Virtual Machine Monitor source

来源:互联网 发布:mac 看图软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 09:32
/*    Virtual Machine Monitor    Copyright (C) 2007  Shawn Embleton    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or    (at your option) any later version.    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the    GNU General Public License for more details.    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    along with this program.  If not, see <>.*/#include <ntddk.h>#pragma warning(disable: 4133 4102)#define IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR_CODE            0x480#define IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_CODE        0x03AVOIDKeSetSystemAffinityThread (                           IN KAFFINITY Affinity                           );////////////////////              ////  PROTOTYPES  ////              ////////////////////NTSTATUS    DriverEntry( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath );VOID        DriverUnload( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject );VOID        StartVMX( );VOID        VMMEntryPoint( );typedef struct _VMX_FEATURES{    unsigned SSE3        :1;        // SSE3 Extensions    unsigned RES1        :2;    unsigned MONITOR    :1;        // MONITOR/WAIT    unsigned DS_CPL        :1;        // CPL qualified Debug Store    unsigned VMX        :1;        // Virtual Machine Technology    unsigned RES2        :1;    unsigned EST        :1;        // Enhanced Intel?Speedstep Technology    unsigned TM2        :1;        // Thermal monitor 2    unsigned SSSE3        :1;        // SSSE3 extensions    unsigned CID        :1;        // L1 context ID    unsigned RES3        :2;    unsigned CX16        :1;        // CMPXCHG16B    unsigned xTPR        :1;        // Update control    unsigned PDCM        :1;        // Performance/Debug capability MSR    unsigned RES4        :2;    unsigned DCA        :1;    unsigned RES5        :13;    } VMX_FEATURES;////////////////          ////  EFLAGS  ////          ////////////////typedef struct _EFLAGS{    unsigned Reserved1    :10;    unsigned ID            :1;        // Identification flag    unsigned VIP        :1;        // Virtual interrupt pending    unsigned VIF        :1;        // Virtual interrupt flag    unsigned AC            :1;        // Alignment check    unsigned VM            :1;        // Virtual 8086 mode    unsigned RF            :1;        // Resume flag    unsigned Reserved2    :1;    unsigned NT            :1;        // Nested task flag    unsigned IOPL        :2;        // I/O privilege level    unsigned OF            :1;    unsigned DF            :1;    unsigned IF            :1;        // Interrupt flag    unsigned TF            :1;        // Task flag    unsigned SF            :1;        // Sign flag    unsigned ZF            :1;        // Zero flag    unsigned Reserved3    :1;    unsigned AF            :1;        // Borrow flag    unsigned Reserved4    :1;    unsigned PF            :1;        // Parity flag    unsigned Reserved5    :1;    unsigned CF            :1;        // Carry flag [Bit 0]} EFLAGS;/////////////      ////  MSR  ////      /////////////typedef struct _MSR{    ULONG        Hi;    ULONG        Lo;} MSR;typedef struct _IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR{    unsigned RevId            :32;    // Bits 31...0 contain the VMCS revision identifier    unsigned szVmxOnRegion  :12;    // Bits 43...32 report # of bytes for VMXON region     unsigned RegionClear    :1;        // Bit 44 set only if bits 32-43 are clear    unsigned Reserved1        :3;        // Undefined    unsigned PhyAddrWidth    :1;        // Physical address width for referencing VMXON, VMCS, etc.    unsigned DualMon        :1;        // Reports whether the processor supports dual-monitor                                    // treatment of SMI and SMM    unsigned MemType        :4;        // Memory type that the processor uses to access the VMCS    unsigned VmExitReport    :1;        // Reports weather the procesor reports info in the VM-exit                                    // instruction information field on VM exits due to execution                                    // of the INS and OUTS instructions    unsigned Reserved2        :9;        // Undefined} IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR;typedef struct _IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_MSR{    unsigned Lock            :1;        // Bit 0 is the lock bit - cannot be modified once lock is set    unsigned Reserved1        :1;        // Undefined    unsigned EnableVmxon    :1;        // Bit 2. If this bit is clear, VMXON causes a general protection exception    unsigned Reserved2        :29;    // Undefined    unsigned Reserved3        :32;    // Undefined} IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_MSR;///////////////////            ////  REGISTERS  ////            ///////////////////typedef struct _CR0_REG{    unsigned PE            :1;            // Protected Mode Enabled [Bit 0]    unsigned MP            :1;            // Monitor Coprocessor FLAG    unsigned EM            :1;            // Emulate FLAG    unsigned TS            :1;            // Task Switched FLAG    unsigned ET            :1;            // Extension Type FLAG    unsigned NE            :1;            // Numeric Error    unsigned Reserved1    :10;        //     unsigned WP            :1;            // Write Protect    unsigned Reserved2    :1;            //     unsigned AM            :1;            // Alignment Mask    unsigned Reserved3    :10;        //     unsigned NW            :1;            // Not Write-Through    unsigned CD            :1;            // Cache Disable    unsigned PG            :1;            // Paging Enabled} CR0_REG;typedef struct _CR4_REG{    unsigned VME        :1;            // Virtual Mode Extensions    unsigned PVI        :1;            // Protected-Mode Virtual Interrupts    unsigned TSD        :1;            // Time Stamp Disable    unsigned DE            :1;            // Debugging Extensions    unsigned PSE        :1;            // Page Size Extensions    unsigned PAE        :1;            // Physical Address Extension    unsigned MCE        :1;            // Machine-Check Enable    unsigned PGE        :1;            // Page Global Enable    unsigned PCE        :1;            // Performance-Monitoring Counter Enable    unsigned OSFXSR        :1;            // OS Support for FXSAVE/FXRSTOR    unsigned OSXMMEXCPT    :1;            // OS Support for Unmasked SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions    unsigned Reserved1    :2;            //     unsigned VMXE        :1;            // Virtual Machine Extensions Enabled    unsigned Reserved2    :18;        // } CR4_REG;typedef struct _MISC_DATA{    unsigned    Reserved1        :6;        // [0-5]    unsigned    ActivityStates    :3;        // [6-8]    unsigned    Reserved2        :7;        // [9-15]    unsigned    CR3Targets        :9;        // [16-24]    // 512*(N+1) is the recommended maximum number of MSRs    unsigned    MaxMSRs            :3;        // [25-27]    unsigned    Reserved3        :4;        // [28-31]    unsigned    MSEGRevID        :32;    // [32-63]} MISC_DATA;///////////////////            ////  SELECTORS  ////            ///////////////////typedef struct _GDTR{    unsigned    Limit        :16;    unsigned    BaseLo        :16;    unsigned    BaseHi        :16;} GDTR;typedef struct _IDTR{    unsigned    Limit        :16;    unsigned    BaseLo        :16;    unsigned    BaseHi        :16;} IDTR;typedef struct    _SEG_DESCRIPTOR{    unsigned    LimitLo    :16;    unsigned    BaseLo    :16;    unsigned    BaseMid    :8;    unsigned    Type    :4;    unsigned    System    :1;    unsigned    DPL        :2;    unsigned    Present    :1;    unsigned    LimitHi    :4;    unsigned    AVL        :1;    unsigned    L        :1;    unsigned    DB        :1;    unsigned    Gran    :1;        // Granularity    unsigned    BaseHi    :8;    } SEG_DESCRIPTOR;/////////////      ////  Log  ////      /////////////#define Log( message, value ) { DbgPrint("[vmm] %-40s [%08X]\n", message, value ); }/////////////////          ////  SET BIT  ////          /////////////////VOID SetBit( ULONG * dword, ULONG bit ){    ULONG mask = ( 1 << bit );    *dword = *dword | mask;}///////////////////            ////  CLEAR BIT  ////            ///////////////////VOID ClearBit( ULONG * dword, ULONG bit ){    ULONG mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;    ULONG sub = ( 1 << bit );    mask = mask - sub;    *dword = *dword & mask;}/////////////////          ////  Globals  ////          /////////////////ULONG            *pVMXONRegion        = NULL;        // Memory address of VMXON region.ULONG            *pVMCSRegion        = NULL;ULONG            VMXONRegionSize        = 0;ULONG            VMCSRegionSize        = 0;ULONG            ErrorCode            = 0;EFLAGS            eFlags                = {0};MSR                msr                    = {0};PVOID            FakeStack                = NULL;ULONG            HandlerLogging        = 0;ULONG            ScrubTheLaunch        = 0;//    Writes the contents of registers EDX:EAX into the 64-bit model specific//    register (MSR) specified in the ECX register. The contents of the EDX//    register are copied to high-order 32 bits of the selected MSR and the//    contents of the EAX register are copied to low-order 32 bits of the MSR.//VOID WriteVMCS( ULONG encoding, ULONG value ){    __asm    {        PUSHAD                PUSH    value        MOV        EAX, encoding         _emit    0x0F                // VMWRITE EAX, [ESP]        _emit    0x79        _emit    0x04        _emit    0x24                POP EAX                POPAD    }}//    Loads the contents of a 64-bit model specific register (MSR) specified//    in the ECX register into registers EDX:EAX. The EDX register is loaded//    with the high-order 32 bits of the MSR and the EAX register is loaded//    with the low-order 32 bits.