Step By Step Mini Site Video Training

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Finally!! A Complete Step By Step Video Training on how to create your own minisite from scratch using High-End Software like Photoshop�, Frontpage� and Dreamweaver� that Will Take You By The Hand, It's As Easy As Riding A Bike With Training Wheels...

EXPOSED How The Experts Do It!NOW! You Can Watch 
Over My Shoulder To See How I Create Eye Catching Graphics 
And MiniSites (That Sell)
 From Scratch. You'll See How Simple 
And Easy It Is, Even My Eight Year Old Daughter Can Do It!
Watch. Listen. Learn.Albert


Albert Hallado

From The Desk Of: Albert Hallado
Las Vegas, Nevada
Date: Friday, January 24, 2014

Dear Fellow Entrepreneur,     

Does your site suck? Or you feel like your going to get sick when you look at it because it looks so bad?? It looks like crap, huh? Do you know why? I'll help you out here. Because you don't know how to do graphics to make it look right that's why! It hurts, but that's the truth. Face it my friend you need some help!!!!

     Believe me you are not alone!! There are literally thousands and thousands of people just like you!! You want to start your own internet business and set up a good looking minisite so you can start selling but you just don't have all the "right"  resources you need to get started.

     You've joined opportunity after opportunity online and they tell you, "Just do this and then do that and you'll be rich"!! "Just buy my product and you'll have instant riches". You believe it and do everything they say and each time nothing happens. Still somewhere deep down inside you know you have what it takes to make it happen.

     You hear that voice inside that says "I know I can do this"... "if only someone would slow down, take me by the hand and show me how to do everything step by step". If this is you please keep reading...

     Listen the only way to be successful online is to know your business from the ground up, inside and out. You need to be in the drivers seat and have full control of your business. You don't need anything shoved down your throat!

     You decide what will be best for your minisite. Don't let everyone else dictate what you have to do and what you will do! Don't settle for boring and ugly! There's already way too many boring and ugly sites out there. Be different. Stand out from the crowd with anappealing minisite.

     Every successful entrepreneur online will tell you that you need to have your own  website (minisite) to make real money online. It doesn't matter if you are just simply promoting affiliate programs or selling downloadable products like ebooksreports,scriptsbuilding a list or membership site.

In a few moments, I'll show you a fast and easy way to build your own minisite from scratch. This is not some course, ebook or "magic formula." It's unlike any videos that you may have seen before...

     All you need is a minisite. Some of you might be asking, "What is a minisite" and "Why is everyone so crazy about them"? A minisite is a small site with a few pages that focus on the subject and it is widely used by many successful internet marketers to promote their products or services. Now you need to know...

The Power Of A MiniSite

     You've seen it from John Reese "Traffic Secrets"Mike Filsaime "Butterfly Marketing", Joel Christopher "Birthday Blowout" to Scott Boulch "The Death Of Adsense" these marketers raked in so much money with their products by simply using a minisite.

     There's nothing special or magical about it. It works because it's simple, Plain HTML even search engines like it! it's easy to navigate and it focuses directly on the subject which is tosell fast and furious.

     This is the secret that I'm going to reveal in a minute.

     First let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Albert Hallado and I'm just a regular guy who is happily married with four kids and we live in Las Vegas. I started doing business online way back in the dial-up and web TV era.

    But for the past three years my focus has been on Investigating and Interviewing all the successful entrepreneurs online. I've studied those who have attained serious success.The last interview I did was with Scott Boulch the author of the most controversial report"The Death Of Adsense".

     I believe that if you pattern yourself after people who have already made it in the area that you want to be successful in then you too can achieve the same results.

     I've worked very closely with some of these experts on the internet. Just a couple of months ago I worked with Joel Christopher (The Master List Builder). He hired me for a special project as a graphic designer and webmaster. So I know all the insider secrets, how and why they do what they do. I know what it takes from working behind the scenes... Oh! BTW you can also google Albert Hallado to find out more about me.    

     The secret is simple and easy. Have a great product and/or services, build a minisite to market it and sell it to the mass crowds. But you'll need a range of effective trainingmaterials to help guide you to success and

That's Where I Come In!

     I'm going to show you how I built an eye grabbing minisite from scratch, A-Zstart to finish I mean from creating a graphic header with matching footer to FTP-ing it to your server.Web Templates

My Video Training will show you an easy, step by step process to build your very first minisite in just a matter of minutes not days or months.

You will see it first hand how the experts do it. You'll see a blank canvas come to life.

