《Java核心技术》复习笔记 - 第六章 接口与内部类

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《Java核心技术》复习笔记 - 第六章 接口与内部类

1. 接口和抽象类的区别

2. Java不支持多重继承,但是引入了接口的概念,声明一个接口用关键字interface,实现接口用关键字implements,接口是可以继承的。接口绝不能含有实例域,也不能在接口中实现方法。接口中的所有方法自动为public,在实现接口时,必须把实现的方法声明为public,否则编译器认为该方法是包可见性,并可出一个警告。接口中可以包含常量,接口中的域被自动设为public static final

3. Object有一个protectedclone方法,提供的克隆操作为浅拷贝,即没有拷贝对象所引用的对象。如果原始对象与浅拷贝对象共享的子对象是不可变的,将不会产生任何问题。但是更常见的是子对象是可变的,这时就要重新定义clone方法,以便提供深拷贝语义。由于Object提供的clone方法为protected,因此子类只能调用受保护的clone方法克隆它自己。为此,必须重新定义clone方法,并将他申明为public,这样才能让所有的方法克隆该类的对象。

import java.util.*;/** * This program demonstrates cloning. * @version 1.10 2002-07-01 * @author Cay Horstmann */public class CloneTest{   public static void main(String[] args)   {      try      {         Employee original = new Employee("John Q. Public", 50000);         original.setHireDay(2000, 1, 1);         Employee copy = original.clone();         copy.raiseSalary(10);         copy.setHireDay(2002, 12, 31);         System.out.println("original=" + original);         System.out.println("copy=" + copy);      }      catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)      {         e.printStackTrace();      }   }}class Employee implements Cloneable{   public Employee(String n, double s)   {      name = n;      salary = s;      hireDay = new Date();   }   public Employee clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException   {      // call Object.clone()      Employee cloned = (Employee) super.clone();      // clone mutable fields      cloned.hireDay = (Date) hireDay.clone();      return cloned;   }   /**    * Set the hire day to a given date.     * @param year the year of the hire day    * @param month the month of the hire day    * @param day the day of the hire day    */   public void setHireDay(int year, int month, int day)   {      Date newHireDay = new GregorianCalendar(year, month - 1, day).getTime();            // Example of instance field mutation      hireDay.setTime(newHireDay.getTime());   }   public void raiseSalary(double byPercent)   {      double raise = salary * byPercent / 100;      salary += raise;   }   public String toString()   {      return "Employee[name=" + name + ",salary=" + salary + ",hireDay=" + hireDay + "]";   }   private String name;   private double salary;   private Date hireDay;}

4. 所有数组类型都包含一个clone方法,这个方法被设为public,而不是protected,可以利用这个方法创建一个包含所有数据元素拷贝的新数组。

5. 内部类既可以访问自身的数据域,也可以访问创建它的外围类对象的数据域。内部类对象有一个隐式引用,指向创建它的外部类对象。外围类的引用是在构造器中设置的,编译器会修改所有内部类的构造器,添加一个外围类的引用参数。

import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.util.*;import javax.swing.*;import javax.swing.Timer;/** * This program demonstrates the use of inner classes. * @version 1.10 2004-02-27 * @author Cay Horstmann */public class InnerClassTest{   public static void main(String[] args)   {      TalkingClock clock = new TalkingClock(1000, true);      clock.start();      // keep program running until user selects "Ok"      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Quit program?");      System.exit(0);   }}/** * A clock that prints the time in regular intervals. */class TalkingClock{   /**    * Constructs a talking clock    * @param interval the interval between messages (in milliseconds)    * @param beep true if the clock should beep    */   public TalkingClock(int interval, boolean beep)   {      this.interval = interval;      this.beep = beep;   }   /**    * Starts the clock.    */   public void start()   {      ActionListener listener = new TimePrinter();      Timer t = new Timer(interval, listener);      t.start();   }   private int interval;   private boolean beep;   public class TimePrinter implements ActionListener   {      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)      {         Date now = new Date();         System.out.println("At the tone, the time is " + now);         if (beep) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep();      }   }}

6. 只有内部类可以是私有的,而常规类只可以具有包可见性或公有可见性。

7. 局部内部类:如果内部类只在某个方法中使用了一次,就可以在方法中定义一个局部内部类。局部内部类不能用publicprivate访问说明符进行申明。它的作用域被限定在申明这个局部类的块中。局部类不仅可以访问外部类,还可以访问局部变量,不过这些局部变量必须被申明为final

8. 匿名内部类:如果只创建局部内部类的一 个对象,就不用命名了。这种类被称为匿名内部类,如GUI编程中的监听器类对象。

9. 静态内部类:有时候使用内部类只是为了把一个类隐藏在另一个类的内部,并不需要内部类引用外部类的对象,为此,可以将内部类申明为static,以便取消产生的引用。只有内部类可以声明为static,声明在接口中的内部类自动成为staticpublic

/** * This program demonstrates the use of static inner classes. * @version 1.01 2004-02-27 * @author Cay Horstmann */public class StaticInnerClassTest{   public static void main(String[] args)   {      double[] d = new double[20];      for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++)         d[i] = 100 * Math.random();      ArrayAlg.Pair p = ArrayAlg.minmax(d);      System.out.println("min = " + p.getFirst());      System.out.println("max = " + p.getSecond());   }}class ArrayAlg{   /**    * A pair of floating-point numbers    */   public static class Pair   {      /**       * Constructs a pair from two floating-point numbers       * @param f the first number       * @param s the second number       */      public Pair(double f, double s)      {         first = f;         second = s;      }      /**       * Returns the first number of the pair       * @return the first number       */      public double getFirst()      {         return first;      }      /**       * Returns the second number of the pair       * @return the second number       */      public double getSecond()      {         return second;      }      private double first;      private double second;   }   /**    * Computes both the minimum and the maximum of an array    * @param values an array of floating-point numbers    * @return a pair whose first element is the minimum and whose second element    * is the maximum    */   public static Pair minmax(double[] values)   {      double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;      double max = Double.MIN_VALUE;      for (double v : values)      {         if (min > v) min = v;         if (max < v) max = v;      }      return new Pair(min, max);   }}

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