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USE [msdb]GO/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_send_dbmail]    Script Date: 01/14/2014 02:06:48 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGO-- sp_send_dbmail : Sends a mail from Yukon outbox.--ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_send_dbmail]   @profile_name               sysname    = NULL,           @recipients                 VARCHAR(MAX)  = NULL,    @copy_recipients            VARCHAR(MAX)  = NULL,   @blind_copy_recipients      VARCHAR(MAX)  = NULL,   @subject                    NVARCHAR(255) = NULL,   @body                       NVARCHAR(MAX) = NULL,    @body_format                VARCHAR(20)   = NULL,    @importance                 VARCHAR(6)    = 'NORMAL',   @sensitivity                VARCHAR(12)   = 'NORMAL',   @file_attachments           NVARCHAR(MAX) = NULL,     @query                      NVARCHAR(MAX) = NULL,   @execute_query_database     sysname       = NULL,     @attach_query_result_as_file BIT          = 0,   @query_attachment_filename  NVARCHAR(260) = NULL,     @query_result_header        BIT           = 1,   @query_result_width         INT           = 256,               @query_result_separator     CHAR(1)       = ' ',   @exclude_query_output       BIT           = 0,   @append_query_error         BIT           = 0,   @query_no_truncate          BIT           = 0,   @query_result_no_padding    BIT           = 0,   @mailitem_id               INT            = NULL OUTPUT,   @from_address               VARCHAR(max)  = NULL,   @reply_to                   VARCHAR(max)  = NULL,   @ANSI_Attachment BIT = 0  WITH EXECUTE AS 'dbo'ASBEGIN    SET NOCOUNT ON    -- And make sure ARITHABORT is on. This is the default for yukon DB's    SET ARITHABORT ON    --Declare variables used by the procedure internally    DECLARE @profile_id         INT,            @temp_table_uid     uniqueidentifier,            @sendmailxml        VARCHAR(max),            @CR_str             NVARCHAR(2),            @localmessage       NVARCHAR(255),            @QueryResultsExist  INT,            @AttachmentsExist   INT,            @RetErrorMsg        NVARCHAR(4000), --Impose a limit on the error message length to avoid memory abuse             @rc                 INT,            @procName           sysname,            @trancountSave      INT,            @tranStartedBool    INT,            @is_sysadmin        BIT,            @send_request_user  sysname,            @database_user_id   INT,            @sid                varbinary(85)    -- Initialize     SELECT  @rc                 = 0,            @QueryResultsExist  = 0,            @AttachmentsExist   = 0,            @temp_table_uid     = NEWID(),            @procName           = OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID),            @tranStartedBool    = 0,            @trancountSave      = @@TRANCOUNT,            @sid                = NULL    EXECUTE AS CALLER       SELECT @is_sysadmin       = IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin'),              @send_request_user = SUSER_SNAME(),              @database_user_id  = USER_ID()    REVERT    --Check if SSB is enabled in this database    IF (ISNULL(DATABASEPROPERTYEX(DB_NAME(), N'IsBrokerEnabled'), 0) <> 1)    BEGIN       RAISERROR(14650, 16, 1)       RETURN 1    END    --Report error if the mail queue has been stopped.     --sysmail_stop_sp/sysmail_start_sp changes the receive status of the SSB queue    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.service_queues WHERE name = N'ExternalMailQueue' AND is_receive_enabled = 1)    BEGIN       RAISERROR(14641, 16, 1)       RETURN 1    END    -- Get the relevant profile_id     --    IF (@profile_name IS NULL)    BEGIN        -- Use the global or users default if profile name is not supplied        SELECT TOP (1) @profile_id = pp.profile_id        FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_principalprofile as pp        WHERE (pp.is_default = 1) AND            (dbo.get_principal_id(pp.principal_sid) = @database_user_id OR pp.principal_sid = 0x00)        ORDER BY dbo.get_principal_id(pp.principal_sid) DESC        --Was a profile found        IF(@profile_id IS NULL)        BEGIN            -- Try a profile lookup based on Windows Group membership, if any            EXEC @rc = msdb.dbo.sp_validate_user @send_request_user, @sid OUTPUT            IF (@rc = 0)            BEGIN                SELECT TOP (1) @profile_id = pp.profile_id                FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_principalprofile as pp                WHERE (pp.is_default = 1) AND                      (pp.principal_sid = @sid)                ORDER BY dbo.get_principal_id(pp.principal_sid) DESC            END            IF(@profile_id IS NULL)            BEGIN                RAISERROR(14636, 16, 1)                RETURN 1            END        END    END    ELSE    BEGIN        --Get primary account if profile name is supplied        EXEC @rc = msdb.dbo.sysmail_verify_profile_sp @profile_id = NULL,                          @profile_name = @profile_name,                          @allow_both_nulls = 0,                          @allow_id_name_mismatch = 0,                         @profileid = @profile_id OUTPUT        IF (@rc <> 0)            RETURN @rc        --Make sure this user has access to the specified profile.        --sysadmins can send on any profiles        IF ( @is_sysadmin <> 1)        BEGIN            --Not a sysadmin so check users access to profile            iF NOT EXISTS(SELECT *                         FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_principalprofile                         WHERE ((profile_id = @profile_id) AND                                (dbo.get_principal_id(principal_sid) = @database_user_id OR principal_sid = 0x00)))            BEGIN                EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_validate_user @send_request_user, @sid OUTPUT                IF(@sid IS NULL)                BEGIN                    RAISERROR(14607, -1, -1, 'profile')                    RETURN 1                END            END        END    END    --Attach results must be specified    IF @attach_query_result_as_file IS NULL    BEGIN       RAISERROR(14618, 16, 1, 'attach_query_result_as_file')       RETURN 2    END    --No output must be specified    IF @exclude_query_output IS NULL    BEGIN       RAISERROR(14618, 16, 1, 'exclude_query_output')       RETURN 3    END    --No header must be specified    IF @query_result_header IS NULL    BEGIN       RAISERROR(14618, 16, 1, 'query_result_header')       RETURN 4    END    -- Check if query_result_separator is specifed    IF @query_result_separator IS NULL OR DATALENGTH(@query_result_separator) = 0    BEGIN       RAISERROR(14618, 16, 1, 'query_result_separator')       RETURN 5    END    --Echo error must be specified    IF @append_query_error IS NULL    BEGIN       RAISERROR(14618, 16, 1, 'append_query_error')       RETURN 6    END    --@body_format can be TEXT (default) or HTML    IF (@body_format IS NULL)    BEGIN       SET @body_format = 'TEXT'    END    ELSE    BEGIN       SET @body_format = UPPER(@body_format)       IF @body_format NOT IN ('TEXT', 'HTML')        BEGIN          RAISERROR(14626, 16, 1, @body_format)          RETURN 13       END    END    --Importance must be specified    IF @importance IS NULL    BEGIN       RAISERROR(14618, 16, 1, 'importance')       RETURN 15    END    SET @importance = UPPER(@importance)    --Importance must be one of the predefined values    IF @importance NOT IN ('LOW', 'NORMAL', 'HIGH')    BEGIN       RAISERROR(14622, 16, 1, @importance)       RETURN 16    END    --Sensitivity must be specified    IF @sensitivity IS NULL    BEGIN       RAISERROR(14618, 16, 1, 'sensitivity')       RETURN 17    END    SET @sensitivity = UPPER(@sensitivity)    --Sensitivity must be one of predefined values    IF @sensitivity NOT IN ('NORMAL', 'PERSONAL', 'PRIVATE', 'CONFIDENTIAL')    BEGIN       RAISERROR(14623, 16, 1, @sensitivity)       RETURN 18    END    --Message body cannot be null. Atleast one of message, subject, query,    --attachments must be specified.    IF( (@body IS NULL AND @query IS NULL AND @file_attachments IS NULL AND @subject IS NULL)       OR    ( (LEN(@body) IS NULL OR LEN(@body) <= 0)         AND (LEN(@query) IS NULL  OR  LEN(@query) <= 0)       AND (LEN(@file_attachments) IS NULL OR LEN(@file_attachments) <= 0)       AND (LEN(@subject) IS NULL OR LEN(@subject) <= 0)    )    )    BEGIN       RAISERROR(14624, 16, 1, '@body, @query, @file_attachments, @subject')       RETURN 19    END       ELSE       IF @subject IS NULL OR LEN(@subject) <= 0          SET @subject='SQL Server Message'    --Recipients cannot be empty. Atleast one of the To, Cc, Bcc must be specified    IF ( (@recipients IS NULL AND @copy_recipients IS NULL AND        @blind_copy_recipients IS NULL        )            OR        ( (LEN(@recipients) IS NULL OR LEN(@recipients) <= 0)       AND (LEN(@copy_recipients) IS NULL OR LEN(@copy_recipients) <= 0)       AND (LEN(@blind_copy_recipients) IS NULL OR LEN(@blind_copy_recipients) <= 0)        )    )    BEGIN       RAISERROR(14624, 16, 1, '@recipients, @copy_recipients, @blind_copy_recipients')       RETURN 20    END    --If query is not specified, attach results and no header cannot be true.    