掷骰子统计各个面出现的次数 调用函数实现 使用全局变量

来源:互联网 发布:sql和core data 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 13:43
#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>/* declaration and initialize globe variable */int FREQUENCY1 = 0;int FREQUENCY2 = 0;int FREQUENCY3 = 0;int FREQUENCY4 = 0;int FREQUENCY5 = 0;int FREQUENCY6 = 0;/* function prototype */int statistic(int);int main(){    int i_times;/* declaration the throw times */    int i_tmp;/* storage the result */    /* prompt */    printf("Enter the time of throw the dice: ");    scanf("%d", &i_times);    /* throw the dice */    while(i_times){        i_tmp = 1 + rand() % 6;/* 6 is the zoom factor, make sure the result between 0~5*/        statistic(i_tmp);/* call the function to statistic the frequency */        i_times--;    }    /* output the result */    printf("The 1 appear %d times;\n", FREQUENCY1);    printf("The 2 appear %d times;\n", FREQUENCY2);    printf("The 3 appear %d times;\n", FREQUENCY3);    printf("The 4 appear %d times;\n", FREQUENCY4);    printf("The 5 appear %d times;\n", FREQUENCY5);    printf("The 6 appear %d times;\n", FREQUENCY6);    return 0;}/* definition the function */int statistic(int result){    switch(result){        case 1:            FREQUENCY1++;            break;        case 2:            FREQUENCY2++;            break;        case 3:            FREQUENCY3++;            break;        case 4:            FREQUENCY4++;            break;        case 5:            FREQUENCY5++;            break;        case 6:            FREQUENCY6++;            break;    }    return 0;}

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