A good paper related to BEIDOU (…

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝客修改别人的pid 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 04:09
Recently a news related to BEIDOU seems exciting to all Chinesepeoples. And it seems a local area Navagation System withperformance similar to GPS/Galileo/GLONASS will be built in Chinasoon. The detailed information can be referred to the followingwebsite:


However, in current stage, the principle of BEIDOU is muchdifferent from that of GPS (Globla Positioning System), and thepaper linked below precisely depicted the actual difference:

Simply speaking, in current stage, if you want to use BEIDOU fornavigation purpose, the BEIDOU receiver should communicate with thebase station on earth. However, if you want to implement navigatinor positioning a vehicle or a car, it is not a must for your GPSreceiver to communicate with any EARTH STATION of GPS system. ( Ofcourse, DGPS is different, :-).)

It seems there is a long way for us to go, however the future isbrilliant and shining.

Nov. 4, 2006

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