
来源:互联网 发布:java workflow工作流 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/14 22:14
前面介绍完了org.apache.mina.core.session这个包,现在开始进入org.apache.mina.core. polling包。这个包里包含了实现基于轮询策略(比如NIO的select调用或其他类型的I/O轮询系统调用(如epoll,poll,kqueue等)的基类。



    private final Queue<AcceptorOperationFuture> registerQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<AcceptorOperationFuture>();//注册队列    private final Queue<AcceptorOperationFuture> cancelQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<AcceptorOperationFuture>();//取消注册队列    private final Map<SocketAddress, H> boundHandles = Collections             .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<SocketAddress, H>());//本地地址到服务器socket的映射表

protected final Set<SocketAddress> bind0(            List<? extends SocketAddress> localAddresses) throws Exception {        AcceptorOperationFuture request = new AcceptorOperationFuture(localAddresses);//注册请求        registerQueue.add(request);//加入注册队列中,等待worker处理        //创建一个Worker实例,开始工作        startupWorker();        wakeup();        request.awaitUninterruptibly();        // 更新本地绑定地址        Set<SocketAddress> newLocalAddresses = new HashSet<SocketAddress>();        for (H handle : boundHandles.values()) {            newLocalAddresses.add(localAddress(handle));        }        return newLocalAddresses;    }

private class Worker implements Runnable {        public void run() {            int nHandles = 0;            while (selectable) {                try {                    // Detect if we have some keys ready to be processed                    boolean selected = select();//检测是否有SelectionKey已经可以被处理了                    nHandles += registerHandles();//注册服务器sockets句柄,这样做的目的是将Selector的状态置于OP_ACCEPT,并绑定到所监听的端口上,表明接受了可以接收的来自客户端的连接请求,                    if (selected) {                        processHandles(selectedHandles());//处理可以被处理的SelectionKey状态为OP_ACCEPT的服务器socket句柄集(即真正处理来自客户端的连接请求)                    }                    nHandles -= unregisterHandles();//检查是否有取消连接的客户端请求                    if (nHandles == 0) {                        synchronized (lock) {                            if (registerQueue.isEmpty()                                    && cancelQueue.isEmpty()) {//完成工作                                worker = null;                                break;                            }                        }                    }                } catch (Throwable e) {                    ExceptionMonitor.getInstance().exceptionCaught(e);                    try {                        Thread.sleep(1000);//线程休眠一秒                    } catch (InterruptedException e1) {                        ExceptionMonitor.getInstance().exceptionCaught(e1);                    }                }            }            if (selectable && isDisposing()) {//释放资源                selectable = false;                try {                    if (createdProcessor) {                        processor.dispose();                    }                } finally {                    try {                        synchronized (disposalLock) {                            if (isDisposing()) {                                destroy();                            }                        }                    } catch (Exception e) {                        ExceptionMonitor.getInstance().exceptionCaught(e);                    } finally {                        disposalFuture.setDone();                    }                }            }        }private int registerHandles() {//注册服务器sockets句柄        for (;;) {            AcceptorOperationFuture future = registerQueue.poll();            Map<SocketAddress, H> newHandles = new HashMap<SocketAddress, H>();            List<SocketAddress> localAddresses = future.getLocalAddresses();            try {                for (SocketAddress a : localAddresses) {                    H handle = open(a);//打开指定地址,返回服务器socket句柄                    newHandles.put(localAddress(handle), handle);//加入地址—服务器socket映射表中                }                boundHandles.putAll(newHandles);//更新本地绑定地址集                // and notify.                future.setDone();//完成注册过程                return newHandles.size();            } catch (Exception e) {                future.setException(e);            } finally {                // Roll back if failed to bind all addresses.                if (future.getException() != null) {                    for (H handle : newHandles.values()) {                        try {                            close(handle);//关闭服务器socket句柄                        } catch (Exception e) {                            ExceptionMonitor.getInstance().exceptionCaught(e);                        }                    }                    wakeup();                }            }        }    }        private void processHandles(Iterator<H> handles) throws Exception {//处理来自客户端的连接请求            while (handles.hasNext()) {                H handle = handles.next();                handles.remove();                T session = accept(processor, handle);//为一个服务器socket句柄handle真正接收来自客户端的请求,在给定的所关联的processor上返回会话session                if (session == null) {                    break;                }                finishSessionInitialization(session, null, null);//结束会话初始化                // add the session to the SocketIoProcessor                session.getProcessor().add(session);            }        }    }

 protected boolean select() throws Exception {         return selector.select() > 0;     }     protected void wakeup() {         selector.wakeup();     }

我们可以查阅jdk文档,它对Selector的select方法有如下解释:选择一组键,其相应的通道已为 I/O 操作准备就绪。 此方法执行处于阻塞模式的选择操作。仅在至少选择一个通道、调用此选择器的 wakeup 方法、当前的线程已中断,或者给定的超时期满(以先到者为准)后此方法才返回。

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