
来源:互联网 发布:mysql 查询语句图书 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 07:54



I found one solution for the fusioncharts v3 suite. You need the fusioncharts v3 source code (included in the enterprise version, not in the evaluation version), and some flash edition utility.
In the file, you need to modify the next piece of code (lines 34 and 35):

var _chartWidth : Number = Stage.width;
var _chartHeight : Number = Stage.height;

with this:

var _chartWidth : Number = (rootAttr ["chartwidth"]);
var _chartHeight : Number = Number (rootAttr ["chartheight"]);

The next step is to export the .fla file to swf for every chart needed (with the flash utility). Then you can use the same fusioncharts.lzx library used in the 2.3 version. I'm not sure if this change has some sort of side effects on the charts, but at least they are displayed properly.
For license reasons i cannot post the fusioncharts entire source code or any of the compiled swf.

