
来源:互联网 发布:c 连接access数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 03:50
/// <summary>/// Determines whether the 'parent' contains a 'child' in its hierarchy./// </summary>static public bool IsChild (Transform parent, Transform child){if (parent == null || child == null) return false;while (child != null){if (child == parent) return true;child = child.parent;}return false;}

/// <summary>/// Recursively set the game object's layer./// </summary>static public void SetLayer (GameObject go, int layer){go.layer = layer;Transform t = go.transform;for (int i = 0, imax = t.childCount; i < imax; ++i){Transform child = t.GetChild(i);SetLayer(child.gameObject, layer);}}

/// <summary>/// Make the specified selection pixel-perfect./// </summary>static public void MakePixelPerfect (Transform t){UIWidget w = t.GetComponent<UIWidget>();if (w != null){w.MakePixelPerfect();}else{t.localPosition = Round(t.localPosition);t.localScale = Round(t.localScale);for (int i = 0, imax = t.childCount; i < imax; ++i){MakePixelPerfect(t.GetChild(i));}}}


/// <summary>/// Save the specified binary data into the specified file./// </summary>static public bool Save (string fileName, byte[] bytes){#if UNITY_WEBPLAYER || UNITY_FLASH || UNITY_METROreturn false;#elseif (!NGUITools.fileAccess) return false;string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + fileName;if (bytes == null){if (File.Exists(path)) File.Delete(path);return true;}FileStream file = null;try{file = File.Create(path);}catch (System.Exception ex){NGUIDebug.Log(ex.Message);return false;}file.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);file.Close();return true;#endif}/// <summary>/// Load all binary data from the specified file./// </summary>static public byte[] Load (string fileName){#if UNITY_WEBPLAYER || UNITY_FLASH || UNITY_METROreturn null;#elseif (!NGUITools.fileAccess) return null;string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + fileName;if (File.Exists(path)){return File.ReadAllBytes(path);}return null;#endif}

/// <summary>/// Pre-multiply shaders result in a black outline if this operation is done in the shader. It's better to do it outside./// </summary>static public Color ApplyPMA (Color c){if (c.a != 1f){c.r *= c.a;c.g *= c.a;c.b *= c.a;}return c;}


/// <summary>/// Access to the clipboard via a hacky method of accessing Unity's internals. Won't work in the web player./// </summary>public static string clipboard{get{PropertyInfo copyBuffer = GetSystemCopyBufferProperty();return (copyBuffer != null) ? (string)copyBuffer.GetValue(null, null) : null;}set{PropertyInfo copyBuffer = GetSystemCopyBufferProperty();if (copyBuffer != null) copyBuffer.SetValue(null, value, null);}}#endif}


/// <summary>/// Add a sprite appropriate for the specified atlas sprite./// It will be sliced if the sprite has an inner rect, and a regular sprite otherwise./// </summary>static public UISprite AddSprite (GameObject go, UIAtlas atlas, string spriteName){UIAtlas.Sprite sp = (atlas != null) ? atlas.GetSprite(spriteName) : null;UISprite sprite = AddWidget<UISprite>(go);sprite.type = (sp == null || sp.inner == sp.outer) ? UISprite.Type.Simple : UISprite.Type.Sliced;sprite.atlas = atlas;sprite.spriteName = spriteName;return sprite;}

/// <summary>/// Add a new widget of specified type./// </summary>static public T AddWidget<T> (GameObject go) where T : UIWidget{int depth = CalculateNextDepth(go);// Create the widget and place it above other widgetsT widget = AddChild<T>(go);widget.depth = depth;// Clear the local transformTransform t = widget.transform;t.localPosition = Vector3.zero;t.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;t.localScale = new Vector3(100f, 100f, 1f);widget.gameObject.layer = go.layer;return widget;}

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