Building a money making minisite is not rocket science at all and you'll be amazed at how easy it is.

Listen if you're really serious about your online business and tired of  enie meenie minie moe  games with every business opportunity that comes your way...then it's time to get back to the drawing board and learn the basics. YES THE BASICS!!!  You simply cannot setup a business on the Internet without knowing the basic steps.

     Think about it.. every internet marketer out there uses a minisite every single day for their projects, promotions, JV, to make money and it works...After all a minisite is where the money starts. Here's how..

They Use MiniSites To Their Advantage...

Bullet Point A Minisite can be used as a standard website
It's easy to navigate and it provides instant results.

Bullet Point A Minisite can be used as a Squeeze Page 
To build your list, you know the money is in the list. 

Bullet Point A Minisite can be used as a landing page 
that promotes affiliate programs using PPC.

Bullet Point A Minisite can be used as a Sign up page
to recruit affiliates or JV partners.

Bullet Point A Minisite can be used as an Adsense template 
 to make money with your niche content.

Bullet Point A Minisite can be used as a Membership site 
generating monthly income.

Bullet Point A Minisite can be used as an eBay template
 your eBay listing would stand out if you had a custom designed minisite.

Bullet Point A Minisite can be used as a OTO (one time offer page)
Pre-sell, Hard-sell your high end products

Bullet Point A Minisite can be used as a Sales copy 
 a money making page where the action begins.

Bullet Point A Minisite can be used as a download page or thank you page
a secure page where you download or deliver the product.

Bullet Point And many, many more (whatever you can possibly think of)!!

Everyday people make thousands of dollars just by using a few page site called a minisite. Once you learn how to make a minisite you can build as many minisites as you want and never pay thousands of dollars to a webmaster ever again.

"OK! Here's The Cold, Hard Facts"

     Anyone (including you) can build a money making minisite in just minutes! With the right tools, instruction and training I believe that you can build a money making minisite that is proven to work, like the ones that successful  Internet marketers are using.

     Folks if you just give your self a chance to learn the basics on how to create your own minisite. You can be in full control of your business and learn how to put things together, and by knowing how everything works behind the scenes I have no doubt that you'll be on your way to success. For that reason I would like to introduce to you...


     But first let me tell you something, if you're a freebie seeker I have bad news for you because I don't give away free stuff here, no reseller junk, no cheap software or free ebooks, nothing, nada!

     Do yourself a favor, spend time with your family instead of wasting your time lollygagging. If your attitude toward business is like this there's no way you're going to be successful, period. 

     Don't waste my time. I only want to work with people that are willing to take their business to the next level and become successful. Nothing personal it's just business!


IMPORTANT: I have to warn you that this is not one of those crappy reseller videos that you see everywhere. This is original. I'm the author and sole creator of this video training. This video training is about using quality software like Photoshop, Frontpage  and Dreamweaver on how to create a quality minisite that will help your online business to be successful. I must also tell you that this video training is dedicated to all newbies and beginners.

Watch How I Created A Mouth Watering 
Minisite Design
 Using Top Of The Line Software 
like Photoshop
, Frontpage, Dreamweaver
And You'll Be Amazed At How Easy It Is...

DVD Case

**Watch The Sample Video Below**

(((You May Have to Click Play Twice)))

Say Hello! To MiniSite Video Training A Step-By-Step
Video Training
 That Will Walk You Through The Entire Process Of Building A Money 
Making MiniSite

 Here's What's Waiting For You Inside!

**Fair Warning** You need to have a Photoshop CS�, Frontpage03� or Dreamweaver MX� to follow this video training... 
this is the actual software that I used for this video training

However, I'll show you how to get a 30 day free trial so you can make a mini site before your trial expires. You might even make 3 or 4 or 5 sites once you watch these videos!

Tiny DVD Case Red ArrowVideo Training # 1
Step By Step
(Introduction To Minisite)

MiniSite Intro

I explain the importance of minisites and different types of minisites we also threw in a couple of bonuses.

Asterisk What Is A Minisite?
Asterisk Different Types Of Minisites...
Asterisk Tip On How To Choose A Domain Name (*Bonus)
Asterisk Register A Domain Name  (*Bonus)


Tiny DVD Case Red ArrowVideo Training # 2
Step By Step
(Header Graphic Creation)
**Using Photoshop�**

Header Creation

Just imagine you get to watch this and see it first hand how everything is put together behind the scenes.

