
来源:互联网 发布:怎么在淘宝上买rush 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 17:20


unit CompareImage;interfaceuses Classes, SysUtils, Math, Graphics;function ConvertToBmp(img: TGraphic; W, H: Integer): TBitmap;function CompareImages(image1, image2: TBitmap; diffmap: TBitmap): double;implementationtype  PRGB = ^TRGB;  TRGB = packed record    B: Byte;    G: Byte;    R: Byte  end;const  gRedToGrayCoef = 21;  gGreenToGrayCoef = 71;  gBlueToGrayCoef = 8;function ConvertToBmp(img: TGraphic; W, H: Integer): TBitmap;begin  Result := TBitmap.Create;  Result.Width := W;  Result.Height := H;  Result.PixelFormat := pf24bit;  Result.Canvas.StretchDraw(Result.Canvas.ClipRect, img);end;function CompareImages(image1, image2: TBitmap; diffmap: TBitmap): double;var  x, y: integer;  w, h: integer;  prgb1, prgb2: PRGB;  i1, i2: integer;  di: integer;  d: double;  dm: pbyte;begin  result := 0;  if (image1.PixelFormat <> pf24bit) or (image2.PixelFormat <> pf24bit) then    exit;  if Assigned(diffmap) and (diffmap.PixelFormat<>pf8bit) and (diffmap.PixelFormat<>pf8bit) then    diffmap:=nil;  w := Min(image1.Width,image2.Width);  h := Min(image1.Height,image2.Height);  if Assigned(diffmap) then  begin    diffmap.Width := w;    diffmap.Height := h;    with diffmap.Canvas do begin      Brush.Color := $FF;      FillRect(ClipRect);    end;  end;  d := 0;  dm := nil;  for y := 0 to h - 1 do  begin    prgb1 := image1.Scanline[y];    prgb2 := image2.Scanline[y];    if assigned(diffmap) then      dm := diffmap.Scanline[y];    for x := 0 to w - 1 do    begin      with prgb1^ do        i1 := (r * gRedToGrayCoef + g * gGreenToGrayCoef + b * gBlueToGrayCoef) div 100;      with prgb2^ do        i2 := (r * gRedToGrayCoef + g * gGreenToGrayCoef + b * gBlueToGrayCoef) div 100;      di := abs(i1 - i2);      d := d + di / 255;      inc(prgb1);      inc(prgb2);      if assigned(dm) then      begin        dm^ := di;        inc(dm);      end;    end;  end;  d := d / (w * h);  result := 1 - d;end;end.





procedure TForm1.btn1Click(Sender: TObject);var  d: Double;begin  d := CompareImages(ConvertToBmp(img1.Picture.Graphic, 128, 128), ConvertToBmp(img2.Picture.Graphic, 128, 128), nil);  Caption := Format('相似度:%.2f, %s', [d, TimeToStr(time)]);end;

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