install libncurse5-dev for menuconfig

来源:互联网 发布:聚游网络首页 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 17:07

How do I install ncurses header files?

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I was trying to configure the kernel and I got the following error. Can somebody please tell me what should I do?

root@nitr-desktop:/usr/src/linux# make menuconfig *** Unable to find the ncurses libraries or the *** required header files. *** 'make menuconfig' requires the ncurses libraries. ***  *** Install ncurses (ncurses-devel) and try again. *** make[1]: *** [scripts/kconfig/dochecklxdialog] Error 1make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2
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Try installing first libncurses5: sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev– smileMar 20 '13 at 11:37
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1 Answer

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I had the same issue.

Then by sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev it worked fine.

Now I am able to do make menuconfig

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