LinuxC -- MySQL

来源:互联网 发布:商品条形码制作软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 15:22
/*  *  file name: mysql.c  *  function: mysqlConnect,mysqlInsert,mysqlUpdate,mysqlDelete *  compile: gcc &(mysql_config --cflags) mysql.c -o mysql $(mysql_config --libs) *  the compiling way works under Ubuntu, others not tested */#include <stdio.h>#include <mysql.h>int main(){/* create a MYSQL connection object */MYSQL *mysql;MYSQL_RES *res;MYSQL_ROW row;/* mysql parameters */char *svr = "localhost";/* mysql server */char *usr = "root";/* login user */char *pwd = "joyboy";/* password */char *db = "information_schema";/* database *//* initialize connection */mysql = mysql_init(NULL);/* connect mysql */if (!mysql_real_connect(mysql,svr,usr,pwd,db,0,NULL,0)){fprintf(stderr, "%s\n",mysql_error(mysql));/* connect failed */exit(1);} else {printf("Connecting mysql successful!\n");/* connect succss */}/* show tables of database */if (mysql_query(mysql,"show tables")){fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",mysql_error(mysql));exit(1);}res = mysql_use_result(mysql);printf("MySQL Tables in mysql database:\n");while((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))!=NULL){printf("%s\n",row[0]);}mysql_free_result(res);/* show top 2 records of table: TABLES */char * sql = "select * from TABLES limit 0,2";if(mysql_query(mysql,sql)){fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",mysql_error(mysql));exit(1);}res = mysql_use_result(mysql);printf("Top 2 records of table TABLES:\n");while((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))!=NULL){printf("%s\n",row[1]);}mysql_free_result(res);/* close connection */mysql_close(mysql);return 0;}
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