
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝数据怎么查 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 01:31



<?php// 服务器端处理function get_column_video2($array){    extract($array);    $column_id = isset($column_id) ? (int) $column_id : 0;    $start = isset($start) ? (int) $start : 0;    $pagesize = isset($pagesize) ? (int) $pagesize : 10;    $status = isset($status) ? (int) $status : '';    $uid = isset($uid) ? (int) $uid : '';    $date = isset($date) ? $date : '';    $search_text = isset($search_text) ? $search_text : '';    $updatemin = isset($updatemin) ? (int) $updatemin : '';    $updatemax = isset($updatemax) ? (int) $updatemax : '';    $sort = isset($sort) ? $sort : '';    $order = isset($order) ? $order == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'  : 'desc';    $where_str = '';    if ($status) {        $where_str .= " and status = '$status'";    } else {        $where_str .= " and status >= 7 ";    }    if ($uid) {        $where_str .= " and creator_id = '$uid'";    }    //某一天的数据    if ($date) {        $timestamp = strtotime($date);        $endtime = 24 * 3600 + $timestamp;        $where_str .= " and ( v.create_time >= $timestamp and  v.create_time < $endtime) ";    } elseif ($updatemin || $updatemax) {        if ($updatemin && $updatemax) {            $where_str .= " and ( v.update_time >= $updatemin and  v.update_time < $updatemax) ";        } elseif ($updatemin) {            $where_str .= " and v.update_time >= $updatemin ";        } else {            $where_str .= " and v.update_time <= $updatemax ";        }    }    $where_like = '';    if ($search_text) {        $search_text = mysql_real_escape_string($search_text);        $where_like .= "or title like '%" . $search_text . "%' ";        $where_like .= "or synopsis like '%" . $search_text . "%' ";        $where_like .= "or key_words like '%" . $search_text . "%' ";        $where_str .= 'and (' . trim($where_like, 'or') . ')';    }    if (in_array($sort, array('create_time', 'update_time', 'airtime'))) {        $orderBy = " order by v.$sort $order ";    } else {        $orderBy = ' order by v.id ' . $order;    }    $limit = "limit $start , $pagesize";    $website_id = $this->session->userdata('website_id');    if($website_id){        $website_videos_sql = "(select v.* from vms_video_metadata as v inner join vms_column";        $website_videos_sql .= " as c on (v.column_id = c.id and c.website_id = '$website_id' ))";    }    if ($column_id) {        if ($column_id !== -1) {            $column = $this->db->get_where('column', array('id' => $column_id))->row();            if (isset($column->column_level) && !$column->column_level) {                $sql = "select v.*,u.user_name,c1.column_level , c1.column_name as column_name3 ,c2.column_name as column_name2,c3.column_name as column_name1                    from $website_videos_sql as v inner join vms_column as c on (c.root_id = '$column_id' and c.id = v.column_id )                    left join vms_column as c1 on (c1.id = v.column_id) left join vms_column as c2 on (c2.id = c1.parent_id)                    left join vms_column as c3 on (c3.id = c2.parent_id)                    left join vms_user as u on (u.id = v.creator_id)  where  v.is_removed = 0 $where_str $orderBy  $limit ";                $count = $this->db->query("select count(*) as count  from $website_videos_sql as v                    inner join vms_column as c on (c.root_id = '$column_id' and c.id = v.column_id )                    where  v.is_removed = 0 $where_str ")->row()->count;            } else {                $sql = "select  v.*,u.user_name,c1.column_level , c1.column_name as column_name3 ,c2.column_name as column_name2,c3.column_name as column_name1  from $website_videos_sql as v                    inner join vms_column as c on (c.id = v.column_id) left join vms_column as c1 on (c1.id = v.column_id)                    left join vms_column as c2 on (c2.id = c1.parent_id)  left join vms_column as c3 on (c3.id = c2.parent_id)                    left join vms_user as u on (u.id = v.creator_id)                    where  (c.id = '$column_id' or c.parent_id = '$column_id') and  v.is_removed = 0 $where_str $orderBy $limit ";                $count = $this->db->query("select count(*) as count ".                    "from $website_videos_sql as v inner join vms_column as c on (c.id = v.column_id) ".                    "where (c.id = '$column_id' or c.parent_id = '$column_id') and v.is_removed = 0 $where_str "                )->row()->count;            }        } else {            $sql = "select  v.*,u.user_name   from $website_videos_sql as v                left join vms_user as u on (u.id = v.creator_id)                where v.column_id = '0' and v.is_removed = 0 $where_str $orderBy  $limit ";            $count = $this->db->query("select count(*) as count ".                "from $website_videos_sql as v where v.column_id = '0' and".                " v.is_removed = 0 $where_str "            )->row()->count;        }    } else {        $sql = "select  v.*,u.user_name,c1.column_level , c1.column_name as column_name3 ,c2.column_name as column_name2,c3.column_name as column_name1 ".            "from $website_videos_sql as v left join vms_column as c1 on (c1.id = v.column_id) left join ".            "vms_column as c2 on (c2.id = c1.parent_id)   left join vms_column as c3 on (c3.id = c2.parent_id) left join vms_user as u on (u.id = v.creator_id) ".            "where  v.is_removed = 0 $where_str $orderBy  $limit ";        $count = $this->db->query("select  count(*) as count from $website_videos_sql ".            "as v left join vms_column as c on (c.id = v.column_id)  where  v.is_removed = 0 $where_str "        )->row()->count;    }    if ($rs = $this->db->query($sql)->result_array()) {        $data['rs'] = $rs;        $data['count'] = $count;    }    return isset($data) ? $data : array(        'rs' => '',        'count' => 0    );}


<?php// 改变结构,客户端负责部分逻辑function get_video_list($category_id, $page_start, $page_size, $sort, $order) {    if (!in_array($order, array('asc', 'desc'))) {        $res = Error_Utils::parse(Error_Utils::PARAMETER_INVLIAD_ORDER);        return $res;    }    if (!$category_id || (count(explode(',', $category_id)) == 0)) {        $res = Error_Utils::parse(Error_Utils::PARAMETER_INVLIAD_CATEGORY_IDS);        return $res;    }    $order_by = " order by v.id $order";    if ($sort && in_array($sort, array('create_time', 'update_time', 'airtime'))) {        $order_by = " order by v.$sort $order";    }    $v_is_not_remove = "v.is_removed = ".NOT_REMOVE;    $status_str = "status >= ".NOT_RELEASE;    $limit = "limit $page_start , $page_size";    $from_where = " from vms_video_metadata as v, vms_user as u";    $from_where .= " where u.id = v.creator_id and v.column_id in ($category_id)"    $from_where .= " and $v_is_not_remove and $status_str";    $from_where .= " $order_by $limit";    $video_list_sql = "select v.*, u.user_name $from_where";    $video_count_sql = "select count(*) as count $from_where";    $data = array(        'res' => array(),        'total' => 0,        'count' => 0    );    $video_list = $this->db->query($video_list_sql)->result_array();    $video_count = $this->db->query($video_count_sql)->row()->count;    if (!$video_list) {        $res = Error_Utils::parse(Error_Utils::SUCCESS, "", $data);        return $res;    }    $data['res'] = $video_list;    $data['total'] = $video_count;    $data['count'] = count($data['res']);    foreach ($data['res'] as $key => $value) {        $data['res'][$key]['thumbnail_val'] = $data['res'][$key]['thumbnail_url'];        $data['res'][$key]['thumbnail_url'] = PIC_V($data['res'][$key]['thumbnail_url']);    }    $res = Error_Utils::parse(Error_Utils::SUCCESS, "", $data);    return $res;}


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