Asterisk Open And Set Resolution For Canvas
Asterisk Shows You How To Use Rectangle Tool
Asterisk Shows You How To Put Image (Picture) 
     On Your Header

Asterisk Shows You How To Use The Magic Wand
Asterisk And Much More!!


Tiny DVD Case Red ArrowVideo Training # 3
Step By Step
(Footer Graphic Creation)
**Using Photoshop�**

Footer Creation

Man! this is very cool it's like watching a magic show!

Asterisk Shows You How To Put A Background 
     On Your Canvas

Asterisk Shows You How To Use Layer Style 
     (Gradient Overlay)

Asterisk Shows You How To Put Text On Your Footer
Asterisk Shows You How To Put Drop Shadow
Asterisk And Much More!!


Tiny DVD Case Red ArrowVideo Training # 4
Step By Step
(Guarantee Seal Graphic Creation)
**Using Photoshop�**

Guarantee Seal Creation

You'll be amazed how easy it is to make this guarantee seal

Asterisk Shows You How Use Custom Shape
Asterisk Shows You How To Use Layer Style 
     (Bevel And Emboss)
Asterisk Shows You How To Change Color For Your 
     Guarantee Seal

Asterisk Shows You How To Put Text
Asterisk Shows You How To Save Your Project
Asterisk And Much More!!


Tiny DVD Case Red ArrowVideo Training # 5
Step By Step
(Order Button Graphic Creation)
**Using Photoshop�**

Order Button Creation

This one is the bomb! once you finish watching this and learn how to make your own order button, you can make different colors, styles and sizes for all your projects. 

Asterisk Shows You How To Put 3D Effect On Your 
     Order Button

Asterisk Shows You How To Resize Text And Image
Asterisk Shows You How To Choose Color For Your 
     Order Button

Asterisk Shows You How To Save Your Project 
     To Either JPEG Or GIF

Asterisk And Much More!!


Tiny DVD Case Red ArrowVideo Training # 6
Step By Step
(Minisite Creation)
**Using MS Frontpage�**

Minisite Creation Using Frontpage

OK! now that we created our graphics like the header with matching footer, guarantee seal, and custom order button using Photoshop, it's time to put our project together using FrontPage to build our minisite.

Asterisk Shows You How To Open A New Page For Your
Asterisk Shows You How To Put Color In Your Page

Asterisk Shows You How To Insert Table And Set

Asterisk Shows You How To Insert Image Like The Header
     And Footer

Asterisk And Much More!!


Tiny DVD Case Red ArrowVideo Training # 7
Step By Step
(Headline Creation )
**Using MS Frontpage�**

Headline Creation Using Frontpage

This video is where the action begins. You will see for your self how the content that you've put together looks from start to finish

Asterisk Shows You Where To Put Your Sub-Headline
Asterisk Shows You Where To Put Your Headline
Asterisk Shows You How To Apply Bold And Italics To Your 

Asterisk Shows You How To Apply Highlights And Change
     The Color Of Your Text

Asterisk And Much More!!


Tiny DVD Case Red ArrowVideo Training # 8
Step By Step
(Testimonial Table Creation )
**Using MS Frontpage�**

Table Creation Using Frontpage

A very simple and easy process which most newbie's are curious about is how to create a table like the testimonial  table for  an example... or for whatever you might need...

Asterisk Shows You How To Set The Table Properties
Asterisk Shows You How To put Borders To Your Table
Asterisk Shows You How To Put Background Color For Your

Asterisk Shows You Where And How To Insert The Table
Asterisk And Much More!!


Tiny DVD Case Red ArrowVideo Training # 9
Step By Step
(Johnson-Box Creation )
**Using MS Frontpage�** 

Johnson-Box Creation Using Frontpage

As you probably know by now that there's so many things you can use the Johnson box for; to highlight a topic, or use it to spotlight one of your product, ect...

Asterisk Shows You How To Set The Table Properties 
     And Put A Border Style

Asterisk Shows You How To Put Background Color For Your
     Johnson Box

Asterisk Shows You Where And How To Insert The Table
Asterisk And Much More!!


Tiny DVD Case Red ArrowVideo Training # 10
Step By Step
(Insert Images )
**Using MS Frontpage�** 

Insert Images Using Frontpage

This is probably my favorite part. It is putting the image in place where you can see and visualize your minisite and determine how it's going to look.

Asterisk Shows You Where To Put Your Call To Action

Asterisk Shows You Where To Insert Your Guarantee Seal

Asterisk Shows You Where To Insert Your Order Button

Asterisk Shows You How To Put Or Create a Hyperlink On
     Text And Images
Asterisk Shows You How To Save The File In HTML Format
Asterisk And Much More!!