//        msr.Hi --> EDX//        msr.Lo --> EAX//VOID ReadMSR( ULONG msrEncoding ){    __asm    {        PUSHAD                    MOV        ECX, msrEncoding        RDMSR        MOV        msr.Hi, EDX        MOV        msr.Lo, EAX        POPAD    }}//    Write the msr data structure into MSR specified by msrEncoding.//        msr.Hi <-- EDX//        msr.Lo <-- EAX//VOID WriteMSR( ULONG msrEncoding ){    __asm    {        PUSHAD        MOV        EDX, msr.Hi        MOV        EAX, msr.Lo        MOV        ECX, msrEncoding        WRMSR        POPAD    }}ULONG GetSegmentDescriptorBase( ULONG gdt_base , USHORT seg_selector ){    ULONG            base = 0;    SEG_DESCRIPTOR    segDescriptor = {0};        RtlCopyBytes( &segDescriptor, (ULONG *)(gdt_base + (seg_selector >> 3) * 8), 8 );    base = segDescriptor.BaseHi;    base <<= 8;    base |= segDescriptor.BaseMid;    base <<= 16;    base |= segDescriptor.BaseLo;    return base;}ULONG GetSegmentDescriptorDPL( ULONG gdt_base , USHORT seg_selector ){    SEG_DESCRIPTOR    segDescriptor = {0};        RtlCopyBytes( &segDescriptor, (ULONG *)(gdt_base + (seg_selector >> 3) * 8), 8 );        return segDescriptor.DPL;}ULONG GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( ULONG gdt_base , USHORT seg_selector ){    SEG_DESCRIPTOR    segDescriptor = {0};        RtlCopyBytes( &segDescriptor, (ULONG *)(gdt_base + (seg_selector >> 3) * 8), 8 );        //return segDescriptor.LimitLo;    return ( (segDescriptor.LimitHi << 16) | segDescriptor.LimitLo );}PHYSICAL_ADDRESS            PhysicalVMXONRegionPtr;PHYSICAL_ADDRESS            PhysicalVMCSRegionPtr;VMX_FEATURES                vmxFeatures;IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR            vmxBasicMsr ;IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_MSR    vmxFeatureControl ;CR0_REG                        cr0_reg = {0};CR4_REG                        cr4_reg = {0};ULONG                        temp32 = 0;USHORT                        temp16 = 0;GDTR                        gdt_reg = {0};IDTR                        idt_reg = {0};ULONG                        gdt_base = 0;ULONG                        idt_base = 0;USHORT                        mLDT = 0;USHORT                        seg_selector = 0;SEG_DESCRIPTOR                segDescriptor = {0};MISC_DATA                    misc_data = {0};PVOID                        GuestReturn = NULL;ULONG                        GuestStack = 0;/////////////      ////    VMX  ////      /////////////__declspec( naked ) VOID StartVMX( ){        //    //    Get the Guest Return EIP.    //    //    //    Hi    |            |    //        +-----------+    //        |     EIP    |    //        +-----------+ <--    ESP after the CALL    //    Lo    |            |    //    //    __asm    POP    GuestReturn    Log("Guest Return EIP" , GuestReturn );    ///////////////////////////    //                      //    //    SET THREAD AFFINITY  //    //                      //    ///////////////////////////    Log( "Enabling VMX mode on CPU 0", 0 );    KeSetSystemAffinityThread( (KAFFINITY) 0x00000001 );    Log( "Running on Processor" , KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber() );    ////////////////    //            //    //  GDT Info  //    //            //    ////////////////    __asm    {        SGDT    gdt_reg    }    temp32 = 0;    temp32 = gdt_reg.BaseHi;    temp32 <<= 16;    temp32 |= gdt_reg.BaseLo;    gdt_base = temp32;    Log( "GDT Base", gdt_base );    Log( "GDT Limit", gdt_reg.Limit );        ////////////////////////////    //                        //    //  IDT Segment Selector  //    //                        //    ////////////////////////////    __asm    SIDT    idt_reg        temp32 = 0;    temp32 = idt_reg.BaseHi;    temp32 <<= 16;    temp32 |= idt_reg.BaseLo;    idt_base = temp32;    Log( "IDT Base", idt_base );    Log( "IDT Limit", idt_reg.Limit );    //    (1)    Check VMX support in processor using CPUID.    __asm    {        PUSHAD                MOV        EAX, 1        CPUID                // ECX contains the VMX_FEATURES FLAGS (VMX supported if bit 5 equals 1)        MOV        vmxFeatures, ECX        MOV        EAX, 0x80000008        CPUID        MOV        temp32, EAX                POPAD    }    if( vmxFeatures.VMX == 0 )    {        Log( "VMX Support Not Present." , vmxFeatures );        goto Abort;    }        Log( "VMX Support Present." , vmxFeatures );        //    (2)    Determine the VMX capabilities supported by the processor through    //        the VMX capability MSRs.    __asm    {        PUSHAD        MOV        ECX, IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR_CODE        RDMSR        LEA        EBX, vmxBasicMsr        MOV        [EBX+4], EDX        MOV        [EBX], EAX        MOV        ECX, IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_CODE        RDMSR        LEA        EBX, vmxFeatureControl        MOV        [EBX+4], EDX        MOV        [EBX], EAX        POPAD    };    //    (3)    Create a VMXON region in non-pageable memory of a size specified by    //        IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR and aligned to a 4-byte boundary. The VMXON region    //        must be hosted in cache-coherent memory.    Log( "VMXON Region Size" , vmxBasicMsr.szVmxOnRegion ) ;    Log( "VMXON Access Width Bit" , vmxBasicMsr.PhyAddrWidth );    Log( "      [  1] --> 32-bit" , 0 );    Log( "      [  0] --> 64-bit" , 0 );    Log( "VMXON Memory Type", vmxBasicMsr.MemType );    Log( "      [  0]  --> Strong Uncacheable" , 0 );    Log( "      [ 1-5]  --> Unused" , 0 );    Log( "      [  6]  --> Write Back" , 0 );    Log( "      [7-15]  --> Unused" , 0 );    VMXONRegionSize = vmxBasicMsr.szVmxOnRegion;        switch( vmxBasicMsr.MemType )    {        case 0:            Log( "Unsupported memory type." , vmxBasicMsr.MemType );            goto Abort;            break;        case 6:            break;        default:            Log( "ERROR : Unknown VMXON Region memory type." , 0);            goto Abort;            break;    }    //    (4)    Initialize the version identifier in the VMXON region (first 32 bits)    //        with the VMCS revision identifier reported by capability MSRs.    *(pVMXONRegion) = vmxBasicMsr.RevId;        Log( "vmxBasicMsr.RevId" , vmxBasicMsr.RevId );    //    (5)    Ensure the current processor operating mode meets the required CR0    //        fixed bits (CR0.PE=1, CR0.PG=1). Other required CR0 fixed bits can    //        be detected through the IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED0 and IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED1    //        MSRs.    __asm    {        PUSH    EAX        MOV        EAX, CR0        MOV        cr0_reg, EAX                POP        EAX    }    if( cr0_reg.PE != 1 )    {        Log( "ERROR : Protected Mode not enabled." , 0 );        Log( "Value of CR0" , cr0_reg );        goto Abort;    }    Log( "Protected Mode enabled." , 0 );    if( cr0_reg.PG != 1 )    {        Log( "ERROR : Paging not enabled." , 0 );        Log( "Value of CR0" , cr0_reg );        goto Abort;    }        Log( "Paging enabled." , 0 );        cr0_reg.NE = 1;    __asm    {        PUSH    EAX                MOV        EAX, cr0_reg        MOV        CR0, EAX                POP        EAX    }    //    (6)    Enable VMX operation by setting CR4.VMXE=1 [bit 13]. Ensure the    //        resultant CR4 value supports all the CR4 fixed bits reported in    //        the IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED0 and IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED1 MSRs.    __asm    {        PUSH    EAX        _emit    0x0F    // MOV    EAX, CR4        _emit    0x20        _emit    0xE0                MOV        cr4_reg, EAX        POP        EAX    }    Log( "CR4" , cr4_reg );    cr4_reg.VMXE = 1;    Log( "CR4" , cr4_reg );    __asm    {        PUSH    EAX        MOV        EAX, cr4_reg                _emit    0x0F    // MOV    CR4, EAX        _emit    0x22        _emit    0xE0                POP        EAX    }        //    (7)    Ensure that the IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL_MSR (MSR index 0x3A) has been    //        properly programmed and that its lock bit is set (bit 0=1). This MSR    //        is generally configured by the BIOS using WRMSR.    Log( "IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL Lock Bit" , vmxFeatureControl.Lock );    if( vmxFeatureControl.Lock != 1 )    {        Log( "ERROR : Feature Control Lock Bit != 1." , 0 );        goto Abort;    }    //    (8)    Execute VMXON with the physical address of the VMXON region as the    //        operand. Check successful execution of VMXON by checking if    //        RFLAGS.CF=0.    __asm    {        PUSH    DWORD PTR 0        PUSH    DWORD PTR PhysicalVMXONRegionPtr.LowPart                _emit    0xF3    // VMXON [ESP]        _emit    0x0F        _emit    0xC7        _emit    0x34        _emit    0x24        PUSHFD        POP        eFlags        ADD        ESP, 8    }    if( eFlags.CF == 1 )    {        Log( "ERROR : VMXON operation failed." , 0 );        goto Abort;    }        Log( "SUCCESS : VMXON operation completed." , 0 );    Log( "VMM is now running." , 0 );        //    //    ***    The processor is now in VMX root operation!    //    //    (1)    Create a VMCS region in non-pageable memory of size specified by    //        the VMX capability MSR IA32_VMX_BASIC and aligned to 4-KBytes.    //        Software should read the capability MSRs to determine width of the     //        physical addresses that may be used for a VMCS region and ensure    //        the entire VMCS region can be addressed by addresses with that width.    //        The term "guest-VMCS address" refers to the physical address of the    //        new VMCS region for the following steps.    VMCSRegionSize = vmxBasicMsr.szVmxOnRegion;        switch( vmxBasicMsr.MemType )    {        case 0:            Log( "Unsupported memory type." , vmxBasicMsr.MemType );            goto Abort;            break;        case 6:            break;        default:            Log( "ERROR : Unknown VMCS Region memory type." , 0 );            goto Abort;            break;    }        //    (2)    Initialize the version identifier in the VMCS (first 32 bits)    //        with the VMCS revision identifier reported by the VMX    //        capability MSR IA32_VMX_BASIC.    *(pVMCSRegion) = vmxBasicMsr.RevId;    //    (3)    Execute the VMCLEAR instruction by supplying the guest-VMCS address.    //        This will initialize the new VMCS region in memory and set the launch    //        state of the VMCS to "clear". This action also invalidates the    //        working-VMCS pointer register to FFFFFFFF_FFFFFFFFH. Software should    //        verify successful execution of VMCLEAR by checking if RFLAGS.CF = 0    //        and RFLAGS.ZF = 0.    __asm    {        PUSH    DWORD PTR 0        PUSH    DWORD PTR PhysicalVMCSRegionPtr.LowPart        _emit    0x66    // VMCLEAR [ESP]        _emit    0x0F        _emit    0xc7        _emit    0x34        _emit    0x24        ADD        ESP, 8                PUSHFD        POP        eFlags    }    if( eFlags.CF != 0 || eFlags.ZF != 0 )    {        Log( "ERROR : VMCLEAR operation failed." , 0 );        goto Abort;    }        Log( "SUCCESS : VMCLEAR operation completed." , 0 );        //    (4)    Execute the VMPTRLD instruction by supplying the guest-VMCS address.    //        This initializes the working-VMCS pointer with the new VMCS region’s    //        physical address.    __asm    {        PUSH    DWORD PTR 0        PUSH    DWORD PTR PhysicalVMCSRegionPtr.LowPart        _emit    0x0F    // VMPTRLD [ESP]        _emit    0xC7        _emit    0x34        _emit    0x24        ADD        ESP, 8    }    //    //    ***************************************    //  *                                    *    //    *    H.1.1 16-Bit Guest-State Fields  *    //  *                                    *    //    ***************************************    //    //            Guest ES selector                                    00000800H                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, ES                Log( "Setting Guest ES Selector" , seg_selector );                WriteVMCS( 0x00000800, seg_selector );    //            Guest CS selector                                    00000802H                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, CS                Log( "Setting Guest CS Selector" , seg_selector );                WriteVMCS( 0x00000802, seg_selector );    //            Guest SS selector                                    00000804H                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, SS                Log( "Setting Guest SS Selector" , seg_selector );                WriteVMCS( 0x00000804, seg_selector );    //            Guest DS selector                                    00000806H                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, DS                Log( "Setting Guest DS Selector" , seg_selector );                WriteVMCS( 0x00000806, seg_selector );    //            Guest FS selector                                    00000808H                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, FS                Log( "Setting Guest FS Selector" , seg_selector );                WriteVMCS( 0x00000808, seg_selector );    //            Guest GS selector                                    0000080AH                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, GS                Log( "Setting Guest GS Selector" , seg_selector );                WriteVMCS( 0x0000080A, seg_selector );    //            Guest TR selector                                    0000080EH                __asm    STR        seg_selector                ClearBit( &seg_selector, 2 );                        // TI Flag                Log( "Setting Guest TR Selector" , seg_selector );                WriteVMCS( 0x0000080E, seg_selector );    //    **************************************    //  *                                    *    //    *    H.1.2 16-Bit Host-State Fields  *    //  *                                    *    //    **************************************    //    //            Host ES selector                                    00000C00H                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, ES                seg_selector &= 0xFFFC;                Log( "Setting Host ES Selector" , seg_selector );                WriteVMCS( 0x00000C00, seg_selector );    //            Host CS selector                                    00000C02H                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, CS                Log( "Setting Host CS Selector" , seg_selector );                WriteVMCS( 0x00000C02, seg_selector );    //            Host SS selector                                    00000C04H                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, SS                Log( "Setting Host SS Selector" , seg_selector );                WriteVMCS( 0x00000C04, seg_selector );    //            Host DS selector                                    00000C06H                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, DS                seg_selector &= 0xFFFC;                Log( "Setting Host DS Selector" , seg_selector );                WriteVMCS( 0x00000C06, seg_selector );    //            Host FS selector                                    00000C08H                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, FS                Log( "Setting Host FS Selector" , seg_selector );                WriteVMCS( 0x00000C08, seg_selector );    //            Host GS selector                                    00000C0AH                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, GS                seg_selector &= 0xFFFC;                Log( "Setting Host GS Selector" , seg_selector );                WriteVMCS( 0x00000C0A, seg_selector );    //            Host TR selector                                    00000C0CH                __asm    STR        seg_selector                Log( "Setting Host TR Selector" , seg_selector );                WriteVMCS( 0x00000C0C, seg_selector );    //    ***************************************    //  *                                    *    //    *    H.2.2 64-Bit Guest-State Fields  *    //  *                                    *    //    ***************************************    //    //            VMCS Link Pointer (full)                            00002800H                temp32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;                Log( "Setting VMCS Link Pointer (full)" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00002800, temp32 );    //            VMCS link pointer (high)                            00002801H                temp32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;                Log( "Setting VMCS Link Pointer (high)" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00002801, temp32 );    //            Reserved Bits of IA32_DEBUGCTL MSR must be 0    //            (1D9H)                ReadMSR( 0x000001D9 );                Log( "IA32_DEBUGCTL MSR" , msr.Lo );    //            Guest IA32_DEBUGCTL (full)                            00002802H                temp32 = msr.Lo;                Log( "Setting Guest IA32_DEBUGCTL (full)" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00002802, temp32 );    //            Guest IA32_DEBUGCTL (high)                            00002803H                temp32 = msr.Hi;                Log( "Setting Guest IA32_DEBUGCTL (high)" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00002803, temp32 );    //    ***********************************    //  *                                *    //    *    H.3.1 32-Bit Control Fields  *    //  *                                *    //    ***********************************    //    //            Pin-based VM-execution controls                        00004000H    //            IA32_VMX_PINBASED_CTLS MSR (index 481H)                ReadMSR( 0x481 );                    Log( "Pin-based allowed-0" , msr.Lo );                    Log( "Pin-based allowed-1" , msr.Hi );                temp32 = 0;                temp32 |= msr.Lo;                temp32 &= msr.Hi;                //SetBit( &temp32, 3 );                Log( "Setting Pin-Based Controls Mask" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00004000, temp32 );    //            Primary processor-based VM-execution controls        00004002H    //            IA32_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS MSR (index 482H)                ReadMSR( 0x482 );                    Log( "Proc-based allowed-0" , msr.Lo );                    Log( "Proc-based allowed-1" , msr.Hi );                temp32 = 0;                temp32 |= msr.Lo;                temp32 &= msr.Hi;                Log( "Setting Pri Proc-Based Controls Mask" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00004002, temp32 );    //    Get the CR3-target count, MSR store/load counts, et cetera    //    //    IA32_VMX_MISC MSR (index 485H)    ReadMSR( 0x485 );        Log( "Misc Data" , msr.Lo );        //Log( "Misc Data" , msr.Hi );    RtlCopyBytes( &misc_data, &msr.Lo, 4 );        Log( "  ActivityStates" , misc_data.ActivityStates );        Log( "  CR3Targets" , misc_data.CR3Targets );        Log( "  MaxMSRs" , misc_data.MaxMSRs );    //            