
来源:互联网 发布:康迪与知豆哪个好 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 18:01











procedure TAlgorithmTest.BubbleOrder(const ASourceData: TIntegerDynArray;  const IsAsc: Boolean);var  LastFlag, CurrentFlag: Integer;  I: Integer;begin  LastFlag := High(ASourceData);  while LastFlag > 0 do  begin    CurrentFlag := LastFlag;    LastFlag := 0;    for I := 1 to CurrentFlag do    begin      if NeedSwap(ASourceData[I - 1], ASourceData[I], IsAsc) then      begin        SwapData(ASourceData, I - 1, I);        LastFlag := I - 1;      end;    end;  end;end;
   2 插入排序


       2.1 对于新元素,先反向遍历之前的元素,找到合适的位置,然后直接将该元素移动那个位置


procedure TAlgorithmTest.InsertOrigin(const ASourceData: TIntegerDynArray;  const IsAsc: Boolean);var  I, J, K: Integer;  TempVal: Integer;begin  for I := Succ(Low(ASourceData)) to High(ASourceData) do  begin    J := I - 1;    while (j >= 0) do    begin      if IsAsc then      begin        if ASourceData[j] < ASourceData[I] then          Break;      end      else      begin        if ASourceData[j] > ASourceData[I] then          Break;      end;      Dec(J)    end;    if j <> I - 1 then    begin      TempVal := ASourceData[I];      k := I - 1;      while(k > j) do      begin        ASourceData[k + 1] := ASourceData[k];        Dec(k);      end;      ASourceData[k + 1] := TempVal;    end;  end;end;
      2.2 对于新元素,直接反向遍历子列表,然后找到合适的位置,将数值插入进去,相对于2.1,就是将查找位置和移动元素的工作结合起来了

procedure TAlgorithmTest.InsertOptimize(  const ASourceData: TIntegerDynArray; const IsAsc: Boolean);var  I, J, k: Integer;  TempValue: Integer;begin  for I := Succ(Low(ASourceData)) to High(ASourceData) do  begin    if IsAsc then    begin      if (ASourceData[I] < ASourceData[I - 1]) then      begin        TempValue := ASourceData[I];        K := I - 1;        while(k >= 0) and (ASourceData[k] > TempValue) do        begin          ASourceData[K + 1] := ASourceData[k];          Dec(k);        end;        ASourceData[K + 1] := TempValue;      end;    end    else    begin      if (ASourceData[I] > ASourceData[I - 1]) then      begin        TempValue := ASourceData[I];        k := I - 1;        while(K >= 0) and (ASourceData[k] < TempValue) do        begin          ASourceData[K + 1] := TempValue;          Dec(k);        end;        ASourceData[K + 1] := TempValue;      end;    end;  end;end;
     2.3  当前的元素尝试在子列表中冒泡一趟


procedure TAlgorithmTest.InsertOrder(const ASourceData: TIntegerDynArray;  const IsAsc: Boolean);var  I, J: Integer;begin  for I := Succ(Low(ASourceData)) to High(ASourceData) do  begin    J := I - 1;    while(j >= 0) and NeedSwap(ASourceData[J + 1], ASourceData[J], IsAsc) do    begin      SwapData(ASourceData, J + 1, J);      Dec(J);    end;  end;end;