Tiny DVD Case Red ArrowVideo Training # 11
Step By Step
(Meta Tag, FTP Final Project )
**Using Smart FTP** 

Video 1
Headline Creation Using Frontpage

Video 2
Headline Creation Using Frontpage

Asterisk Shows You Where To Get A Free Quality FTP

Asterisk Shows You How To Edit Your Meta Tag Put
     Your Title, Description, And Keyword

Asterisk Shows You How To Check Everything Make Sure
     It's Ready For FTP.

Asterisk Shows You How Insert a Style Code To Make That
     Color On Your Scroll Bar
Asterisk Finally! Shows You How To FTP The Finished

Asterisk And Much More!!


Tiny DVD Case Red ArrowVideo Training
Macromedia Dreamweaver

Minisite Creation Using Dreamweaver

Sometimes software can be like a Ford and Chevy thing, you know some people like Ford and some like Chevy, for those of you that like the Dreamweaver� version but not Frontpage� here you go!

This is pretty much exactly like the Frontpage� video
except we used a Dreamweaver� version...

Step By Step
(Minisite Creation)
AsteriskAsterisk Video-1 AsteriskAsterisk

Step By Step
(Headline Creation )
AsteriskAsterisk Video-2 AsteriskAsterisk

Step By Step
(Testimonial Table Creation )
AsteriskAsterisk Video-3 AsteriskAsterisk

Step By Step
(Johnson-Box Creation )
AsteriskAsterisk Video-4 AsteriskAsterisk

Step By Step
(Insert Images )
AsteriskAsterisk Video-5 AsteriskAsterisk

      Yeah! some dead folks said "Knowledge is power" I totally agree with that. But can you imagine when you apply to your business what your going to learn from my videos? Once you watch my videos and learn all the tricks of the trade you'll become a powerful entrepreneur. Because once you learn this easyfast, and simple process, you can create as many minisites as you want, as often as you want and whenever you want!

     Use it for your newsletter (send as frequent as you want), squeeze page (to build your list faster), promote affiliate programs (write a one page  review of the product you're promoting), write articles and put adsense on it to generate income, and create your own sales copy for your own product...    Blue Shield

I can go on and on all day long and tell you all the good stuff but don't just take my word for it here's a couple of current subscribers and you can read what they have to say:



Jeff Smith


WOW! I have been wishing for something just like your course - if only knew how much time I have wasted with trial-and-error or chasing down tutorials, most of which are either terrible or very over-priced.

It's like you read my mind. Armed with your tutorials, I am already designing the header graphic for my next website - that saved me $97 right there! I am also re-doing all of my Johnson boxes based on your tutorial.

I especially like that your videos are very easy to follow, don't miss any detail and make minisite design possible for ANYONE! Happy my early coaching on creating your own business led to something so powerful and useful forwebmasters and entrepreneurs alike. I can't wait to get back to the next lesson.

Awesome work!

Jeff Smith



Mark Idzik


I wish I had your training videoswhen I started out! You've really'demystified' the process ofcreating a professional looking mini-site... whether it's for a sales letter, squeeze page, blog....
your videos can turn a computer avoiding, technology phobic into someone that can create professional looking sites.

The bottom line is, to make money online, you NEED to have a professional looking presence. Period.

But you don't need to pay thousands to get it online and rely on someone else to keep it updated.

For a tiny fraction of what it would cost to hire someone to create just ONE web site, your training will teach you how to do it all.

Of course as a online marketer, you'll create hundreds if not thousands of sites over your career. What a great value.

Your videos are clearprecise and easy to watch and learn. You cover what's important and needed to get the job done right, and professionally.

What's the old Chinese proverb? "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

And the templates are a great bonus. Just load them up and edit them as you wish... presto, your web site is ready to go. Awesome training Albert!

All the best,

Mark Idzik



Jason Lewis

Hi Albert,

I learnt how to design websites and graphics the hard way, with many, many hours of trial and error, and my head diving in and out of reference books.

Your training videos would have definitely cut my learning curve considerably, had they been available when I was starting out. You've covered a lot of  ground, and your sales page is testament to your knowledge and skill, in designing attractive looking mini sites and graphics

Jason Lewis



Dave Lovelace


I had so many "a-ha" momentswatching your videos!

Your instructions are clear and easy to follow. I opened up my FrontPage and followed along and"bada bing.."I had a great looking mini-site in minutes. I can't think of anything you left out. Truly an A-Z solution.

