细读《Effective C++》之十一

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Chapter 7. Templates and Generic Programming

Scott在Item 01里面就列举出了C++中的四种所谓“sublanguages”:C、OO C++、Template C++、STL。前面的Items一直评论的是OO C++,这一章则主要针对Template C++。

Item 41 - 42

条款41:Understand implicit interfaces and compile-time polymorphism

在OO C++中,是使用explicit interface和runtime polymorphism解决polymorphism问题的,而Template C++则是通过implicit interface和compile-time polymorphism解决polymorphism问题:

// OO C++
class Widget {
virtual ~
virtual std::size_t size() const
virtual void
void swap(Widget& other);                 // see Item 25


void doProcessing(Widget&
if (w.size() > 10 && w !=
 someNastyWidget) {
    Widget temp(w);

// template C++

template<typename T>
void doProcessing(T& w)
if (w.size() > 10 && w !=
 someNastyWidget) {
    T temp(w);

Implicit interfaces并不基于function signatures,从上面的valid expressions可以看出,w要支持size、normalize、swap、copy constructor、operator !=等implicit interfaces。由于operator overloading的因素,这些条件都不需要满足:size、normalize、swap可以从base class继承,copy constructor可以采用default,只要存在operator !=隐式转换类型即可满足。

Things to Remember

1) Both classes and templates support interfaces and polymorphism.

2) For classes, interfaces are explicit and centered on function signatures. Polymorphism occurs at runtime through virtual functions.

3) For template parameters, interfaces are implicit and based on valid expressions. Polymorphism occurs during compilation through template instantiation and function overloading resolution.

条款42:Understand the two meanings of typename

1、声明template type parameter:

template<class T> class Widget;                 // uses "class"
template<typename T> class Widget;              // uses "typename"

2、指涉nested dependent type name:

template<typename C>                            // this is valid C++
void print2nd(const C& container)
if (container.size() >= 2
) {
    typename C::const_iterator iter(container.begin());

<typename C>                   // typename allowed (as is "class")

void f(const C& container,             // typename not allowed
    typename C::iterator iter);        // typename required

<typename T>
class Derived: public Base<T>::Nested { // base class list: typename not
public:                                 // allowed
  explicit Derived(int x)
  : Base
<T>::Nested(x)                  // base class identifier in mem

  {                                     // init. list: typename not allowed
    typename Base<T>::Nested temp;      // use of nested dependent type
    ...                                 // name not in a base class list or
  }                                     // as a base class identifier in a
  ...                                   // mem. init. list: typename required

Things to Remember

1) When declaring template parameters, class and typename are interchangeable.

2) Use typename to identify nested dependent type names, except in base class lists or as a base class identifier in a member initialization list.