[OOP]hw002 Student2

来源:互联网 发布:威斯布鲁克数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 03:38

Write a CLI program that reads scores and name of students, and prints out a summary sheet.

The user can input as many students as possible. One students can have as many courses as possible.

One course consists the name of the course and the marks the student got.


// name: student.h// author: Amrzs// date: 2014/03/13#ifndef STUDENT_H#define STUDENT_H#include <string>#include <vector>using namespace std;class Student{private:    string name;    struct Course{        string name;        int score;    };    vector<Course> courses;public:    Student(string name);    ~Student();        int getSumScore();        void setCourse(string name, int score);    void printSummary();};#endif //STUDENT_H

// name: student.cpp// author: Amrzs// date: 2014/03/13#include <iostream>#include <string>#include "student.h"using namespace std;Student::Student(string name):    name(name){}Student::~Student(){}int Student::getSumScore(){        int sum = 0, courseNum = courses.size();    for(int i = 0; i < courseNum; i++)        sum += courses[i].score;        return sum;}void Student::setCourse(string name, int score){    Course course;    course.name = name;    course.score = score;    courses.push_back(course);        }void Student::printSummary(){    cout << "Name: " << name << '\t' << endl;    cout << "Courses: ";    for(int i = 0; i < courses.size(); i++)            cout << courses[i].name << " " << courses[i].score << '\t';    cout << "Sum: " << getSumScore() << '\t' << endl;}

// name: main.cpp// author: Amrzs// date: 2014/03/13#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <vector>#include "student.h"using namespace std;int main(){    vector<Student*> stuVec;    Student *pStu = NULL;    string name;    int score;    while(true){        cout << "Please input a student name, "             << "if you want to quit, input quit" << endl;                cin >> name;        if("quit" == name)            break;        pStu = new Student(name);                cout << "Please input courses' name and score, "            << "if end then input 0 0" << endl;        cin >> name >> score;        while(name != "0"){            pStu->setCourse(name, score);            cin >> name >> score;        }        stuVec.push_back(pStu);    }    for(int i = 0; i < stuVec.size(); i++){        stuVec[i]->printSummary();        delete stuVec[i];    }        return 0;}


CPP = g++OFLAG = -oTARGET = a.out OBJS = main.o student.o$(TARGET): $(OBJS)$(CPP) $(OFLAG) $(TARGET) $(OBJS)main.o: main.cpp student.ostudent.o: student.cpp.PHONY: cleanclean:-rm $(TARGET) $(OBJS)


$ make

$ ./a.out < testData.txt


$make clean






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