VM-exit controls                                    0000400CH    //            IA32_VMX_EXIT_CTLS MSR (index 483H)                ReadMSR( 0x483 );                    Log( "Exit controls allowed-0" , msr.Lo );                    Log( "Exit controls allowed-1" , msr.Hi );                temp32 = 0;                temp32 |= msr.Lo;                temp32 &= msr.Hi;                SetBit( &temp32, 15 );                                // Acknowledge Interrupt On Exit                Log( "Setting VM-Exit Controls Mask" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x0000400C, temp32 );    //            VM-entry controls                                    00004012H    //            IA32_VMX_ENTRY_CTLS MSR (index 484H)                ReadMSR( 0x484 );                    Log( "VMX Entry allowed-0" , msr.Lo );                    Log( "VMX Entry allowed-1" , msr.Hi );                temp32 = 0;                temp32 |= msr.Lo;                temp32 &= msr.Hi;                ClearBit( &temp32 , 9 );                            // IA-32e Mode Guest Disable                Log( "Setting VM-Entry Controls Mask" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00004012, temp32 );        //    ***************************************    //  *                                    *    //    *    H.3.3 32-Bit Guest-State Fields  *    //  *                                    *    //    ***************************************    //    //            Guest ES limit                                        00004800H                __asm    MOV seg_selector, ES                temp32 = 0;                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, seg_selector );                Log( "Setting Guest ES limit" , 0xFFFFFFFF );                WriteVMCS( 0x00004800, 0xFFFFFFFF );    //            Guest CS limit                                        00004802H                __asm    MOV seg_selector, CS                temp32 = 0;                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, seg_selector );                Log( "Setting Guest CS limit" , 0xFFFFFFFF );                WriteVMCS( 0x00004802, 0xFFFFFFFF );    //            Guest SS limit                                        00004804H                __asm    MOV seg_selector, SS                temp32 = 0;                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, seg_selector );                Log( "Setting Guest SS limit" , 0xFFFFFFFF );                WriteVMCS( 0x00004804, 0xFFFFFFFF );    //            Guest DS limit                                        00004806H                __asm    MOV seg_selector, DS                temp32 = 0;                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, seg_selector );                Log( "Setting Guest DS limit" , 0xFFFFFFFF );                WriteVMCS( 0x00004806, 0xFFFFFFFF );    //            Guest FS limit                                        00004808H                __asm    MOV seg_selector, FS                temp32 = 0;                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, seg_selector );                Log( "Setting Guest FS limit" , 0x00001000 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00004808, 0x00001000 );    //            Guest GS limit                                        0000480AH                __asm    MOV seg_selector, GS                temp32 = 0;                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, seg_selector );                Log( "Setting Guest GS limit" , 0xFFFFFFFF );                WriteVMCS( 0x0000480A, 0xFFFFFFFF );    //            Guest TR limit                                        0000480EH                __asm                {                    PUSH    EAX                                        STR        AX                    MOV        mLDT, AX                    POP        EAX                }                temp32 = 0;                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorLimit( gdt_base, mLDT );                Log( "Setting Guest TR limit" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x0000480E, temp32 );    //            Guest GDTR limit                                    00004810H                Log( "Setting Guest GDTR limit" , gdt_reg.Limit );                WriteVMCS( 0x00004810, gdt_reg.Limit );    //            Guest IDTR limit                                    00004812H                Log( "Setting Guest IDTR limit" , idt_reg.Limit );                WriteVMCS( 0x00004812, idt_reg.Limit );                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, CS                temp32 = seg_selector;                temp32 >>= 3;                temp32 *= 8;                temp32 += (gdt_base + 5);            // CS Segment Descriptor                __asm                {                    PUSHAD                    MOV        EAX, temp32                    MOV        EBX, [EAX]                    MOV        temp32, EBX                    POPAD                }                temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF;                Log( "Setting Guest CS access rights" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00004816, temp32 );                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, DS                temp32 = seg_selector;                temp32 >>= 3;                temp32 *= 8;                temp32 += (gdt_base + 5);            // DS Segment Descriptor                __asm                {                    PUSHAD                    MOV        EAX, temp32                    MOV        EBX, [EAX]                    MOV        temp32, EBX                    POPAD                }                temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF;                Log( "Setting Guest DS access rights" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x0000481A, temp32 );                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, ES                temp32 = seg_selector;                temp32 >>= 3;                temp32 *= 8;                temp32 += (gdt_base + 5);            // ES Segment Descriptor                __asm                {                    PUSHAD                    MOV        EAX, temp32                    MOV        EBX, [EAX]                    MOV        temp32, EBX                    POPAD                }                temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF;                Log( "Setting Guest ES access rights" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00004814, temp32 );                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, FS                temp32 = seg_selector;                temp32 >>= 3;                temp32 *= 8;                temp32 += (gdt_base + 5);            // FS Segment Descriptor                __asm                {                    PUSHAD                    MOV        EAX, temp32                    MOV        EBX, [EAX]                    MOV        temp32, EBX                    POPAD                }                temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF;                temp32 &= 0xFFFF7FFF;                // Granularity Bit = 0                Log( "Setting Guest FS access rights" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x0000481C, temp32 );                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, GS                temp32 = seg_selector;                temp32 >>= 3;                temp32 *= 8;                temp32 += (gdt_base + 5);            // GS Segment Descriptor                __asm                {                    PUSHAD                    MOV        EAX, temp32                    MOV        EBX, [EAX]                    MOV        temp32, EBX                    POPAD                }                temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF;                SetBit( &temp32, 16 );                // Unusable                Log( "Setting Guest GS access rights" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x0000481E, temp32 );                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, SS                temp32 = seg_selector;                temp32 >>= 3;                temp32 *= 8;                temp32 += (gdt_base + 5);            // SS Segment Descriptor                __asm                {                    PUSHAD                    MOV        EAX, temp32                    MOV        EBX, [EAX]                    MOV        temp32, EBX                    POPAD                }                temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF;                Log( "Setting Guest SS access rights" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00004818, temp32 );                __asm    STR        seg_selector                temp32 = seg_selector;                temp32 >>= 3;                temp32 *= 8;                temp32 += (gdt_base + 5);            // TR Segment Descriptor                __asm                {                    PUSHAD                    MOV        EAX, temp32                    MOV        EBX, [EAX]                    MOV        temp32, EBX                    POPAD                }                temp32 &= 0x0000F0FF;                Log( "Setting Guest TR access rights" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00004822, temp32 );    //            Guest LDTR access rights                            00004820H                temp32 = 0;                SetBit( &temp32, 16 );            // Unusable                Log( "Setting Guest LDTR access rights" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00004820, temp32 );    //            Guest IA32_SYSENTER_CS                                0000482AH    //            (174H)                ReadMSR( 0x174 );                Log( "Setting Guest IA32_SYSENTER_CS" , (ULONG)msr.Lo );                WriteVMCS( 