
来源:互联网 发布:软件定义存储产品 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/02 00:53

Install Solr in Tomcat

Pre Requirements

1 – Machine with Windows OS (Windows 7,8,Xp.. ..etc)

2 – Java 6 or Above

3 - Solr 4.0.0 or Above

4 – Apache-tomcat 6 or Above.

Steps to get Solr up on Tomcat Server

1.Install Tomcat on your machine and make sure it is ready tostart.(Check using localhost:8080)

2.Install Solr4.0 distribution package andunzip it in your local directory like C:\apache-solr-4.0.0.

3.Make a folder with name solr-home in your local machine likeC:\solr_home.

4.Go back to the solr distribution package that you downloadedC:\apache-solr-4.0.0. Have a peek inside the Examples/solr("C:\solr-4.4.0\example\solr") folder. Copy all those files intothe C:\solr_home folder.(server shutting down exception willcome)

5.Look into C:\solr-home\solr and you will see two folders withname collection1 and bin, copy these two folders a step up toC:\solr_home.(if lib not copy "severe error filterstart" Exceptioncome)

6.Copy lib from C:\apache-solr-4.0.0\example\lib\ext SLF4J andlog4j.jar file to Tomcat Lib folder C:\Program Files\ApacheSoftware Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\lib ()

7.Copy apache-solr-4.0.war (rename to solr.war) from"C:\solr-4.4.0\dist" directory to webapps directory insideTomcat.(C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat6.0\webapps)

8.If tomact is already start then solr folder will create go to"C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat6.0\webapps\solr\WEB-INF\web.xml" edit web.xmluncomment entry andedit like following(Exception SolrCore 'collection1' is notavailable due to init failure)


9.Start Tomcat and check localhost:8080/solr dashBoard willcome

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