
来源:互联网 发布:起点写作软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/24 23:16





function TColorFrm.CreateColorCircle(const size: integer): TBitmap;var  i,j,x,y: Integer;  radius: integer;  perimeter,arc,degree,step: double;  R,G,B: byte;  color: TColor;begin  radius := round(size / 2);  RESULT := TBitmap.Create;  R:=255;  G:=0;  B:=0;  with RESULT do  begin    width := size;    height:= size;    pixelFormat := pf24bit;    Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(R,G,B);    x := size + 1;    y := round(radius) + 1;    Canvas.FillRect(Rect(size,round(radius),x,y));    for j := 0 to size do      begin      perimeter := (size - j) * PI + 1;      arc := perimeter / 6;      step := ( 255 * 6 ) / perimeter ; //颜色渐变步长      for i := 0 to round(perimeter) - 1 do        begin          degree := 360 / perimeter * i;          x := round(cos(degree * PI / 180) * (size - j + 1) / 2) + radius;//数学公式,最后加上的是圆心点          y := round(sin(degree * PI / 180) * (size - j + 1) / 2) + radius;          if (degree > 0) and (degree <= 60) then          begin            R := 255;            G := 0;            B := round(step * i);          end;          if (degree > 60) and (degree <= 120) then          begin            if perimeter / 3 / 120 * (degree - 60) > 1.0 then              R := 255 - round(step * (i - arc))            else              R := 255 - round(step * ABS(i - arc));            G := 0;            B := 255;          end;          if (degree > 120) and (degree <= 180) then          begin            R := 0;            if perimeter / 3 / 120 * (degree - 120) > 1.0 then              G := round(step * (i - 2 * arc))            else              G := round(step * ABS(i - 2 * arc));            B := 255;          end;          if (degree > 180) and (degree <= 240) then          begin            R := 0;            G := 255;            if perimeter / 3 / 120 * (degree - 120) > 1.0 then              B := 255 - round(step * (i - perimeter / 2))            else              B := 255 - round(step * ABS(i - perimeter / 2));          end;          if (degree > 240) and (degree <= 300) then          begin            if perimeter / 3 / 120 * (degree - 240) > 1.0 then              R := round(step * (i - 4 * arc))            else              R := round(step * ABS(i - 4 * arc)) ;            G := 255;            B := 0;          end;          if (degree > 300) and (degree <= 360) then          begin            R := 255;            if perimeter / 3 / 120 * (degree - 300) > 1.0 then              G := 255 - round(step * (i - 5 * arc))            else              G := 255 - round(step * ABS(i - 5 * arc));            B := 0;          end;          color := RGB( ROUND(R + (255 - R)/size * j),ROUND(G + (255 - G) / size * j),ROUND(B + (255 - B) / size * j));          Canvas.Brush.Color := color;          //为了绘制出来的圆好看,分成四个部分进行绘制          if (degree >= 0) and (degree <= 45) then            Canvas.FillRect(Rect(x,y,x-2,y-1));          if (degree > 45) and (degree <= 135) then            Canvas.FillRect(Rect(x,y,x-1,y-2));          if (degree > 135) and (degree <= 225) then            Canvas.FillRect(Rect(x,y,x+2,y+1));          if (degree > 215) and (degree <= 315) then            Canvas.FillRect(Rect(x,y,x+1,y+2));          if (degree > 315) and (degree <= 360) then            Canvas.FillRect(Rect(x,y,x-2,y-1));        end;      end;  end;end;

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