Highly Recommended!

Dave Lovelace



Charles Fuchs

Hi Albert,

Where to start! First off I just want to say thank you so much! The techniques I learned from MiniSite Video Training played a BIG part in helping me.

I think one of the biggest things wasthe step-by-step approach. You made all the technical, behind the scenes work look like1,2,3.

You not only show Photoshop but FrontPage andMacromedia also. You revealed EVERYTHING that got you to where you are online and I now have all the tools, strategies and the mindset to get there too! 

Anyone who is serious about being successful online MUSThave MiniSite Video Training in their hands because their competition probably already does! I'm truly blessed by this amazing course you've created.

I can't wait to get started! ANYONE could take your techniques and be successful online. They don't have to be rich. They don't have to be clever.

They just need to follow the techniques you show them. Would I buy it again? Yes, of course I would. I'd even pay the full price again, so, at such an insanely low price as you are offering here, it is an absolute no-brainer.

Charles Fuchs
Best Home Based Business



Marc Pena

In today's society the Internet has become second nature. I have been skeptical about creating a min-site but realized in today's business it has become almost mandatory. 

Having just started a business I could not afford a professional site designer at this time, so I had to figure something else out. So I took Albert's step-by-step program. 

It has helped out immensely and was easy to learn and use. Now my mini-site is up and running, and it looks like a professional designer has done it. 

So I highly recommend people to take that step and try it out. If your just starting your site or just want to improve it. 

Thanks again Albert

Marc Pena
Los Angeles, CA



Robert Avila

Hello Albert, 

Thank you�
 is exactly what I抳e been looking for! Imagine my frustration - working with limited website templates, confusing web design books, and spending hundreds of valuable hours learning how to design a website.

I thought I was saving money, only to realize it has cost me thousands of dollars. Not only that, it has also delayed launching new products. and your incredible videos make it easy for anyone to create their very own professional minisite. It抯 so easy to follow along, step-by-step as you explain in detail 揌ow to do it.�

Anyone who wants to learn from a successful Internet entrepreneur and establish a powerful presence online � look no further, Albert will show you everything you need to know! 

Wish you the best!

Robert Avila




Hi Albert,

I spent many hours trying to make my own minisite but either they were complicated to follow or too expensive. I started to look around on the net for help and I

After watching your video trainingand seeing how easy it was to use I was able to build my own good looking minisite. Your video training hasabsolutely! been beneficial to me and has helped me tremendously.

It's also very easy to follow especially for a guy like me that is not so technical.Again Thank you for all your help and I would highly recommend

Thanks Albert

Wayne Graves
North Dakota



Mike Mograbi

Take a look at this amazingly attractive and well-designed sales letter

MiniSite Video Training will teach you how to create sales letters like this and a lot more, from scratch,A-Z, start-to-finish, using step by step desktop video  is for newbies.

In other words, you'll learn beginner, intermediate and advanced designing and professional techniques quickly and easily. Just watch and learn

Do looks and the design of your sites matter? Absolutely! If you're a newbie, who's just starting out online, this video series is for you. In fact, Even I, whom I don't consider to be a newbie, have benefited from these videos, by learning new techniques that will improve the look and feel of my upcoming sales letters and minisites.

Well done.

Mike Mograbi
Internet Marketing News Watch




Hello Albert, 

I want to tell you that I am a worker bee� Yes a worker bee... I work 10 to 12 hours a day!!! And I am here to say enough is enough!

I am slowly but surely going to build a web site and start making money online� You are probably asking how the heck I can do that. Well� After I read and followed the videos from MiniSite Video Training

I was really amazed on how easy it is to create a web site� I am on my way to creating an online business of my own. People let me tell you there is not anything like this on the web that is as good as what you will get with MiniSite I assure you!


Michael J Carver
Austin, TX



Gobala Krishnan

"I've always preferred building minisites compared to normal content websites for three reasonsmore moneyfaster results, and easier maintenance

But it wasn't easy for me - I had to learn the hard way how to read HTML, how to design a simple page, how to use Photoshop, Frontpage and whole lot of other stuff...

Take it from someone who tried to "save money" and do it by "trial and error"... it's a whole lot harder than it seems. Now Albert has really gone out of his way to put everything you could possibly need to know in step-by-step videos, with actual minisite templates and more. 

Take my advice - just get Minisite Video Training and start making your own mini money-makers as soon as possible, with a recognized expert as your mentor. This small investment will pay you back many times over.

Good job, Albert.

Gobala Krishnan



Brilliant Job Albert!

