The Busy Parents Guide To A Digital World

来源:互联网 发布:2016网络红歌 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 02:09
Ready to Parent Like You Didn’t Think You Could?

The Only Program on the Market That Teaches You How To Become

A New Kind of Parent

A Parent in the Digital World

Hi there – My name is Dave and I’m a busy parent who is concerned about technology and my children. I’m also the president of Busy Parenting Solutions, and the creator of The Busy Parents Guide to a Digital World.

Do any of the following questions sound familiar to you?

  • How do I make sure my kids are using privacy settings on Facebook?
  • What kinds of cyberbullying might pose dangers for my kids?
  • Is sexting really a big deal for kids?
  • How can playing video games lead my child to develop serious issues with gambling?
  • How do I protect my kids from the emotional and legal issues related to cyber-pornography?
  • What am I supposed to do to protect my kids from internet chats with predators or inappropriate videos on YouTube?

I have heard all of these before – and these questions and more from parents like you are why I created The Busy Parents Guide to a Digital World.
The Busy Parents Guide to a Digital World is the only program available to you right now that can answer all of these questions, and more, in an easy to follow format supported by tons of resources for parents.

f you’re thinking to yourself

There is no way I will ever be able to keep up with my kids and technology!

STOP that kind of thinking.
There is a Solution! There is Help! There is a Way!

Just think of all of the things you’ve already taught your child. Just think of all of the things you’ve already done for your child. This is one thing you need to do today for your child – for your family.

The Busy Parents Guide to a Digital World is ready to help you parent in the digital world.

Why should I bother with this program?

I am focused on helping families use technology safely. I am also the parent of three kids – and an author, trainer, mentor, and international speaker on some of the very topics that concern parents the most.

  • Internet safety
  • Identity theft
  • Online privacy
  • Digital reputations
  • Online predators
  • Online harassments – including cyberbullying
  • Computer and internet security
  • Social network safety
  • Facebook privacy and security
  • Internet safety precautions
  • Texting, sexting, and digital communications

I developed The Busy Parents Guide to a Digital World because I knew parents were struggling to guide their kids in the digital world.

Why Should You Care?

  • There are almost 1 billion Facebook users.
  • Every 60 seconds there are 48 hours of video uploaded to YouTube.
  • More than half of the kids who are social networks online have been bullied.
  • Since 1996 there has been a 2000% increase in the number of child pornography pictures online (FBI).
  • 17 million teenagers carry a mobile device – a cell phone, an iPod, a smart phone – and 77% of all teenagers own a cell phone.
  • 93% of teenagers use the internet, and 63% of them use it every day.
  • 69% of teenagers have their own computer.

These are just a few examples of the reasons why this program needs to exist. 
Our kids are growing up in a new world – a digital world. Technology connects our kids to places, people, and ideas like never before. This can be a wonderful thing. But it can also lead to dangerous, future-changing events.

Does that make you worried?

Does it make you feel overwhelmed?

If it does, you’re not alone. Parents just like you all over the world are worried. They are overwhelmed. They are struggling as they try to figure out how to navigate this digital world, especially when kids today seem to be born knowing how to text and surf the internet.

But you can stop worrying that you can’t teach your kids about technology and start doing something – today.

The Busy Parents Guide to a Digital World gives you the tools you need to start today. You’re going to learn about

  • Cyberbullyng
  • Digital crimes
  • Social networking
  • Digital messages
  • Digital reputation management
  • Gaming
  • And more!

Not all kids use technology for the same reasons, and not all parents have the same knowledge or experience that it takes to help kids use technology safely. That is why The Busy Parents Guide to a Digital World is the solution for today’s kinds of families.

The Busy Parents Guide to a Digital World

Everything You Need to Know to Keep Your Child Safe
This comprehensive guide for the parent who is ready to jump into all aspects of technology or who wants an overview of the kinds of challenges our kids face when it comes to digital safety. Consider it an encyclopedia collection of everything parents need to know about technology and their kids.


Are you facing a specific problem today with your child?

We have targeted, specific guides that give more details and support for parents – from cyberbullying to online predators, to gaming (and more!). We know that sometimes parents just need specific tools that are easy to use, complete with step-by-step instructions. Our 6 e-guides do just that. They each cover an important topic and give you the tools you need to target that area with your teens.

The Busy Parents Guide – Navigate Social Networks
Parenting Through the Maze of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and More 
This e-book tells you everything you need to know about the digital world of social media, and how to do things such as make sure that your child’s settings are set to private – did you know that many default settings are public and most kids don’t change this?


The Busy Parents Guide – Decode Digital Messages
Email, IM, Cell Phones, Texting, and Sexting
Do you know how to check your child’s cell phone records? Did you know that many teens think sexting is flirting, but it can give them a criminal record? This e-book guides parents through this dangerous and confusing maze of digital communication.


The Busy Parents Guide – Crack Down on CyberBullying
Protecting our Kids From Flaming, Impersonation, Harassment, Stalking, Dissing, Outing, and Exclusions
There is not just one type of cyberbullying, and there is not just one way to prevent cyber-attacks. Make sure you understand how to protect your kids from all of the ways that cyberbullying can infiltrate their lives and destroy their senses of self-worth.