0x0000482A, msr.Lo );    //    **************************************    //  *                                    *    //    *    H.3.4 32-Bit Host-State Fields  *    //  *                                    *    //    **************************************    //    //            Host IA32_SYSENTER_CS                                00004C00H    //            (174H)                ReadMSR( 0x174 );                Log( "Setting Host IA32_SYSENTER_CS" , (ULONG)msr.Lo );                WriteVMCS( 0x00004C00, msr.Lo );    //    **********************************************    //  *                                            *    //    *    H.4.3 Natural-Width Guest-State Fields  *    //  *                                            *    //    **********************************************    //    //            Guest CR0                                            00006800H                __asm                {                    PUSH    EAX                    MOV        EAX, CR0                    MOV        temp32, EAX                    POP        EAX                }                                ReadMSR( 0x486 );                            // IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED0                Log( "IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED0" , msr.Lo );                ReadMSR( 0x487 );                            // IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED1                Log( "IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED1" , msr.Lo );                                SetBit( &temp32, 0 );        // PE                SetBit( &temp32, 5 );        // NE                SetBit( &temp32, 31 );        // PG                Log( "Setting Guest CR0" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00006800, temp32 );    //            Guest CR3                                            00006802H                __asm                {                    PUSH    EAX                    _emit    0x0F    // MOV EAX, CR3                    _emit    0x20                    _emit    0xD8                    MOV        temp32, EAX                    POP        EAX                }                Log( "Setting Guest CR3" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00006802, temp32 );    //            Guest CR4                                            00006804H                __asm                {                    PUSH    EAX                    _emit    0x0F    // MOV EAX, CR4                    _emit    0x20                    _emit    0xE0                                        MOV        temp32, EAX                    POP        EAX                }                ReadMSR( 0x488 );                            // IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED0                Log( "IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED0" , msr.Lo );                ReadMSR( 0x489 );                            // IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED1                Log( "IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED1" , msr.Lo );                SetBit( &temp32, 13 );        // VMXE                Log( "Setting Guest CR4" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00006804, temp32 );    //            Guest ES base                                        00006806H                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, ES                temp32 = 0;                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , seg_selector );                Log( "Setting Guest ES Base" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00006806, temp32 );    //            Guest CS base                                        00006808H                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, CS                temp32 = 0;                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , seg_selector );                Log( "Setting Guest CS Base" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00006808, temp32 );        //            Guest SS base                                        0000680AH                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, SS                temp32 = 0;                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , seg_selector );                Log( "Setting Guest SS Base" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x0000680A, temp32 );        //            Guest DS base                                        0000680CH                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, DS                temp32 = 0;                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , seg_selector );                Log( "Setting Guest DS Base" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x0000680C, temp32 );        //            Guest FS base                                        0000680EH                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, FS                temp32 = 0;                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , seg_selector );                Log( "Setting Guest FS Base" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x0000680E, temp32 );    //            Guest TR base                                        00006814H                __asm                {                    PUSH    EAX                                        STR        AX                    MOV        mLDT, AX                    POP        EAX                }                temp32 = 0;                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , mLDT );                Log( "Setting Guest TR Base" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00006814, temp32 );    //            Guest GDTR base                                        00006816H                __asm                {                    SGDT    gdt_reg                }                temp32 = 0;                temp32 = gdt_reg.BaseHi;                temp32 <<= 16;                temp32 |= gdt_reg.BaseLo;                Log( "Setting Guest GDTR Base" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00006816, temp32 );    //            Guest IDTR base                                        00006818H                __asm                {                    SIDT    idt_reg                }                temp32 = 0;                temp32 = idt_reg.BaseHi;                temp32 <<= 16;                temp32 |= idt_reg.BaseLo;                Log( "Setting Guest IDTR Base" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00006818, temp32 );    //            Guest RFLAGS                                        00006820H                __asm                {                    PUSHAD                                            PUSHFD                                        MOV        EAX, 0x00006820                    // VMWRITE    EAX, [ESP]                    _emit    0x0F                    _emit    0x79                    _emit    0x04                    _emit    0x24                    POP        eFlags                    POPAD                }                Log( "Guest EFLAGS" , eFlags );    //            Guest IA32_SYSENTER_ESP                                00006824H    //            MSR (175H)                ReadMSR( 0x175 );                Log( "Setting Guest IA32_SYSENTER_ESP" , msr.Lo );                WriteVMCS( 0x00006824, msr.Lo );    //            Guest IA32_SYSENTER_EIP                                00006826H    //            MSR (176H)                ReadMSR( 0x176 );                Log( "Setting Guest IA32_SYSENTER_EIP" , msr.Lo );                WriteVMCS( 0x00006826, msr.Lo );        //    *********************************************    //  *                                          *    //    *    H.4.4 Natural-Width Host-State Fields  *    //  *                                          *    //    *********************************************    //    //            Host CR0                                            00006C00H                __asm                {                    PUSH    EAX                    MOV        EAX, CR0                    MOV        temp32, EAX                    POP        EAX                }                SetBit( &temp32, 5 );                                // Set NE Bit                Log( "Setting Host CR0" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00006C00, temp32 );    //            Host CR3                                            00006C02H                __asm                {                    PUSH    EAX                    _emit    0x0F    // MOV EAX, CR3                    _emit    0x20                    _emit    0xD8                    MOV        temp32, EAX                    POP        EAX                }                Log( "Setting Host CR3" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00006C02, temp32 );    //            Host CR4                                            00006C04H                __asm                {                    PUSH    EAX                    _emit    0x0F    // MOV EAX, CR4                    _emit    0x20                    _emit    0xE0                                        MOV        temp32, EAX                    POP        EAX                }                Log( "Setting Host CR4" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00006C04, temp32 );                    //            Host FS base                                        00006C06H                __asm    MOV        seg_selector, FS                temp32 = 0;                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , seg_selector );                Log( "Setting Host FS Base" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00006C06, temp32 );                    //            Host TR base                                        00006C0AH                __asm                {                    PUSH    EAX                                        STR        AX                    MOV        mLDT, AX                    POP        EAX                }                temp32 = 0;                temp32 = GetSegmentDescriptorBase( gdt_base , mLDT );                Log( "Setting Host TR Base" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00006C0A, temp32 );    //            Host GDTR base                                        00006C0CH                __asm                {                    SGDT    gdt_reg                }                temp32 = 0;                temp32 = gdt_reg.BaseHi;                temp32 <<= 16;                temp32 |= gdt_reg.BaseLo;                Log( "Setting Host GDTR Base" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00006C0C, temp32 );                    //            Host IDTR base                                        00006C0EH                __asm                {                    SIDT    idt_reg                }                temp32 = 0;                temp32 = idt_reg.BaseHi;                temp32 <<= 16;                temp32 |= idt_reg.BaseLo;                Log( "Setting Host IDTR Base" , temp32 );                WriteVMCS( 0x00006C0E, temp32 );    //            Host IA32_SYSENTER_ESP                                00006C10H    //            MSR (175H)                ReadMSR( 0x175 );                Log( "Setting Host IA32_SYSENTER_ESP" , msr.Lo );                WriteVMCS( 0x00006C10, msr.Lo );    //            Host IA32_SYSENTER_EIP                                00006C12H    //            MSR (176H)                ReadMSR( 0x176 );                Log( "Setting Host IA32_SYSENTER_EIP" , msr.Lo );                WriteVMCS( 0x00006C12, msr.Lo );    //    (5)    Issue a sequence of VMWRITEs to initialize various host-state area    //        fields in the working VMCS. The initialization sets up the context    //        and entry-points to the VMM VIRTUAL-MACHINE MONITOR PROGRAMMING    //        CONSIDERATIONS upon subsequent VM exits from the guest. Host-state    //        fields include control registers (CR0, CR3 and CR4), selector fields    //        for the segment registers (CS, SS, DS, ES, FS, GS and TR), and base-    //        address fields (for FS, GS, TR, GDTR and IDTR; RSP, RIP and the MSRs    //        that control fast system calls).    //            //    (6)    Use VMWRITEs to set up the various VM-exit control fields, VM-entry    //        control fields, and VM-execution control fields in the VMCS. Care    //        should be taken to make sure the settings of individual fields match    //        the allowed 0 and 1 settings for the respective controls as reported    //        by the VMX capability MSRs (see Appendix G). Any settings inconsistent    //        with the settings reported by the capability MSRs will cause VM    //        entries to fail.        //    (7)    Use VMWRITE to initialize various guest-state area fields in the    //        working VMCS. This sets up the context and entry-point for guest    //        execution upon VM entry. Chapter 22 describes the guest-state loading    //        and checking done by the processor for VM entries to protected and    //        virtual-8086 guest execution.    //    // Clear the VMX Abort Error Code prior to VMLAUNCH    //    RtlZeroMemory( (pVMCSRegion + 4), 4 );    Log( "Clearing VMX Abort Error Code" , *(pVMCSRegion + 4) );    //    Set EIP, ESP for the Guest right before calling VMLAUNCH    //    Log( "Setting Guest ESP" , GuestStack );    WriteVMCS( 0x0000681C, (ULONG)GuestStack );        Log( "Setting Guest EIP" , GuestReturn );    WriteVMCS( 0x0000681E, (ULONG)GuestReturn );    /*    //    Allocate some stack space for the VMEntry and VMMHandler.    //    HighestAcceptableAddress.QuadPart = 0xFFFFFFFF;    FakeStack = MmAllocateContiguousMemory( 0x2000, HighestAcceptableAddress );    Log( "FakeStack" , FakeStack );    */    //    Set EIP, ESP for the Host right before calling VMLAUNCH    //    Log( "Setting Host ESP" , ((ULONG)FakeStack + 0x1FFF) );    WriteVMCS( 0x00006C14, ((ULONG)FakeStack + 0x1FFF) );    Log( "Setting Host EIP" , VMMEntryPoint );    WriteVMCS( 0x00006C16, (ULONG)VMMEntryPoint );    ////////////////    //            //    //    VMLAUNCH  //    //            //    ////////////////    __asm    {        _emit    0x0F    // VMLAUNCH        _emit    0x01        _emit    0xC2    }    __asm    {        PUSHFD        POP        eFlags    }    Log( "VMLAUNCH Failure" , 0xDEADF00D )        if( eFlags.CF != 0 || eFlags.ZF != 0 || TRUE )    {        //        //    Get the ERROR number using VMCS field 00004400H        //        __asm        {            PUSHAD                        MOV        EAX, 0x00004400                        _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX            _emit    0x78            _emit    0xC3                        MOV        ErrorCode, EBX                        POPAD        }                Log( "VM Instruction Error" , ErrorCode );    }Abort:    ScrubTheLaunch = 1;    __asm    {        MOV        ESP, GuestStack        JMP        GuestReturn    }}//////////////////////                ////  DriverUnload  ////                //////////////////////VOID DriverUnload( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject ){    ULONG        ExitEFlags = 0;    ULONG        ExitEAX = 0;    ULONG        ExitECX = 0;    ULONG        ExitEDX = 0;    ULONG        ExitEBX = 0;    ULONG        ExitESP = 0;    ULONG        ExitEBP = 0;    ULONG        ExitESI = 0;    ULONG        ExitEDI = 0;        DbgPrint( "[vmm-unload] Active Processor Bitmap  [%08X]\n", (ULONG)KeQueryActiveProcessors( ) );        DbgPrint( "[vmm-unload] Disabling VMX mode on CPU 0.\n" );    KeSetSystemAffinityThread( (KAFFINITY) 0x00000001 );    __asm    {        PUSHAD        MOV        EAX, 0x12345678                _emit 0x0F        // VMCALL        _emit 0x01        _emit 0xC1                POPAD    }        DbgPrint( "[vmm-unload] Freeing memory regions.\n" );        MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMXONRegion , 4096 );    MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMCSRegion , 4096 );    ExFreePoolWithTag( FakeStack, 'HmmV' );        DbgPrint( "[vmm-unload] Driver Unloaded.\n");}//////////////////////                ////  Driver Entry  ////                //////////////////////NTSTATUS DriverEntry( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath ){    NTSTATUS    ntStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;        ULONG        EntryEFlags = 0;    ULONG        cr4 = 0;    ULONG        EntryEAX = 0;    ULONG        EntryECX = 0;    ULONG        EntryEDX = 0;    ULONG        EntryEBX = 0;    ULONG        EntryESP = 0;    ULONG        EntryEBP = 0;    ULONG        EntryESI = 0;    ULONG        EntryEDI = 0;        DriverObject->DriverUnload = DriverUnload;        Log( "Driver Routines" , 0 );    Log( "---------------" , 0 );    Log( "  Driver Entry", DriverEntry );    Log( "  Driver Unload", DriverUnload );    Log( "  StartVMX", StartVMX );    Log( "  VMMEntryPoint", VMMEntryPoint );        //    Check if PAE is enabled.    //    __asm    {        PUSH    EAX        _emit    0x0F    // MOV    EAX, CR4        _emit    0x20        _emit    0xE0                MOV        cr4, EAX        POP        EAX    }    /*if( cr4 & 0x00000020 )    {        Log( "******************************" , 0 );        Log( "Error : PAE must be disabled." , 0 );        Log( "Add the following to boot.ini:" , 0 );        Log( "  /noexecute=alwaysoff /nopae" , 0 );        Log( "******************************" , 0 );        return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;    }*/        //    Allocate the VMXON region memory.    //    pVMXONRegion = MmAllocateNonCachedMemory( 4096 );    if( pVMXONRegion == NULL )    {        Log( "ERROR : Allocating VMXON Region memory." , 0 );        return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;    }    Log( "VMXONRegion virtual address" , pVMXONRegion );    RtlZeroMemory( pVMXONRegion, 4096 );    PhysicalVMXONRegionPtr = MmGetPhysicalAddress( pVMXONRegion );    Log( "VMXONRegion physical address" , PhysicalVMXONRegionPtr.LowPart );        //    Allocate the VMCS region memory.    //    pVMCSRegion = MmAllocateNonCachedMemory( 4096 );    if( pVMCSRegion == NULL )    {        Log( "ERROR : Allocating VMCS Region memory." , 0 );        MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMXONRegion , 4096 );        return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;    }    Log( "VMCSRegion virtual address" , pVMCSRegion );    RtlZeroMemory( pVMCSRegion, 4096 );    PhysicalVMCSRegionPtr = MmGetPhysicalAddress( pVMCSRegion );    Log( "VMCSRegion physical address" , PhysicalVMCSRegionPtr.LowPart );    //    Allocate stack for the VM Exit Handler.    //    FakeStack = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool , 0x2000, 'HmmV' );    if( FakeStack == NULL )    {        Log( "ERROR : Allocating VM Exit Handler stack memory." , 0 );        MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMXONRegion , 4096 );        MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMCSRegion , 4096 );        return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;    }    Log( "FakeStack" , FakeStack );        __asm    {        CLI        MOV        GuestStack, ESP    }        //    Save the state of the architecture.    //    __asm    {        PUSHAD        POP        EntryEDI        POP        EntryESI        POP        EntryEBP        POP        EntryESP        POP        EntryEBX        POP        EntryEDX        POP        EntryECX        POP        EntryEAX        PUSHFD        POP        EntryEFlags    }        StartVMX( );        //    Restore the state of the architecture.    //    __asm    {        PUSH    EntryEFlags        POPFD        PUSH    EntryEAX        PUSH    EntryECX        PUSH    EntryEDX        PUSH    EntryEBX        PUSH    EntryESP        PUSH    EntryEBP        PUSH    EntryESI        PUSH    EntryEDI        POPAD    }        __asm    {        STI        MOV        ESP, GuestStack    }        Log( "Running on Processor" , KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber() );        if( ScrubTheLaunch == 1 )    {        Log( "ERROR : Launch aborted." , 0 );        MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMXONRegion , 4096 );        MmFreeNonCachedMemory( pVMCSRegion , 4096 );        ExFreePoolWithTag( FakeStack, 'HmmV' );        return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;    }        Log( "VM is now executing." , 0 );        return STATUS_SUCCESS;}ULONG        ExitReason;ULONG        ExitQualification;ULONG        ExitInterruptionInformation;ULONG        ExitInterruptionErrorCode;ULONG        IDTVectoringInformationField;ULONG        IDTVectoringErrorCode;ULONG        ExitInstructionLength;ULONG        ExitInstructionInformation;ULONG        GuestEIP;ULONG        GuestResumeEIP;ULONG        GuestESP;ULONG        GuestCS;ULONG        GuestCR0;ULONG        GuestCR3;ULONG        GuestCR4;ULONG        GuestEFLAGS;ULONG        GuestEAX;ULONG        GuestEBX;ULONG        GuestECX;ULONG        GuestEDX;ULONG        GuestEDI;ULONG        GuestESI;ULONG        GuestEBP;ULONG        movcrControlRegister;ULONG        movcrAccessType;ULONG        movcrOperandType;ULONG        movcrGeneralPurposeRegister;ULONG        movcrLMSWSourceData;ULONG        ErrorCode;/////////////////////////                  ////  VMM Entry Point  ////                  /////////////////////////__declspec( naked ) VOID VMMEntryPoint( ){    __asm    CLI        __asm    PUSHAD    //    //    Record the General-Purpose registers.    //    __asm    MOV GuestEAX, EAX    __asm    MOV GuestEBX, EBX    __asm    MOV GuestECX, ECX    __asm    MOV GuestEDX, EDX    __asm    MOV GuestEDI, EDI    __asm    MOV GuestESI, ESI    __asm    MOV GuestEBP, EBP        ///////////////////    //              //    //  Exit Reason  //        0x00004400    //              //    ///////////////////    __asm    {        PUSHAD                MOV        EAX, 0x00004402                _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX        _emit    0x78        _emit    0xC3                MOV        ExitReason, EBX                POPAD    }        if( ExitReason == 0x0000000A ||    // CPUID        ExitReason == 0x00000012 || // VMCALL        ExitReason == 0x0000001C || // MOV CR        ExitReason == 0x0000001F || // RDMSR        ExitReason == 0x00000020 ||    // WRMSR        ( ExitReason > 0x00000012 && ExitReason < 0x0000001C ) )    {        HandlerLogging = 0;    }    else    {        HandlerLogging = 1;    }        if( HandlerLogging )    {        Log( "----- VMM Handler CPU0 -----", 0 );        Log( "Guest EAX" , GuestEAX );        Log( "Guest EBX" , GuestEBX );        Log( "Guest ECX" , GuestECX );        Log( "Guest EDX" , GuestEDX );        Log( "Guest EDI" , GuestEDI );        Log( "Guest ESI" , GuestESI );        Log( "Guest EBP" , GuestEBP );        Log( "Exit Reason" , ExitReason );    }    //////////////////////////    //                      //    //  Exit Qualification  //    00006400H    //                      //    //////////////////////////    __asm    {        PUSHAD                MOV        EAX, 0x00006400                _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX        _emit    0x78        _emit    0xC3                MOV        ExitQualification, EBX                POPAD    }    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "Exit Qualification" , ExitQualification );    ////////////////////////////////////////    //                                    //    //  VM-Exit Interruption Information  //    00004404H    //                                    //    ////////////////////////////////////////    __asm    {        PUSHAD                MOV        EAX, 0x00004404                _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX        _emit    0x78        _emit    0xC3                MOV        ExitInterruptionInformation, EBX                POPAD    }    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "Exit Interruption Information" , ExitInterruptionInformation );    ///////////////////////////////////////    //                                  //    //  VM-Exit Interruption Error Code  //    00004406H    //                                  //    ///////////////////////////////////////    __asm    {        PUSHAD                MOV        EAX, 0x00004406                _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX        _emit    0x78        _emit    0xC3                MOV        ExitInterruptionErrorCode, EBX                POPAD    }    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "Exit Interruption Error Code" , ExitInterruptionErrorCode );    ///////////////////////////////////////    //                                  //    //  IDT-Vectoring Information Field  //    00004408H    //                                  //    ///////////////////////////////////////    __asm    {        PUSHAD                MOV        EAX, 0x00004408                _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX        _emit    0x78        _emit    0xC3                MOV        IDTVectoringInformationField, EBX                POPAD    }    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "IDT-Vectoring Information Field" , IDTVectoringInformationField );    ////////////////////////////////    //                            //    //  IDT-Vectoring Error Code  //    0000440AH    //                            //    ////////////////////////////////    __asm    {        PUSHAD                MOV        EAX, 0x0000440A                _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX        _emit    0x78        _emit    0xC3                MOV        IDTVectoringErrorCode, EBX                POPAD    }    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "IDT-Vectoring Error Code" , IDTVectoringErrorCode );    //////////////////////////////////    //                              //    //  VM-Exit Instruction Length  //    0000440CH    //                              //    //////////////////////////////////    __asm    {        PUSHAD                MOV        EAX, 0x0000440C                _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX        _emit    0x78        _emit    0xC3                MOV        ExitInstructionLength, EBX                POPAD    }    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM-Exit Instruction Length" , ExitInstructionLength );    ///////////////////////////////////////    //                                  //    //  VM-Exit Instruction Information  //    0000440EH    //                                  //    ///////////////////////////////////////    __asm    {        PUSHAD                MOV        EAX, 0x0000440E                _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX        _emit    0x78        _emit    0xC3                MOV        ExitInstructionInformation, EBX                POPAD    }    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM-Exit Instruction Information" , ExitInstructionInformation );    /////////////////    //            //    //  Guest EIP  //    //            //    /////////////////    __asm    {        PUSHAD                MOV        EAX, 0x0000681E                _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX        _emit    0x78        _emit    0xC3                MOV        GuestEIP, EBX                POPAD    }    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM Exit EIP" , GuestEIP );    //    //    Writing the Guest VMCS EIP uses general registers.    //    Must complete this before setting general registers    //    for guest return state.    //    GuestResumeEIP = GuestEIP + ExitInstructionLength;    WriteVMCS( 0x0000681E, (ULONG)GuestResumeEIP );    /////////////////    //            //    //  Guest ESP  //    //            //    /////////////////    __asm    {        PUSHAD                MOV        EAX, 0x0000681C                _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX        _emit    0x78        _emit    0xC3                MOV        GuestESP, EBX                POPAD    }    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM Exit ESP" , GuestESP );    ////////////////    //            //    //  Guest CS  //    //            //    ////////////////    __asm    {        PUSHAD                MOV        EAX, 0x00000802                _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX        _emit    0x78        _emit    0xC3                MOV        GuestCS, EBX                POPAD    }    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM Exit CS" , GuestCS );    /////////////////    //            //    //  Guest CR0  //    //            //    /////////////////    __asm    {        PUSHAD                MOV        EAX, 0x00006800                _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX        _emit    0x78        _emit    0xC3                MOV        GuestCR0, EBX                POPAD    }    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM Exit CR0" , GuestCR0 );    /////////////////    //            //    //  Guest CR3  //    //            //    /////////////////    __asm    {        PUSHAD                MOV        EAX, 0x00006802                _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX        _emit    0x78        _emit    0xC3                MOV        GuestCR3, EBX                POPAD    }    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM Exit CR3" , GuestCR3 );    /////////////////    //            //    //  Guest CR4  //    //            //    /////////////////    __asm    {        PUSHAD                MOV        EAX, 0x00006804                _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX        _emit    0x78        _emit    0xC3                MOV        GuestCR4, EBX                POPAD    }    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM Exit CR4" , GuestCR4 );    ////////////////////    //                //    //  Guest EFLAGS  //    //                //    ////////////////////    __asm    {        PUSHAD                MOV        EAX, 0x00006820                _emit    0x0F    // VMREAD  EBX, EAX        _emit    0x78        _emit    0xC3                MOV        GuestEFLAGS, EBX                POPAD    }    if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "VM Exit EFLAGS" , GuestEFLAGS );    /////////////////////////////////////////////    //                                        //    //  *** EXIT REASON CHECKS START HERE ***  //    //                                        //    /////////////////////////////////////////////    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    //                                                                                //    //  VMCLEAR, VMLAUNCH, VMPTRLD, VMPTRST, VMREAD, VMWRITE, VMRESUME, VMXOFF, VMXON  //    //                                                                                //    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    if( ExitReason > 0x00000012 && ExitReason < 0x0000001C )    {        Log( "Request has been denied - CPU0", ExitReason );        __asm        {            POPAD            JMP        Resume        }    }    //////////////    //          //    //  VMCALL  //    //          //    //////////////    if( ExitReason == 0x00000012 )    {        Log( "VMCALL detected - CPU0" , 0 );        if( GuestEAX == 0x12345678 )        {            //    Switch off VMX mode.            //            Log( "- Terminating VMX Mode.", 0xDEADDEAD );            __asm            {                _emit    0x0F    // VMXOFF                _emit    0x01                _emit    0xC4            }                        Log( "- Flow Control Return to Address" , GuestResumeEIP );                        __asm            {                POPAD                MOV    ESP, GuestESP                STI                JMP    GuestResumeEIP            }        }        Log( "- Request has been denied." , ExitReason );                __asm        {            POPAD            JMP    Resume        }    }    ////////////    //        //    //  INVD  //    //        //    ////////////    if( ExitReason == 0x0000000C )    {        Log( "INVD detected - CPU0" , 0 );        __asm        {            _emit 0x0F            _emit 0x08            POPAD            JMP        Resume        }    }    /////////////    //        //    //  RDMSR  //    //        //    /////////////    if( ExitReason == 0x0000001F )    {        Log( "Read MSR - CPU0" , GuestECX );        __asm        {            POPAD                        MOV        ECX, GuestECX            _emit    0x0F            _emit    0x32                        JMP        Resume        }    }        /////////////    //        //    //  WRMSR  //    //        //    /////////////    if( ExitReason == 0x00000020 )    {        Log( "Write MSR - CPU0" , GuestECX );        __asm        {            POPAD                        MOV        ECX, GuestECX            MOV        EAX, GuestEAX            MOV        EDX, GuestEDX            _emit    0x0F            _emit    0x30                        JMP        Resume        }    }        /////////////    //        //    //  CPUID  //    //        //    /////////////    if( ExitReason == 0x0000000A )    {        if( HandlerLogging )        {            Log( "CPUID detected - CPU0", 0 );            Log( "- EAX", GuestEAX );        }                if( GuestEAX == 0x00000000 )        {            __asm            {                POPAD                                MOV        EAX, 0x00000000                                CPUID                                MOV        EBX, 0x61656C43                MOV        ECX, 0x2E636E6C                MOV        EDX, 0x74614872                JMP        Resume            }        }                __asm        {            POPAD                        MOV        EAX, GuestEAX                        CPUID            JMP        Resume        }    }    ///////////////////////////////    //                          //    //  Control Register Access  //    //                          //    ///////////////////////////////    if( ExitReason == 0x0000001C )    {        if( HandlerLogging ) Log( "Control Register Access detected.", 0 );        movcrControlRegister = ( ExitQualification & 0x0000000F );        movcrAccessType = ( ( ExitQualification & 0x00000030 ) >> 4 );        movcrOperandType = ( ( ExitQualification & 0x00000040 ) >> 6 );        movcrGeneralPurposeRegister = ( ( ExitQualification & 0x00000F00 ) >> 8 );                if( HandlerLogging )        {            Log( "- movcrControlRegister", movcrControlRegister );            Log( "- movcrAccessType", movcrAccessType );            Log( "- movcrOperandType", movcrOperandType );            Log( "- movcrGeneralPurposeRegister", movcrGeneralPurposeRegister );        }        //    Control Register Access (CR3 <-- reg32)        //        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 0 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 0 )        {            WriteVMCS( 0x00006802, GuestEAX );            __asm POPAD            goto Resume;        }        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 0 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 1 )        {            WriteVMCS( 0x00006802, GuestECX );            __asm POPAD            goto Resume;        }        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 0 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 2 )        {            WriteVMCS( 0x00006802, GuestEDX );            __asm POPAD            goto Resume;        }        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 0 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 3 )        {            WriteVMCS( 0x00006802, GuestEBX );            __asm POPAD            goto Resume;        }        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 0 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 4 )        {            WriteVMCS( 0x00006802, GuestESP );            __asm POPAD            goto Resume;        }        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 0 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 5 )        {            WriteVMCS( 0x00006802, GuestEBP );            __asm POPAD            goto Resume;        }        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 0 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 6 )        {            WriteVMCS( 0x00006802, GuestESI );            __asm POPAD            goto Resume;        }        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 0 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 7 )        {            WriteVMCS( 0x00006802, GuestEDI );            __asm POPAD            goto Resume;        }        //    Control Register Access (reg32 <-- CR3)        //        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 1 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 0 )        {            __asm    POPAD            __asm    MOV EAX, GuestCR3            goto Resume;        }        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 1 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 1 )        {            __asm    POPAD            __asm    MOV ECX, GuestCR3            goto Resume;        }        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 1 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 2 )        {            __asm    POPAD            __asm    MOV EDX, GuestCR3            goto Resume;        }        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 1 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 3 )        {            __asm    POPAD            __asm    MOV EBX, GuestCR3            goto Resume;        }        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 1 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 4 )        {            __asm    POPAD            __asm    MOV ESP, GuestCR3            goto Resume;        }        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 1 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 5 )        {            __asm    POPAD            __asm    MOV EBP, GuestCR3            goto Resume;        }        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 1 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 6 )        {            __asm    POPAD            __asm    MOV ESI, GuestCR3            goto Resume;        }        if( movcrControlRegister == 3 && movcrAccessType == 1 && movcrOperandType == 0 && movcrGeneralPurposeRegister == 7 )        {            __asm    POPAD            __asm    MOV EDI, GuestCR3            goto Resume;        }    }    Exit:        //    //    Switch off VMX mode.    //    Log( "Terminating VMX Mode.", 0xDEADDEAD );    __asm    {        _emit    0x0F    // VMXOFF        _emit    0x01        _emit    0xC4    }    Log( "Flow Control Return to Address" , GuestEIP );        __asm    {        POPAD        MOV        ESP, GuestESP        STI        JMP        GuestEIP    }    Resume:        //    Need to execute the VMRESUME without having changed    //    the state of the GPR and ESP et cetera.    //    __asm    {        STI                _emit    0x0F    // VMRESUME        _emit    0x01        _emit    0xC3    }}

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