Your site does not just teach people how to make websites but exactly how to create websites that sell. You really put people in business with your well thought out video series.

The videos are clear and easy to follow. Photoshop, Macromedia and FrontPage. Being lazy myself I really appreciate the bonus of the templates as well.

I would highly recommend this video series for anyone who wants to create marketing websites.





Hey Albert,

It's unbelievable how easy it was to follow your step by step video training. I thought, "I can do this, everyone should do this!" The internet and e-business has opened doors for so many people and now, it will open them for me.


Jamillah Gonzalez 
Las Vegas, Nevada 


     OK! OK! Enough Already Albert, So How Much? 
For All Those Late Nights (Man! It Really Hurt My Eyes, You Know?) Making Those Quality Videos For You, Doing Research, Case Studies, I Had To Buy Shoes For My Wife To Make Up For Loss Of Quality Time... I  Really Think It's Priceless...

So I Decided To Put This Price Tag $2997.00


I didn't mean to give you a heart attack... but reallyI can put a price tag that high if I want to because that is the true value. So are you ready? OK! this time is for real!

Drum Roll Please!

You Will Get Immediate Access  To All Of These Quality Video Training  That Will Literally Walk You Through The Entire Process On How To Build A MiniSite That Sells In Two Versions Frontpage� & Dreamweaver.� Plus Creating Your Own Graphics Using Photoshop�  All This Can Be 
Yours For One-Time Low Payment Of

$ 197.00

This Is Actually  Chicken Feed Compared To What 
Your Going To Pay If You Hire A Webmaster. Plus 
You Will Pay Them Over And Over, Again And Again
 Every time You Need A MiniSite For Your Product...

     You Know What? I Will Dare You To Look Around And See If You Can Find A Deal Like This. Even If You Enroll In Community College You'll Be 
Paying More For Just One Class.

Here's what I'm going to do. For a veryvery Limited Time I will drop the price cause I'm nice. If you don't get it now you will be paying the full price of $197 later on. I will change the price without notice and when I choose necessary.

For those of you who act now you won't regret it. For the first
100 orders you can get this at an insane price.

"What insane price?" you say

OK! I'm Gonna Drop The Bomb! If You 
Order Now I Will Take A Whopping 
$ 130.00 OFF =


Plus I Will Give You The Following Bonus 
Package Worth 1,000s Of Dollars..

Yes, All The Video Training Plus Bonuses
FOR ONLY $197.00 $ 67.00

You can't get this kind of quality at this price for long. Act now, 
before the price goes up. Remember this is a limited time offer.

You don't want to hear yourself say "Man! I shoulda got that"!, or " I coulda got it but I waited too long", or even " I woulda got it but I thought I still had time"! Get it. Then you won't have to kick yourself in the butt for not acting.


IMPORTANT: All the bonuses, pre-designed minisite templates (never released to the public before), eBooks (Interviews), and all the reports  are original and guaranteed fresh from my PC. You won't find these anywhere because I created them just especially for you here at




$ 67.00


$ 67.00



NOTE: This video tutorial was created especially  to accompany the pre-designed minisite template package 
for bonus 1,2, and 3. It shows you how to edit and install


Thumbnail Screen


How To Edit Your MiniSite 
Header Using PhotoShop


Thumbnail Screen


How To Edit Your MiniSite 
Footer Using PhotoShop


Thumbnail Screen


How To Edit Your MiniSite Order 
Button Using PhotoShop


Thumbnail Screen


How To Edit Your MiniSite 
HTML Using MS FrontPage


Thumbnail Screen


How To FTP Your MiniSite 



Pimp Your Site
Pimp Your Site

This is a short report on web design, but it's pure meat! I talk about all the important factors on building a website, just to give you an example like where to put the navigation link, how to choose a color for your website and more!!


Interview With The King Of Graphics Mark Monciardini

Mark Monciardini's Interview

Just recently I had a great time interviewing Mark Monciardini. Man! I have tell you that this interview blows my mind!  Mark revealed a couple of secrets on graphics and website techniques.


BONUS # 7 Special Report
Special Report

This is another short report that I wrote about how all the big shots made it online. Many people really are skeptical about making money online but after you read this report I guarantee that you be convinced that you can actually make money online!


Shawn Casey's Interview
Shawn Casey's Interview

If your into internet marketing you should know Mr. Shawn Casey he's one of the Pioneers online. Shawn actually made millions of dollars online!!! That's why I asked him a lot of questions on how he got started and the tools he used to build his business...



Surprise Bonus

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