firebird 数据库使用笔记

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝怎么卖高仿手表 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/10 13:06

C:\Users\Administrator>cd  D:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\bin
D:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\bin>isql -user sysdba -password masterkey
Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database



SQL> connect 'D:\firdbird\DB\test.fdb';
Database:  'D:\firdbird\DB\test.fdb', User: sysdba



有些引用fbclient.dll   但我从来没成功过 报错Unable to connect to data source: library 'fbclient.dll' failed to load

找了很久 最后从官方文档上找到 红色部分 果断从system32中找到gds32.dll  ok成功了 

Are used to define the connection parameters to a database. The dialog box contains the parameters that correspond to theconnection attributes

Data Source Name (DSN)

Unique name of Server Type
Example: “Connect from FbEmbed” or “ConnectFbServer”


Not Required.
A more detailed description of the data source.


Always: IscDbc


Specify the location of a database, locally, remotely or via an alias.
See examples


Required when using the embedded Server Allows you to specify a command line to start the Firebird embedded database(fbembed) or Firebird SQL client (gds32,fbclient).

Database Account

Not Required.
The user name to be used when connecting to a Firebird database. If not used, ODBC will prompt you for a user ID (UID orUSER) when connecting to the data source.


Not Required.
The password to be used with the User ID when connecting to a Firebird database. If not used, ODBC will prompt you for a password (PWD or PASSWORD ) when connecting to the data source. If used the password is automatically encrypted and saved in odbc.ini. Setting the password here should not be a security risk.


Not Required.
1. If defined, but login is SYSDBA, role ignored is used.
2. If defined, and login is not SYSDBA, login ignored is used.

Character Set

Not Required.
Set the default character set.


    Specify a transaction type when connecting to a Firebird database

      Read (default write)
      Write: Access the database in Read/Write mode.
      Read: Access the database in Read Only mode.

      Nowait (default wait)
      Wait: The transaction will wait if it encounters a lock conflict.
      Nowait: The transaction will immediately return an error if it encounters a lock conflict.


    Typically 1 or 3, SQL dialects were introduced in InterBase 6.0, to support a number of new SQL features including delimted identifiers. Valid dialects are:

      1 - Parser processes as it did in InterBase V5.
      2 - Transitional flagger. InterBaseV6, and Firebird flags ambiguous SQL constructs and issues an error or warning message.
      3 - Parser processes anything delimited by single quotes as string constants and any thing delimited by double quotes as SQL delimited identifiers

    Quoted Identifier

    This option ensures compatibility with databases created in dialect 1

    Sensitive Identifier

    This option changes the property of SQL_IDENTIFIER_CASE (Default SQL_IC_UPPER, select SQL_IC_UPPER or SQL_IC_SENSITIVE)

    Autoquoted Identifier

    default NO (select YES or NO)
    Should change from

      SELECT A.Test_Field FROM Mixed_Caps_Table A
      ORDER BY A.Test_Field
      SELECT A."Test_Field" FROM "Mixed_Caps_Table" A
      ORDER BY A."Test_Field"
    Note: If the following is used then the conversion will be wrong.
    Change from
      Select A.Test_Field From Mixed_Caps_Table A
      Order By A.Test_Field
      "Select" A."Test_Field" "From" "Mixed_Caps_Table" A
      "Order" "By" A."Test_Field"

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