IF ( (@query IS NULL OR LEN(@query) <= 0) AND @attach_query_result_as_file = 1)    BEGIN       RAISERROR(14625, 16, 1)       RETURN 21    END    --    -- Execute Query if query is specified    IF ((@query IS NOT NULL) AND (LEN(@query) > 0))    BEGIN        EXECUTE AS CALLER        EXEC @rc = sp_RunMailQuery                     @query                     = @query,               @attach_results            = @attach_query_result_as_file,                    @query_attachment_filename = @query_attachment_filename,               @no_output                 = @exclude_query_output,               @query_result_header       = @query_result_header,               @separator                 = @query_result_separator,               @echo_error                = @append_query_error,               @dbuse                     = @execute_query_database,               @width                     = @query_result_width,                @temp_table_uid            = @temp_table_uid,            @query_no_truncate         = @query_no_truncate,            @query_result_no_padding           = @query_result_no_padding      -- This error indicates that query results size was over the configured MaxFileSize.      -- Note, an error has already beed raised in this case      IF(@rc = 101)         GOTO ErrorHandler;         REVERT          -- Always check the transfer tables for data. They may also contain error messages         -- Only one of the tables receives data in the call to sp_RunMailQuery         IF(@attach_query_result_as_file = 1)         BEGIN             IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sysmail_attachments_transfer WHERE uid = @temp_table_uid)            SET @AttachmentsExist = 1         END         ELSE         BEGIN             IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sysmail_query_transfer WHERE uid = @temp_table_uid AND uid IS NOT NULL)            SET @QueryResultsExist = 1         END         -- Exit if there was an error and caller doesn't want the error appended to the mail         IF (@rc <> 0 AND @append_query_error = 0)         BEGIN            --Error msg with be in either the attachment table or the query table             --depending on the setting of @attach_query_result_as_file            IF(@attach_query_result_as_file = 1)            BEGIN               --Copy query results from the attachments table to mail body               SELECT @RetErrorMsg = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(4000), attachment)               FROM sysmail_attachments_transfer                WHERE uid = @temp_table_uid            END            ELSE            BEGIN               --Copy query results from the query table to mail body               SELECT @RetErrorMsg = text_data                FROM sysmail_query_transfer                WHERE uid = @temp_table_uid            END            GOTO ErrorHandler;         END         SET @AttachmentsExist = @attach_query_result_as_file    END    ELSE    BEGIN        --If query is not specified, attach results cannot be true.        IF (@attach_query_result_as_file = 1)        BEGIN           RAISERROR(14625, 16, 1)           RETURN 21        END    END    --Get the prohibited extensions for attachments from sysmailconfig.    IF ((@file_attachments IS NOT NULL) AND (LEN(@file_attachments) > 0))     BEGIN        EXECUTE AS CALLER        EXEC @rc = sp_GetAttachmentData                         @attachments = @file_attachments,                         @temp_table_uid = @temp_table_uid,                        @exclude_query_output = @exclude_query_output        REVERT        IF (@rc <> 0)            GOTO ErrorHandler;                IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sysmail_attachments_transfer WHERE uid = @temp_table_uid)            SET @AttachmentsExist = 1    END    -- Start a transaction if not already in one.     -- Note: For rest of proc use GOTO ErrorHandler for falures      if (@trancountSave = 0)        BEGIN TRAN @procName    SET @tranStartedBool = 1    -- Store complete mail message for history/status purposes      INSERT sysmail_mailitems    (       profile_id,          recipients,       copy_recipients,       blind_copy_recipients,       subject,       body,        body_format,        importance,       sensitivity,       file_attachments,         attachment_encoding,       query,       execute_query_database,       attach_query_result_as_file,       query_result_header,       query_result_width,                 query_result_separator,       exclude_query_output,       append_query_error,       send_request_user,       from_address,       reply_to    )    VALUES    (       @profile_id,               @recipients,        @copy_recipients,       @blind_copy_recipients,       @subject,       @body,        @body_format,        @importance,       @sensitivity,       @file_attachments,         'MIME',       @query,       @execute_query_database,         @attach_query_result_as_file,       @query_result_header,       @query_result_width,                   @query_result_separator,       @exclude_query_output,       @append_query_error,       @send_request_user,       @from_address,       @reply_to    )    SELECT @rc          = @@ERROR,           @mailitem_id = SCOPE_IDENTITY()    IF(@rc <> 0)        GOTO ErrorHandler;    --Copy query into the message body    IF(@QueryResultsExist = 1)    BEGIN      -- if the body is null initialize it        UPDATE sysmail_mailitems        SET body = N''        WHERE mailitem_id = @mailitem_id        AND body is null        --Add CR, a \r followed by \n, which is 0xd and then 0xa        SET @CR_str = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)        UPDATE sysmail_mailitems        SET body.WRITE(@CR_str, NULL, NULL)        WHERE mailitem_id = @mailitem_id   --Copy query results to mail body        UPDATE sysmail_mailitems        SET body.WRITE( (SELECT text_data from sysmail_query_transfer WHERE uid = @temp_table_uid), NULL, NULL )        WHERE mailitem_id = @mailitem_id    END    --Copy into the attachments table    IF(@AttachmentsExist = 1)BEGIN    if (@ANSI_Attachment = 1)     begin        --Copy temp attachments to sysmail_attachments              INSERT INTO sysmail_attachments(mailitem_id, filename, filesize, attachment)        SELECT @mailitem_id, filename, filesize,                 convert(varbinary(max),                     substring( -- remove BOM mark from unicode                        convert(varchar(max), CONVERT (nvarchar(max), attachment)),                         2, DATALENGTH(attachment)/2                    )                )        FROM sysmail_attachments_transfer        WHERE uid = @temp_table_uid    end else begin        --Copy temp attachments to sysmail_attachments              INSERT INTO sysmail_attachments(mailitem_id, filename, filesize, attachment)        SELECT @mailitem_id, filename, filesize, attachment        FROM sysmail_attachments_transfer        WHERE uid = @temp_table_uid    endEND    -- Create the primary SSB xml maessage    SET @sendmailxml = '<requests:SendMail xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://schemas.microsoft.com/databasemail/requests RequestTypes.xsd" xmlns:requests="http://schemas.microsoft.com/databasemail/requests"><MailItemId>'                        + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(20), @mailitem_id) + N'</MailItemId></requests:SendMail>'    -- Send the send request on queue.    EXEC @rc = sp_SendMailQueues @sendmailxml    IF @rc <> 0    BEGIN       RAISERROR(14627, 16, 1, @rc, 'send mail')       GOTO ErrorHandler;    END    -- Print success message if required    IF (@exclude_query_output = 0)    BEGIN       SET @localmessage = FORMATMESSAGE(14635)       PRINT @localmessage    END      --    -- See if the transaction needs to be commited    --    IF (@trancountSave = 0 and @tranStartedBool = 1)       COMMIT TRAN @procName    -- All done OK    goto ExitProc;    -----------------    -- Error Handler    -----------------ErrorHandler:    IF (@tranStartedBool = 1)        ROLLBACK TRAN @procName    ------------------    -- Exit Procedure    ------------------ExitProc:       --Always delete query and attactment transfer records.    --Note: Query results can also be returned in the sysmail_attachments_transfer table    DELETE sysmail_attachments_transfer WHERE uid = @temp_table_uid    DELETE sysmail_query_transfer WHERE uid = @temp_table_uid   --Raise an error it the query execution fails   -- This will only be the case when @append_query_error is set to 0 (false)   IF( (@RetErrorMsg IS NOT NULL) AND (@exclude_query_output=0) )   BEGIN      RAISERROR(14661, -1, -1, @RetErrorMsg)   END    RETURN (@rc)END

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