
来源:互联网 发布:php磁力链接解析接口 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 00:00






class BinaryTree{private BinaryTreeNode root;static class BinaryTreeNode{ int value;  BinaryTreeNode left; BinaryTreeNode right; BinaryTreeNode(int value){ this(value, null, null); } BinaryTreeNode(int value, BinaryTreeNode left, BinaryTreeNode right){ this.value = value; this.left = left; this.right = right; }}public BinaryTree(int[] postOrder, int[] inOrder){int postLen = 0;int inLen = 0;if(postOrder == null ||(postLen = postOrder.length) == 0){throw new IllegalArgumentException();}if(inOrder == null || (inLen = inOrder.length) == 0){throw new IllegalArgumentException();}this.root = this.constractPostCore(postOrder, 0, postLen -1, inOrder, 0, inLen - 1);}private BinaryTreeNode constractPostCore(int[] postOrder, int postBegin, int postEnd, int[] inOrder, int inBegin, int inEnd){  // may be leftLen <= 0 or rightLen <= 0   if(postBegin > postEnd || inBegin > inEnd){  return null;  }  // this a leaf node or may be throw exception  boolean isLeafOrException = ((postBegin == postEnd) && (inBegin == inEnd));  if(isLeafOrException){  boolean isException = (postOrder[postBegin] != inOrder[inBegin]);  if(isException) throw new IllegalArgumentException();  return new BinaryTreeNode(postOrder[postEnd],null,null);  }  // other situation postBegin < postEnd && inBegin < inEnd  int rootValue = postOrder[postEnd];  BinaryTreeNode currentRoot = new BinaryTreeNode(rootValue, null, null);  int rootPositionInOrder = this.getRootPositionInOrder(inOrder, inBegin, inEnd, rootValue);  boolean isFound = (rootPositionInOrder != -1);  if(isFound){  // leftTreeLen may be negative but do not need to   //check because that at the begin will be checked  int leftTreeLen = rootPositionInOrder - inBegin;  // rightTreeLen is the same as leftTreeLen may be negative  int rightTreeLen = inEnd - rootPositionInOrder;  currentRoot.left = this.constractPostCore(postOrder, postBegin, postBegin + leftTreeLen - 1, inOrder, inBegin, rootPositionInOrder - 1);  currentRoot.right = this.constractPostCore(postOrder, postEnd - rightTreeLen, postEnd - 1, inOrder, rootPositionInOrder + 1, inEnd);    }else{  throw new IllegalArgumentException("currentValue not found in inOrder" + rootValue);  }  return currentRoot;  }private int getRootPositionInOrder(int[] inOrder, int inBegin , int inEnd, int value){ for(int i = inBegin; i <= inEnd; i++){ if(inOrder[i] == value){ return i; } } return -1;}}

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