   3 希尔排序



      3.1 严格的按照定义:不断的分组,组间进行插入排序


procedure TAlgorithmTest.ShellOrder(const ASourceData: TIntegerDynArray;  const AIsAsc: Boolean);var  DataCount: Integer;  Gap: Integer;  GroupIndex: Integer;  MemIndex: Integer;  TempValue: Integer;  K: Integer;begin  DataCount := Length(ASourceData);  Gap := DataCount div 2;  while (Gap > 0) do  begin    for GroupIndex := 0 to Pred(Gap) do    begin      MemIndex := GroupIndex + Gap;      while (MemIndex < DataCount) do      begin        if AIsAsc then        begin          if ASourceData[MemIndex] < ASourceData[MemIndex - Gap] then          begin            TempValue := ASourceData[MemIndex];            k := MemIndex - Gap;            while(k >= GroupIndex) and (ASourceData[k] > TempValue) do            begin              ASourceData[k + Gap] := ASourceData[k];              k := k - Gap;            end;            ASourceData[k + Gap] := TempValue;          end;        end        else        begin          if ASourceData[MemIndex] > ASourceData[MemIndex - Gap] then          begin            TempValue := ASourceData[MemIndex];            k := MemIndex - Gap;            while(k >= GroupIndex) and (ASourceData[k] < TempValue) do            begin              ASourceData[k + Gap] := ASourceData[k];              Dec(k);            end;            ASourceData[k + Gap] := TempValue;          end;        end;        MemIndex := MemIndex + Gap;      end;    end;    Gap := Gap div 2;  end;end;
        3.2 相对于3.1,其实是一个裁剪代码的过程,确定了一个gap之后,从gap开始,然后增量是gap其实跟上面代码的含义一样

procedure TAlgorithmTest.ShellOrder_InterGroup(  const ASourceData: TIntegerDynArray; const AIsAsc: Boolean);var  DataCount: Integer;  Gap: Integer;  MemIndex: Integer;  TempValue: Integer;  K: Integer;begin  DataCount := Length(ASourceData);  Gap := DataCount div 2;  while(Gap > 0) do  begin    MemIndex := Gap;    while (MemIndex < DataCount) do    begin      if AIsAsc then      begin        if ASourceData[MemIndex] < ASourceData[MemIndex - Gap] then        begin          TempValue := ASourceData[MemIndex];          k := MemIndex - Gap;          while(k >= 0) and (ASourceData[k] > TempValue) do          begin            ASourceData[k + Gap] := ASourceData[k];            k := k - Gap;          end;        end;      end;      MemIndex := MemIndex + Gap;    end;    Gap := Gap div 2;  end;end;

  3.3 借鉴插入排序的直接反向冒泡,更加精简代码

procedure TAlgorithmTest.ShellOrder_InterGroupSwap(  const ASourceData: TIntegerDynArray; const AIsAsc: Boolean);var  DataCount: Integer;  Gap: Integer;  MemIndex: Integer;  k: Integer;begin  DataCount := Length(ASourceData);  Gap := DataCount div 2;  while(Gap >= 0) do  begin    MemIndex := Gap;    while(MemIndex < DataCount) do    begin      k := MemIndex;      while (k >= 0) do      begin        if NeedSwap(ASourceData[MemIndex], ASourceData[MemIndex - Gap], AIsAsc) then          SwapData(ASourceData, MemIndex, MemIndex);        k := k - Gap;      end;      MemIndex := MemIndex + Gap;    end;    Gap := Gap div 2;  end;end;

4  选择排序





procedure TAlgorithmTest.SelectOrder(const ASourceData: TIntegerDynArray;  const IsAsc: Boolean);var  I, J, DesiredIndex: Integer;begin  for I := Low(ASourceData) to Pred(High(ASourceData)) do  begin    DesiredIndex := I;    for J := I + 1 to High(ASourceData) do    begin      if IsAsc then      begin        if ASourceData[DesiredIndex] > ASourceData[J] then          DesiredIndex := J;      end      else      begin         if ASourceData[DesiredIndex] < ASourceData[J] then          DesiredIndex := J;      end;      SwapData(ASourceData, I, DesiredIndex);    end;  end;end;

