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David Qi: Every speech is an opportunity

1. adapt in the different size of different venues

2. pay attention to the timer though sometimes it's a little difficult to do so

3. be the first in TT

4. observe speeches of different speakers

5. don't do 'red light' speeches

Dan Bass

1. present with emotional simle (this will stimulate the audience to be involved, Dan did this during his speech)

2. this time you do terrible, next time you'll do better

suggestion for table topic speeches

1. start with this initial idea coming up in your mind without hesitation, then expand it into a whole speech

'just do it'

2. pause between sentences

3. own. It means if you getting a guestion:'If you are a superman, ...', you can start' Actually, in spare time, I'm a superman' instead of ' If I'm a superman, blabla...'

  Just try to jump out the question, and share your own unique thinking

4. be yourself. just as a girl answered 'I'm a hero of myself because I'm always so positive.... bla bla'

Humor: Observed from David Qi's speech






1. 停顿表示需要掌声

2. 特定表情需要叫好声


Cindy-ICE: 如何做中文幽默演讲



1. 利用文化共通性。例如介绍自己, 通常说I'm Cindy. 但最近可以说“我是森碟”

2. 有自己的演讲范儿:内容为王。内容幽默优于人幽默,一个是从本质上幽默,一个是利用表述技巧使其显得幽默,尽量使用前者

3. 自嗨,self-encourage等:自己嗨起来是嗨起别人的前提,保持良好精神状态、语言富有感情、幽默意识

4. 保持演讲的新鲜感:不断修改内容、形式,否则讲两次之后,自己都觉得没有激情了,别说感染别人了

5. 忘词是小事。要本着分享学习的态度,而不是自我展现的态度

David Qi:演讲中需要注意的事项

1. 评价标准

Content 占50% topic is the foundation of a speech. 选择一个观众、judge熟悉,不反感的话题:toastmaster是首选

Delivery 占30%

Language 20%

2. topic, delivery 要考虑judge团队会如何反应

3. topic


   love, family

   choose the right topic to the right time: 大赛如果在母亲节附近,自己的演讲一开始可以就将和母亲相关

4. 演讲组织方式

   1)story ->speech

   2)先有opening,ending, body -> 再组织成 speech


The formula of champion speeches

1. problem:something you are struggling with

2.turning point:

3.change:positive change happened on you

4.message:what you want the audience to do after the speech

WIIFW(what's in it for me)


1. how to make it memorable? KISS, keep it simple and short

2. repetition

3. how you say it

1) body language(for example, champion speech: repair the tire)

2) voice

3) value

4) use the stage(1 important point, 1 specific position on the stage)

5) humor(prepare the jokes)

Conquer nervousness

1. take part in table topic as many as you can

2.focus on the stage job, don't try to think about how the audience evaluate you

To be an evaluator

1. pick up good points first of all

2. think about suggestions

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