
来源:互联网 发布:sql字符串拼接赋值 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 21:40
int CJWChatServerDlg::GetNumVisibleLines(CRichEditCtrl* pCtrl){CRect rect;long nFirstChar, nLastChar;long nFirstLine, nLastLine;// Get client rect of rich edit controlpCtrl->GetClientRect(rect);// Get character index close to upper left cornernFirstChar = pCtrl->CharFromPos(CPoint(0, 0));// Get character index close to lower right cornernLastChar = pCtrl->CharFromPos(CPoint(rect.right, rect.bottom));if (nLastChar < 0){nLastChar = pCtrl->GetTextLength();}// Convert to linesnFirstLine = pCtrl->LineFromChar(nFirstChar);nLastLine  = pCtrl->LineFromChar(nLastChar);return (nLastLine - nFirstLine);}int CJWChatServerDlg::AppendToLogAndScroll(const CString& csMsg, COLORREF color, int iFontSize){long nVisible = 0;long nInsertionPoint = 0;CHARFORMAT cf;m_ChatRoom.GetSelectionCharFormat(cf);// Initialize character format structurecf.cbSize = sizeof(CHARFORMAT);static int iHeight = 100;cf.dwMask|=CFM_BOLD;cf.dwEffects |=CFE_BOLD;//设置粗体,取消用cf.dwEffects&=~CFE_BOLD;cf.dwEffects &= ~CFE_AUTOCOLOR;cf.dwMask |= CFM_COLOR;cf.crTextColor = color;cf.dwMask|=CFM_SIZE;cf.yHeight = iHeight;//设置高度iHeight += 50;cf.dwMask |=CFM_FACE;_tcscpy(cf.szFaceName ,_T("微软雅黑"));//设置字体// Set insertion point to end of textnInsertionPoint = m_ChatRoom.GetWindowTextLength();m_ChatRoom.SetSel(nInsertionPoint, -1);// Set the character formatm_ChatRoom.SetSelectionCharFormat(cf);// Replace selection. Because we have nothing// selected, this will simply insert// the string at the current caret position.m_ChatRoom.ReplaceSel(csMsg);// Get number of currently visible lines or maximum number of visible lines// (We must call GetNumVisibleLines() before the first call to LineScroll()!)nVisible   = GetNumVisibleLines(&m_ChatRoom);// Now this is the fix of CRichEditCtrl's abnormal behaviour when used// in an application not based on dialogs. Checking the focus prevents// us from scrolling when the CRichEditCtrl does so automatically,// even though ES_AUTOxSCROLL style is NOT set.if (&m_ChatRoom != m_ChatRoom.GetFocus()){m_ChatRoom.LineScroll(INT_MAX);m_ChatRoom.LineScroll(1 - nVisible);}return 0;}void CJWChatServerDlg::OnBnClickedButtonUpdate(){static int i = 0;COLORREF clrs[4] = {RGB(200, 25, 25), RGB(240, 155, 155), RGB(80, 205, 25), RGB(10, 25, 255)};AppendToLogAndScroll(_T("多说一下,自从 Lamport 在 1998 年发表 Paxos 算法后,无论何种改进,其重点依然是在消息延迟与性能、吞吐量之间作出各种权衡。\n"), clrs[i], 20);i++;i %= 4;}

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