eventDelete Editor

来源:互联网 发布:learning python mobi 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 21:58
//----------------------------------------------//            NGUI: Next-Gen UI kit// Copyright © 2011-2014 Tasharen Entertainment//----------------------------------------------#if UNITY_EDITOR || (!UNITY_FLASH && !NETFX_CORE)#define REFLECTION_SUPPORT#endif#if REFLECTION_SUPPORTusing System.Reflection;#endifusing System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;/// <summary>/// Delegate callback that Unity can serialize and set via Inspector./// </summary>[System.Serializable]public class EventDelegate{[SerializeField] MonoBehaviour mTarget;[SerializeField] string mMethodName;/// <summary>/// Whether the event delegate will be removed after execution./// </summary>public bool oneShot = false;public delegate void Callback();Callback mCachedCallback;bool mRawDelegate = false;/// <summary>/// Event delegate's target object./// </summary>public MonoBehaviour target { get { return mTarget; } set { mTarget = value; mCachedCallback = null; mRawDelegate = false; } }/// <summary>/// Event delegate's method name./// </summary>public string methodName { get { return mMethodName; } set { mMethodName = value; mCachedCallback = null; mRawDelegate = false; } }/// <summary>/// Whether this delegate's values have been set./// </summary>public bool isValid { get { return (mRawDelegate && mCachedCallback != null) || (mTarget != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mMethodName)); } }/// <summary>/// Whether the target script is actually enabled./// </summary>public bool isEnabled { get { return (mRawDelegate && mCachedCallback != null) || (mTarget != null && mTarget.enabled); } }public EventDelegate () { }public EventDelegate (Callback call) { Set(call); }public EventDelegate (MonoBehaviour target, string methodName) { Set(target, methodName); }/// <summary>/// GetMethodName is not supported on some platforms./// </summary>#if REFLECTION_SUPPORT#if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_WP8static string GetMethodName (Callback callback){System.Delegate d = callback as System.Delegate;return d.Method.Name;}static bool IsValid (Callback callback){System.Delegate d = callback as System.Delegate;return d != null && d.Method != null;}#elif !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_METROstatic string GetMethodName (Callback callback){System.Delegate d = callback as System.Delegate;return d.GetMethodInfo().Name;}static bool IsValid (Callback callback){System.Delegate d = callback as System.Delegate;return d != null && d.GetMethodInfo() != null;}#elsestatic string GetMethodName (Callback callback) { return callback.Method.Name; }static bool IsValid (Callback callback) { return callback != null && callback.Method != null; }#endif#elsestatic bool IsValid (Callback callback) { return callback != null; }#endif/// <summary>/// Equality operator./// </summary>public override bool Equals (object obj){if (obj == null){return !isValid;}if (obj is Callback){Callback callback = obj as Callback;#if REFLECTION_SUPPORTif (callback.Equals(mCachedCallback)) return true;MonoBehaviour mb = callback.Target as MonoBehaviour;return (mTarget == mb && string.Equals(mMethodName, GetMethodName(callback)));#elif UNITY_FLASHreturn (callback == mCachedCallback);#elsereturn callback.Equals(mCachedCallback);#endif}if (obj is EventDelegate){EventDelegate del = obj as EventDelegate;return (mTarget == del.mTarget && string.Equals(mMethodName, del.mMethodName));}return false;}static int s_Hash = "EventDelegate".GetHashCode();/// <summary>/// Used in equality operators./// </summary>public override int GetHashCode () { return s_Hash; }/// <summary>/// Convert the saved target and method name into an actual delegate./// </summary>Callback Get (){#if REFLECTION_SUPPORTif (!mRawDelegate && (mCachedCallback == null || (mCachedCallback.Target as MonoBehaviour) != mTarget || GetMethodName(mCachedCallback) != mMethodName)){if (mTarget != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mMethodName)){mCachedCallback = (Callback)System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Callback), mTarget, mMethodName);}else return null;}#endifreturn mCachedCallback;}/// <summary>/// Set the delegate callback directly./// </summary>void Set (Callback call){if (call == null || !IsValid(call)){mTarget = null;mMethodName = null;mCachedCallback = null;mRawDelegate = false;}else{#if REFLECTION_SUPPORTmTarget = call.Target as MonoBehaviour;if (mTarget == null){mRawDelegate = true;mCachedCallback = call;mMethodName = null;}else{mMethodName = GetMethodName(call);mRawDelegate = false;}#elsemRawDelegate = true;mCachedCallback = call;mMethodName = null;mTarget = null;#endif}}/// <summary>/// Set