The Busy Parents Guide – Protect Your Child’s Digital Footprints
Digital Reputation Management
The things your teens post, text, and share online today can affect their futures forever. College admission boards, future friends and family members (including spouses and children), and potential employers can look at what your kids did today. Almost half of all teens surveyed say they do regret something they have posted online. What will your child’s digital reputation show, and how can you make sure that it doesn’t damage your child’s future?


he Busy Parents Guide – Play it Safe
Online Entertainment Guide for Parents 
Gaming is no longer board games or video games played at a friend’s house. With the click of a button your kids can connect with strangers around the world and play games with them, and not all players in the games have your kids’ best interests in mind. Not only can virtual gaming be dangerous, but it can lead to even bigger problems like gambling addiction.

he Busy Parents Guide – Face the Facts of Internet Crime
Predators, Pornography, Identity Theft, and Childhood Crimes 
Perhaps one of the most frightening things for parents is the thought of internet predators. But do you know how to protect your kids against them? In a world where predators don’t lurk in the shadows, but invite your kids into digital relationships, parents need all of the tools they can get to protect their kids – and this e-book does just that.

Lifetime Updates for Free!

You will also receiving Free Lifetime Updates to the program as technology changes. Whenever a new edition of the book or guides comes out you’ll automatically receive a free updates so it will never become obsolete.

You know that everything in your child’ digital world is constantly changing. That is why a program like ours is so essential. It will prepare you today, and keep providing you with updates as changes arise, saving you time and money.

We know you’re busy. That’s why you can use these targeted guides to approach the technology challenges you face with your kids – today. So now you’re probably wondering: How do I get The Busy Parents Guide to a Digital World?

The Busy Parents Guide to a Digital World is available to you today. We have set up a special discount, just for parents like you, to get The Busy Parents Guide to a Digital World. If you were to go and try to get all of these specific, individual programs PLUS the comprehensive guide from other kinds of publishers, you’d be paying so much more. But if you order through this page we can give you a discount that will give you access to this one of a kind program that you can get started with today. But you must order through this page byclicking on Add to Cart. You won’t have to even wait for it to arrive in the mail. It will be delivered as an eBook that you can use right now.

Because this is a comprehensive program available immediately as a PDF:

  • No searching for more materials and resources.
  • No waiting for your product to arrive in the mail
  • No waiting before you help your family become safer in this digital world

Don’t forget. By ordering today you’ll get our main guide, The Busy Parents Guide to a Digital World, plus our six targeted guides:
  • The Busy Parents Guide – Navigate Social Networks
  • The Busy Parents Guide – Decode Digital Messages
  • The Busy Parents Guide – Crack Down on Cyberbullying
  • The Busy Parents Guide – Face the Facts of Internet Crime
  • The Busy Parents Guide – Play it Safe
  • The Busy Parents Guide – Protect Their Children’s Digital Footprints

And if you order today by clicking on the “add to cart” button below, you will get all of these e-books for just one low price of $67.

That is an incredible bargain when you consider that the main guide, The Busy Parents Guide to a Digital World has a value by itself of $39.95, and each of the 6 individual e-books are valued at a minimum of $19.95.

That is a total of almost $160! At this great value I can only offer this package for $67 for a limited time.

Wait! There’s More!

You also get for a limited time,
2 FREE Bonus Books

The program doesn’t end here, however. There are two bonus e-books available for a limited time that will help parents to start becoming more informed and capable today of leading your children through the maze of technology.

The Busy Parents Guide – Get a Head Start
Quick Start Guide for the Digital World

What if you knew there were 7 things you could do today to help your child be safer in this digital world? Use this guide to learn these 7 steps, including:

  • How to take a technology inventory
  • The 3 questions you must ask your child
  • Why you need to search for your child online
  • And more!

The Busy Parents Guide – Gain Control
Parental Product Control and Safety Guide

If you’re searching for parental controls that will target just what your family needs, we’ll help you learn more about

  • Blocking downloads
  • Monitoring chats
  • Filtering and Reporting
  • And more!

Here’s what some of our parents have said:

Amber P (mom to 1 teen daughter)
My daughter had been acting strangely, and then I found out that she was suffering from cyberbullying – and she hadn’t been able to find a way to tell me for months! I used your program to educate both of us about cyberbullying, and to help find ways to stop it and make sure that it doesn’t happen again. She’s back to her smiling self and her grades are improving.

Brent S (dad to 2 teen sons)
I heard about a boy in our town who got in trouble for child pornography – and it was over pictures his 16 year old girlfriend had sent him on his phone. I had NO idea that he could be charged with a crime for that! I have two teen sons of my own and I wanted to make sure that I knew how to help them make the right decisions, and to protect their futures from these mistakes.

Kathy A (worried grandma of 6)
I didn’t grow up with these technology options – and neither did my daughter. I found this program for her and now we both feel like the kids, especially those curly haired granddaughters of mine, will be safe from online predators.

I want you to feel like you are getting 10 times the value that you are paying for – I know you have to make good decisions with your money. For a limited time you pay just $67 you can take control over the technology that is in your family’s life. And when you order today you will get the digital download – there is no waiting for a box to arrive. You can get started today. Technology doesn’t wait for anyone – it’s time to meet it head on. You can take that first step by clicking on the cart below and adding our program to your cart.


Buy “The Busy Parents Guide to a Digital World” Today and try my program. If you don’t feel it is teaching you what you need to know about the digital world in which your kids live, just let me know within the first 60 days and I will give you a FULL refund. Guaranteed!

Not only is this a limited time offer online, but our time as parents is limited. We only have so much time to teach our teens what they need to know. Today is the day to become the parent who can tackle the digital world with confidence.



The Busy Parents Guide to a Digital World
Everything You Need to Know to Keep your Child Safe

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