lex 3d自动加载程序如何完成

来源:互联网 发布:网络销售外汇好做吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/17 18:22
   作为一个刚刚入门的开发者,想要实现flex 3d的自动加载程序,首先要在前期由程序员进行相应的系列参数设置,这样才能使得指令被flex 3d内部接收,这样才能实现flex 3d程序的自动加载。

exec sp_ms_marksystemobject 'sp_RefreshIndex'
goset @cols=@rows*2-1
;with cte_n as
select r from (select row_number() over(order by a.object_id) as r from sys.all_columns a ) x where r<=@rows*2
,cte_1 as(select n.r,b.data_lse
from cte_n n
cross apply(select 'select '+stuff((select ',rtrim('+isnull(F1.v+'/(('+F2.v+')*'+F3.v+')','''''') +') as '+quotename(isnull(nullif((m.r +(@rows-n.r)+(m.r-1)*1)%@cols,0),@cols))
from cte_n m
outer apply(select stuff((select '*'+rtrim(i.r) from cte_n i where i.r<=isnull((nullif(n.r-1,0)),1) for xml path('')),1,1,'') as v
) F1
outer apply(select stuff((select '*'+rtrim(i.r) from cte_n i where i.r<=isnull((nullif(m.r-1,0)),1) for xml path('')),1,1,'') as v
) F2
outer apply(select stuff((select '*'+rtrim(i.r) from cte_n i where i.r<=isnull((nullif(n.r-m.r,0)),1) for xml path('')),1,1,'') as v
) F3
where m.r<@rows*2
order by isnull(nullif((m.r +(@rows-n.r)+(m.r-1)*1)%@cols,0),@cols) asc
for xml path('') 
),1,1,'') as data_lse
where n.r <=@rows
select @sql=isnull(@sql+' union all ','')+data_lse from cte_1
update a 
set dataPath=b.dataPath 
from table_left a 
cross apply(select (select '-'+x.data from table_left x where x.groupId=a.groupId order by x.data for xml path('')) as dataPath)b 

update a 
set dataPath=b.dataPath 
from table_right a 
cross apply(select (select '-'+x.data from table_right x where x.groupId=a.groupId order by x.data for xml path('')) as dataPath)bView Code 
use tempdb
if object_id('table_left') is not null drop table table_left
if object_id('table_right') is not null drop table table_right
create table table_left(groupId nvarchar(5),data nvarchar(10))
create table table_right(groupId nvarchar(5),data nvarchar(10))
alter table table_left add dataPath nvarchar(200)
alter table table_right add dataPath nvarchar(200)
create nonclustered index ix_left on table_left(dataPath)
create nonclustered index ix_right on table_right(dataPath)
set nocount onupdate a 
set dataPath=b.dataPath
from table_left a
cross apply(select (select '-'+x.data from table_left x where x.groupId=a.groupId order by x.data for xml path('')) as dataPath)b
update a 
set dataPath=b.dataPath
from table_right a
cross apply(select (select '-'+x.data from table_right x where x.groupId=a.groupId order by x.data for xml path('')) as dataPath)b
select distinct a.groupId
from table_left a
where exists(select 1 from table_right x where x.dataPath=a.dataPath)select distinct a.groupId 
from table_left a 
inner join table_right b on b.data=a.data 
where not exists(select x.data from table_left x where x.groupId=a.groupId except select y.data from table_right y where y.groupId=b.groupId ) 
and not exists(select x.data from table_right x where x.groupId=b.groupId except select y.data from table_left y where y.groupId=a.groupId )View Code 
use tempdb
if object_id('table_left') is not null drop table table_left
if object_id('table_right') is not null drop table table_right
create table table_left(groupId nvarchar(5),data nvarchar(10))
create table table_right(groupId nvarchar(5),data nvarchar(10))
create nonclustered index ix_left on table_left(data)
create nonclustered index ix_right on table_right(data)
set nocount on
insert into table_right(groupId,data)select distinct a.groupId
from table_left a
inner join table_right b on b.data=a.data
where not exists(select x.data from table_left x where x.groupId=a.groupId except select y.data from table_right y where y.groupId=b.groupId )
and not exists(select x.data from table_right x where x.groupId=b.groupId except select y.data from table_left y where y.groupId=a.groupId )alter table table_left add dataChecksum as checksum(dataSub1,dataSub2)

    以上就是设置flex 3d程序自动加载的方法和操作步骤,只是作为一种参照而已,希望在各位进行flex 3d程序自动加载设置的时候有所帮助。
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