通过AMO获取SQL Server SSAS信息(C#)

来源:互联网 发布:python 日记 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 11:55

Analysis Management Objects (AMO) 是SQL Server SSAS的对象模型库,通过它可以方便的对SSAS里的对象进行访问及控制,包括Cube,DataSource, DataSourceView, Partition, Measure, Dimension, Assembly, Role以及DataMining对象等。要使用它,必须在机器上找到SSAS的安装路径..\MicrosoftSQL Server\90\SDK\Assemblies,把目录中的Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Dll文件加载到项目的Reference列表中,AMO对象就是通过这个Dll文件进行访问的。

首先要添加引用using Microsoft.AnalysisServices;


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Threading.Tasks;using Microsoft.AnalysisServices;namespace AMOTest{    class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            string ConnecteString = "Data Source =ServerName; Provider=msolap";            Server SSASServer = new Server();            SSASServer.Connect(ConnecteString);            List<Database> OutDatabase = GetDatabaseCollection(SSASServer);            //show all database on the server            Console.WriteLine("-------------Databse-------------------------------");            for (int i = 0; i < OutDatabase.Count; i++)            {                Console.WriteLine(OutDatabase[i].Name.ToString());            }                        //show the Cube of a database            Console.WriteLine("---------------Cube--------------------------------");            List<Cube> OutCube = GetCubeCollection(OutDatabase[0]);            for (int i = 0; i < OutCube.Count; i++)            {                Console.WriteLine(OutCube[i].Name.ToString());            }                        //show all Roles of one database            Console.WriteLine("---------------Roles_database-------------------------");            List<Role> OutRole = GetRolescollection(OutDatabase[0]);            Console.WriteLine(OutRole[0].Members.Count);            //for (int i = 0; i < OutRole[0].Members.Count; i++)              //to show the detial of the role Members            //{            //    Console.WriteLine(OutRole[0].Members[i].Name);            //}                //show all Roles of one cube            Console.WriteLine("---------------Roles_Cube----------------------------");            List<Role> OutRole2 = GetRolescollection2(OutCube[0]);            Console.WriteLine(OutRole2[0].Members.Count);            //for (int i = 0; i < OutRole2[0].Members.Count; i++)            //{            //    Console.WriteLine(OutRole2[0].Members[i].Name);         //to show the detial of the role Members            //}                Console.Read();        }        //get the list of the database name        static public List<Database> GetDatabaseCollection(Server server)        {            List<Database> collectdb = new List<Database>();            foreach (Database db in server.Databases)            {                collectdb.Add(db);            }            return collectdb;        }        //get the list of a database cube name        static public List<Cube> GetCubeCollection(Database db)        {            List<Cube> collectcube = new List<Cube>();            foreach (Cube cube in db.Cubes)            {                collectcube.Add(cube);            }            return collectcube;        }        //get the list of the database roles        static public List<Role> GetRolescollection(Database db)        {            List<Role> collectRoles = new List<Role>();            foreach (Role cp in db.Roles)            {                collectRoles.Add(cp);            }            return collectRoles;        }        //get the list of the cube Roles        static public List<Role> GetRolescollection2(Cube cube)        {            List<Role> collectionRoles = new List<Role>();            foreach (CubePermission cp in cube.CubePermissions)            {                collectionRoles.Add(cp.Role);            }            return collectionRoles;        }    }}



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