the delegate callback using the target and method names./// </summary>public void Set (MonoBehaviour target, string methodName){this.mTarget = target;this.mMethodName = methodName;mCachedCallback = null;mRawDelegate = false;}/// <summary>/// Execute the delegate, if possible./// This will only be used when the application is playing in order to prevent unintentional state changes./// </summary>public bool Execute (){Callback call = Get();if (call != null){#if UNITY_EDITORif (Application.isPlaying){call();}else if (call.Target != null){System.Type type = call.Target.GetType();object[] objs = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ExecuteInEditMode), true);if (objs != null && objs.Length > 0) call();}#elsecall();#endifreturn true;}#if !REFLECTION_SUPPORTif (isValid){mTarget.SendMessage(mMethodName, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);return true;}#endifreturn false;}/// <summary>/// Clear the event delegate./// </summary>public void Clear (){mTarget = null;mMethodName = null;mRawDelegate = false;mCachedCallback = null;}/// <summary>/// Convert the delegate to its string representation./// </summary>public override string ToString (){if (mTarget != null){string typeName = mTarget.GetType().ToString();int period = typeName.LastIndexOf('.');if (period > 0) typeName = typeName.Substring(period + 1);if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodName)) return typeName + "." + methodName;else return typeName + ".[delegate]";}return mRawDelegate ? "[delegate]" : null;}/// <summary>/// Execute an entire list of delegates./// </summary>static public void Execute (List<EventDelegate> list){if (list != null){for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ){EventDelegate del = list[i];if (del != null){del.Execute();if (del.oneShot){list.RemoveAt(i);continue;}}++i;}}}/// <summary>/// Convenience function to check if the specified list of delegates can be executed./// </summary>static public bool IsValid (List<EventDelegate> list){if (list != null){for (int i = 0, imax = list.Count; i < imax; ++i){EventDelegate del = list[i];if (del != null && del.isValid)return true;}}return false;}/// <summary>/// Assign a new event delegate./// </summary>static public void Set (List<EventDelegate> list, Callback callback){if (list != null){list.Clear();list.Add(new EventDelegate(callback));}}/// <summary>/// Append a new event delegate to the list./// </summary>static public void Add (List<EventDelegate> list, Callback callback) { Add(list, callback, false); }/// <summary>/// Append a new event delegate to the list./// </summary>static public void Add (List<EventDelegate> list, Callback callback, bool oneShot){if (list != null){for (int i = 0, imax = list.Count; i < imax; ++i){EventDelegate del = list[i];if (del != null && del.Equals(callback))return;}EventDelegate ed = new EventDelegate(callback);ed.oneShot = oneShot;list.Add(ed);}else{Debug.LogWarning("Attempting to add a callback to a list that's null");}}/// <summary>/// Append a new event delegate to the list./// </summary>static public void Add (List<EventDelegate> list, EventDelegate ev) { Add(list, ev, false); }/// <summary>/// Append a new event delegate to the list./// </summary>static public void Add (List<EventDelegate> list, EventDelegate ev, bool oneShot){if (list != null){for (int i = 0, imax = list.Count; i < imax; ++i){EventDelegate del = list[i];if (del != null && del.Equals(ev))return;}EventDelegate ed = new EventDelegate(ev.target, ev.methodName);ed.oneShot = oneShot;list.Add(ed);}else{Debug.LogWarning("Attempting to add a callback to a list that's null");}}/// <summary>/// Remove an existing event delegate from the list./// </summary>static public bool Remove (List<EventDelegate> list, Callback callback){if (list != null){for (int i = 0, imax = list.Count; i < imax; ++i){EventDelegate del = list[i];if (del != null && del.Equals(callback)){list.RemoveAt(i);return true;}}}return false;}}

//----------------------------------------------//            NGUI: Next-Gen UI kit// Copyright © 2011-2014 Tasharen Entertainment//----------------------------------------------using UnityEngine;using UnityEditor;using System.Reflection;using System.Collections.Generic;public static class EventDelegateEditor{class Entry{public MonoBehaviour target;public MethodInfo method;}/// <summary>/// Collect a list of usable delegates from the specified target game object./// The delegates must be of type "void Delegate()"./// </summary>static List<Entry> GetMethods (GameObject target){MonoBehaviour[] comps = target.GetComponents<MonoBehaviour>();List<Entry> list = new List<Entry>();for (int i = 0, imax = comps.Length; i < imax; ++i){MonoBehaviour mb = comps[i];if (mb == null) continue;MethodInfo[] methods = mb.GetType().GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);for (int b = 0; b < methods.Length; ++b){MethodInfo mi = methods[b];if (mi.GetParameters().Length == 0 && mi.ReturnType == typeof(void)){if (mi.Name != "StopAllCoroutines" && mi.Name != "CancelInvoke"){Entry ent = new Entry();ent.target = mb;ent.method = mi;list.Add(ent);}}}}return list;}/// <summary>/// Convert the specified list of delegate entries into a string array./// </summary>static string[] GetMethodNames (List<Entry> list, string choice, out int index){index = 0;string[] names = new string[list.Count + 1];names[0] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(choice) ? "<Choose>" : choice;for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ){Entry ent = list[i];string type = ent.target.GetType().ToString();int period = type.LastIndexOf('.');if (period > 0) type = type.Substring(period + 1);string del = type + "." + ent.method.Name;names[++i] = del;if (index == 0 && string.Equals(del, choice))index = i;}return names;}/// <summary>/// Draw an editor field for the Unity Delegate./// </summary>static public bool Field (Object undoObject, EventDelegate del){return Field(undoObject, del, true);}/// <summary>/// Draw an editor field for the Unity Delegate./// </summary>static public bool Field (Object undoObject, EventDelegate del, bool removeButton){if (del == null) return false;bool prev = GUI.changed;GUI.changed = false;bool retVal = false;MonoBehaviour target = del.target;bool remove = false;if (removeButton && (del.target != null || del.isValid)){if (del.target == null && del.isValid){EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Notify", del.ToString());}else{target = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Notify", del.target, typeof(MonoBehaviour), true) as MonoBehaviour;}GUILayout.Space(-20f);GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();GUILayout.Space(64f);#if UNITY_3_5if (GUILayout.Button("X", GUILayout.Width(20f)))#elseif (GUILayout.Button("", "ToggleMixed", GUILayout.Width(20f)))#endif{target = null;remove = true;}GUILayout.EndHorizontal();}else{target = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Notify", del.target, typeof(MonoBehaviour), true) as MonoBehaviour;}if (remove){NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Delegate Selection", undoObject);del.Clear();EditorUtility.SetDirty(undoObject);}else if (del.target != target){NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Delegate Selection", undoObject);del.target = target;EditorUtility.SetDirty(undoObject);}if (del.target != null && del.target.gameObject != null){GameObject go = del.target.gameObject;List<Entry> list = GetMethods(go);int index = 0;string[] names = GetMethodNames(list, del.ToString(), out index);int choice = 0;GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();choice = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Method", index, names);GUILayout.Space(18f);GUILayout.EndHorizontal();if (choice > 0){if (choice != index){Entry entry = list[choice - 1];NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Delegate Selection", undoObject);del.target = entry.target;del.methodName = entry.method.Name;EditorUtility.SetDirty(undoObject);GUI.changed = prev;return true;}}}retVal = GUI.changed;GUI.changed = prev;return retVal;}/// <summary>/// Draw a list of fields for the specified list of delegates./// </summary>static public void Field (Object undoObject, List<EventDelegate> list){Field(undoObject, list, null, null);}/// <summary>/// Draw a list of fields for the specified list of delegates./// </summary>static public void Field (Object undoObject, List<EventDelegate> list, string noTarget, string notValid){bool targetPresent = false;bool isValid = false;// Draw existing delegatesfor (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ){EventDelegate del = list[i];if (del == null || (del.target == null && !del.isValid)){list.RemoveAt(i);continue;}Field(undoObject, del);EditorGUILayout.Space();if (del.target == null && !del.isValid){list.RemoveAt(i);continue;}else{if (del.target != null) targetPresent = true;isValid = true;}++i;}// Draw a new delegateEventDelegate newDel = new EventDelegate();Field(undoObject, newDel);if (newDel.target != null){targetPresent = true;list.Add(newDel);}if (!targetPresent){if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(noTarget)){GUILayout.Space(6f);EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(noTarget, MessageType.Info, true);GUILayout.Space(6f);}}else if (!isValid){if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notValid)){GUILayout.Space(6f);EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(notValid, MessageType.Warning, true);GUILayout.Space(6f);}}}}

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