3.7. Building Non-OSS

来源:互联网 发布:日剧和韩剧 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 21:48

3.7. Building Non-OSS

If you need support for the VMware, NetApp, F5, NetScaler, SRX, or anyother non-Open Source Software (nonoss) plugins, you'll need to download a few components on your own and follow a slightly different procedure to build from source.

Why Non-OSS?

Some of the plugins supported by CloudStack cannot be distributed with CloudStack for licensing reasons. In some cases, some of the required libraries/JARs are under a proprietary license. In other cases, the required libraries may be under a license that's not compatible with Apache's licensing guidelines for third-party products.
  1. To build the Non-OSS plugins, you'll need to have the requisite JARs installed under thedeps directory.
    Because these modules require dependencies that can't be distributed with CloudStack you'll need to download them yourself. Links to the most recent dependencies are listed on theHow to build on master branch page on the wiki.
  2. You may also need to download vhd-util, which was removed due to licensing issues. You'll copy vhd-util to thescripts/vm/hypervisor/xenserver/ directory.
  3. Once you have all the dependencies copied over, you'll be able to build CloudStack with thenonoss option:
                    $ mvn clean                $ mvn install -Dnonoss
  4. Once you've built CloudStack with the nonoss profile, you can package it using theSection 3.6, “Building RPMs from Source” or Section 3.5, “Building DEB packages” instructions.

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