小怎么办 橡胶皮套晒坏了怎么办 宝宝晚上吹空调发烧怎么办 玩手机手指尖疼怎么办