POJ 1423 Big Number 解题报告

来源:互联网 发布:linux snmp协议 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 20:33


还以为是普通的高精度,结果Time Limit Exceed了。

one integer 1 <= m <= 10^7 on each line. 这个数量级不可能AC了。

define MAX 100
int main()
    int n
, m, i, j, base, set;
    int a[
"%d", &n);
"%d", &m);
= m;
, 0, sizeof(a));
for(i=0; base>0; i++, base /= 10)
= base % 10;
for(i=m-1; i>=1; i--)
= 0;
for(j=0; j<MAX; j++)
= a[j] * i + set;
= set % 10;
/= 10;
for(i=MAX-1; i>=0; i--)
if(a[i] != 0)
printf("%d/n", i+1);
return 0;





An important formula in applied mathematics as well as in probability is the Stirling's formula known as


/begin{displaymath}n! /sim /sqrt{2 /pi} /; n^{/displaystyle (n+ 1/2)} /;e^{/displaystyle-n} /end{displaymath}


where $/sim$ is used to indicate that the ratio of the two sides goes to 1 as n goes to $/infty$. In other words, we have


/begin{displaymath}/lim_{n /rightarrow /infty} /frac{n!}{/sqrt{2 /pi} /; n^{/displaystyle (n+ 1/2)}e^{/displaystyle-n}} = 1/end{displaymath}




/begin{displaymath}/lim_{n /rightarrow /infty} /frac{n!}{ n^{/displaystyle (n+ 1/2)}e^{/displaystyle-n}} = /sqrt{2 /pi}/;./end{displaymath}



Proof of the Stirling's Formula

First take the log of n! to get


/begin{displaymath}/log(n!) = /log (1) + /log(2) + /cdots + /log(n)/;./end{displaymath}


Since the log function is increasing on the interval $(0,/infty)$, we get


/begin{displaymath}/int_{n-1}^{n} /log(x) dx < /log(n) < /int_{n}^{n+1} /log(x) dx/end{displaymath}


for $n /geq 1$. Add the above inequalities, with $n=1,2,/cdots,N$, we get


/begin{displaymath}/int_{0}^{N} /log(x) dx < /log(N!) < /int_{1}^{N+1} /log(x) dx/end{displaymath}


Though the first integral is improper, it is easy to show that in fact it is convergent. Using the antiderivative of $/log(x)$ (being $x /log(x) -x$), we get


/begin{displaymath}n/log(n) - n < /log(n!) < (n+1)/log(n+1) - n/;./end{displaymath}


Next, set


/begin{displaymath}d_n = /log(n!) - /left(n + /frac{1}{2}/right) /log(n) + n/;./end{displaymath}


We have


/begin{displaymath}d_n - d_{n+1} = /left(n + /frac{1}{2}/right) /log/left(/frac{n+1}{n}/right) - 1/;./end{displaymath}


Easy algebraic manipulation gives


/begin{displaymath}/frac{n+1}{n} = /frac{1 + /displaystyle /frac{1}{2n+1}}{1 - /displaystyle /frac{1}{2n+1}}/;./end{displaymath}


Using the Taylor expansion


/begin{displaymath}/frac{1}{2} /log/left(/frac{1+t}{1-t}/right) = t + /frac{1}{3} t^3 + /frac{1}{5} t^5 + /cdots/end{displaymath}


for -1 < t < 1, we get


/begin{displaymath}d_n - d_{n+1} = /frac{1}{3} /frac{1}{(2n+1)^2} + /frac{1}{5} /frac{1}{(2n+1)^4} + /cdots/end{displaymath}


This implies


/begin{displaymath}0 < d_n - d_{n+1} < /frac{1}{3} /Bigg(/frac{1}{(2n+1)^2} + /frac{1}{(2n+1)^4} + /cdots/Bigg)/end{displaymath}


We recognize a geometric series. Therefore we have


/begin{displaymath}0 < d_n - d_{n+1} < /frac{1}{3} /frac{1}{(2n+1)^2 - 1} = /frac{1}{12} /left(/frac{1}{n} - /frac{1}{n+1}/right)/;./end{displaymath}


From this we get

the sequence $/{d_n/}$ is decreasing;
the sequence $/left/{d_n - /displaystyle /frac{1}{12n}/right/}$ is increasing.

This will imply that $/{d_n/}$ converges to a number C with


/begin{displaymath}/lim_{n /rightarrow /infty} d_n = /lim_{n /rightarrow /infty} d_n - /displaystyle /frac{1}{12n} = C /end{displaymath}


and that C > d1 - 1/12 = 1 - 1/12 = 11/12. Taking the exponential of dn, we get


/begin{displaymath}/lim_{n /rightarrow /infty}/frac{n!}{ n^{/displaystyle (n+ 1/2)}e^{/displaystyle-n}} = e^{C}/;./end{displaymath}


The final step in the proof if to show that $e^C = /sqrt{2/pi}$. This will be done via Wallis formula (and Wallis integrals). Indeed, recall the limit


/begin{displaymath}/lim_{n /rightarrow /infty} /frac{}{}/;= /frac{/pi}{2}/;./end{displaymath}


Rewriting this formula, we get


/begin{displaymath}/frac{2.4.6/ldots(2n)}{1.3.5./ldots(2n-1) /sqrt{2n}} /sim /sqrt{/frac{/pi}{2}}/end{displaymath}


Playing with the numbers, we get


/begin{displaymath}/frac{(2^n n!)^2}{(2n)!} /frac{1}{/sqrt{2n}} /sim /sqrt{/frac{/pi}{2}}/end{displaymath}


Using the above formula


/begin{displaymath}n! /sim n^{/displaystyle (n+ 1/2)}e^{/displaystyle-n} e^{C}/;./end{displaymath}


we get


/begin{displaymath}/frac{2^{2n} /Big(n^{2n+1} e^{-2n} e^{2C}/Big)}{(2n)^{(2n+1/2)} e^{-2n} e^C}/frac{1}{/sqrt{2n}} /sim /sqrt{/frac{/pi}{2}}/end{displaymath}


Easy algebra gives


/begin{displaymath}e^C /sim /sqrt{2/pi}/end{displaymath}


since we are dealing with constants, we get in fact $e^C = /sqrt{2/pi}$. This completes the proof of the Stirling's formula.

AC code:

#include <stdio.h>
include <math.h>

int n;
const double e = 2.7182818284590452354, pi = 3.141592653589793239;

double f( int a )
return log10sqrt2 * pi * a ) ) + a * log10( a / e );

int main()
    int cas
, ans;
double i, s;
"%d", &cas );
while( cas-- )
"%d", &n );
if( n < 100000 )
for( s=0, i=1; i<=n; i++ )
+= log10( i );
else s = f( n );
= (int)s;
if( ans <= s )
printf"%d/n", ans );
return 0;


2。用 位数=[ lg1+lg2+……lg(N-1)+lgN ] + 1。