5 归并排序




procedure TAlgorithmTest.MergeOrder(const ASourceData: TIntegerDynArray;  const AIsAsc: Boolean);var  Temp: TIntegerDynArray;  procedure OrderPart(const ALow, AMid, AHigh: Integer);  var    i, j, k: Integer;  begin    i := ALow;    j := AMid + 1;    k := 0;    while(i <= AMid) and (j <= AHigh) do    begin      if AIsAsc then      begin        if ASourceData[i] < ASourceData[j] then        begin          Temp[k] := ASourceData[i];          Inc(k);          Inc(i);        end        else        begin          Temp[k] := ASourceData[j];          Inc(k);          Inc(j);        end;      end      else      begin        if ASourceData[i] > ASourceData[j] then        begin          Temp[k] := ASourceData[i];          Inc(k);          Inc(i);        end        else        begin          Temp[k] := ASourceData[j];          Inc(k);          Inc(j);        end;      end;    end;    while(i <= AMid) do    begin      Temp[k] := ASourceData[i];      Inc(k);      Inc(i);    end;    while(j <= AMid) do    begin      Temp[k] := ASourceData[j];      Inc(k);      Inc(j);    end;    for i := 0 to Pred(k) do    begin      ASourceData[ALow + i] := Temp[i];    end;  end;  procedure LoopOrder(const ALow, AHigh: Integer);  var    MidLocal: Integer;  begin    if ALow < AHigh then    begin      MidLocal := (ALow + AHigh) div 2;      LoopOrder(ALow, MidLocal);      LoopOrder(MidLocal + 1, AHigh);      OrderPart(ALow, MidLocal, AHigh);    end;  end;begin  SetLength(Temp, Length(ASourceData));  LoopOrder(Low(ASourceData), High(ASourceData));  Temp := nil;end;

6 快速排序





procedure TAlgorithmTest.QuickOrder(const ASourceData: TIntegerDynArray;  const AIsAsc: Boolean);  procedure QuickLoop(const ALow, AHigh: Integer);  var    Seed, SeedIndex: Integer;    Left, Right: Integer;  begin    if ALow < AHigh then    begin      Seed := ASourceData[ALow];      Left := ALow;      Right := AHigh;      SeedIndex := ALow;      while(Left < Right) do      begin        While(Right > Left) and(ASourceData[Right] > Seed) do        begin          Dec(Right);        end;        if Right > Left then        begin          ASourceData[SeedIndex] := ASourceData[Right];          SeedIndex := Right;          Dec(Right);        end;        while(Right > Left) and(ASourceData[Left] < Seed) do        begin          Inc(Left);        end;        if Right > Left then        begin          ASourceData[SeedIndex] := ASourceData[Left];          SeedIndex := Left;          Inc(Left);        end;      end;      ASourceData[SendIndex] := Seed;      QuickLoop(ALow, Left - 1);      QuickLoop(Left + 1, AHigh);    end;  end;begin  QuickLoop(Low(ASourceData), High(ASourceData));end;

7 堆排序




    用到的特性:1)最小树根节点的键值最小 2)叶子集结点本身符合二叉堆的定义 



procedure TAlgorithmTest.MinHeapOrder(const ASourceData: TIntegerDynArray;  const AIsAsc: Boolean);  procedure FixdownHeap(const StartIndex: Integer; const MaxNodeCount: Integer);  var    I, J: Integer;    Temp: Integer;  begin    if StartIndex < 0 then    begin      Exit;    end;    I := StartIndex;    J := I * 2 + 1;    while(j < MaxNodeCount) do    begin      //Try to find the min node from left and right.      if ((j + 1) < MaxNodeCount) and (ASourceData[j + 1] < ASourceData[j]) then      begin        Inc(j);      end;      ASourceData[i] := ASourceData[j];      I := j;      j := I * 2 + 1;    end;    ASourceData[i] := Temp;   end;  procedure MakeMinHeap;  var    I: Integer;    Datalen: Integer;  begin    Datalen := Length(ASourceData);    //只需要从非叶子节点下沉即可    for I := Datalen div 2 - 1 downto 0 do    begin      FixdownHeap(I, Datalen);    end;  end;  procedure SwapData(const AFirstIndex, ASecondIndex: Integer);  var    Temp: Integer;  begin    if AFirstIndex = ASecondIndex then    begin      Exit;    end;    if ASourceData[AFirstIndex] = ASourceData[ASecondIndex] then    begin      Exit;    end;    Temp := ASourceData[AFirstIndex];    ASourceData[AFirstIndex] := ASourceData[ASecondIndex];    ASourceData[ASecondIndex] := Temp;  end;  procedure ReverseData;  var    Datalen: Integer;    I: Integer;  begin    Datalen := Length(ASourceData);    for I := 0 to Datalen div 2 do    begin      SwapData(I, Datalen - I - 1);    end;  end;var  k: Integer;begin  MakeMinHeap;  for k := High(ASourceData) downto 1 do  begin    SwapData(k, 0);    FixdownHeap(0, k);  end;  if AIsAsc then    ReverseData;end;

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