fedora 安装集成显卡和独立显卡

来源:互联网 发布:java大数据量处理 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 13:57

BIOS启动, F12 - Config: Disply

2nd option:

Graphics Device: [NVIDIA Optimus]

"Integrated Graphics mode will achieve longer battery life. Discrete Graphics mode will achieve higher graphics performance. 

NVIDIA Optimus mode runs as Integrated Graphics mode and Discrete Graphics is enabled on demand. 

Note: NVIDIA Optimus mode should only be selected if you are using Windows 7. "

3rd option:

OS Detection for NVIDIA Optimus [Enable]

"If Enabled, System BIOS automatically switches Graphics device setting to NVIDIA Optimus mode if the OS supports the feature, and 

to Discrete Graphics if the OS does not suport it."

所以为了只启动Integrate Graphics 需要设置 Integrated Graphic and Disable.



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